At least she delivered my Marg-cover TV Guide issue today. I forgot to check how long it took me to realize she was with Ted Danson on the cover as well. For those of you out of the loop – that’s because I was staring at the bubbly Lady in Red, or is it the “redhead in Red”?

The addition of Ted seems to have brought the playfulness out of Marg again. That brings him much higher on my “like” list than previously. It’s too bad I can’t get invested in his character too much, because I won’t be watching regularly when Marg’s gone in January.

While reading the article, Marg put a dagger through my heart with her comment, “I don’t see her running off to become a casino mogul, but a resolution would be nice.” Ouch! And my biggest hope had been that Catherine would leave CSI to get back into Sam’s old casino world – but not the mob part anyway. Catherine Willows – you’ve just reminded me again to stick strong to the Catherine Willows theory of Expecting the worst so I don’t get disappointed. So with the return to the casino out of the question, now I’m hoping to be nicely surprised with whatever exit she gets. Yes, I’m a glutton for punishment because I’m hoping for the CSI writers to surprise me in a good way. That. Just. Doesn’t. Happen. – ever. Twelve seasons of experience has me knowing better.
I am, however, excited by some of the Catherine story lines leading up to her departure. At least it’ll give Marg something to do other than be a secondary character which it seems she’s become lately.
Yes, it’s Wednesday and CSI is on tonight. Yes, I need to keep reminding myself of that fact. After all these years of being on Thursday nights – and especially now with things shaking up a bit on SVU, which is now in the same time slot as CSI - Marg has become my only reason for watching. That will make it difficult to actually watch tonight knowing the episode is Catherine-lite. However, it’s apparently got lots of great Jorja/Sara stuff, so that might keep me interested enough. It’s been a long time since there’s been a good Sara episode (and hopefully no GSR mention to ruin it this time). I saw a preview of a Sara/DB argument. It was interesting, but it reminded me immediately that Sara/DB arguments aren’t even close to the great Sara/Cath catfights we’ve had in previous seasons. Nobody can argue with Sara like Catherine can.
On the subject of Marg – got the new issue of People Extra today as well. She & Sheryl are both featured again in the “Gorgeous at any age” section again – same as they were in the regular issue of People (but even wearing different dresses).

The cute pic of Marg with the old phone in the TV Guide article made me chuckle, however, this pic of Jamie Lee Curtis with a big phone handset made me totally LOL.

How cute are Jason Momoa & his son? Awwww

On a final note: Season 4 of Sanctuary arrives in just two days. I was reading an interview done with Amanda & Robin yesterday. The final question directed at the two was what they wanted to say to or ask the fans. Amanda said she’d like to know what the fans want to see and what are their favorite things to see on the show. The comments made me smile. THIS is what I love most about the show – the people in charge are interested in hearing feedback from the fans and are even willing to incorporate that into future episodes. Such a difference in what I see & hear from the CSI Powers That Be.
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