I’ll have to work on that.
* It’s Wednesday, so you know what that means. Yes, remember? Wednesday…CSI night. I know, it still sounds weird, that’s why I figured that I’d remind you again – or rather, remind myself. Even though it looks like a decent episode from the promo, I’m still going to be hesitant & cautious since it’s an episode written by Dustin Lee Abraham. His episodes usually included over-the-top Vegas baddies and some kind of hip-hop references that make me roll my eyes ("Poppin' Tags" and "Drops Out" ring a bell?). Tonight’s episode being set in a Vegas mob museum does sound promising. However, since CSI got rid of the best Vegas mob guy a few seasons ago (Sam Braun – and I’m STILL pissed at that) those old mob stories don’t mean as much anymore. The bright spot is that it SHOULD bring a decent story line for both Catherine & Greg.

* Wednesday also brings another round of SVU. I think I’ve seen more first-run episodes of this show since the addition of Kelli, than I had in all the previous years combined. Considering tonight is only episode four of the new season, I’d say that’s a step in the right direction.

* I only got to catch two of my shows last night. NCIS was a decent episode overall, minus all of the political undertones. I did love the fact that the guy was able to slip away from Ziva during her protection detail. That doesn’t happen very often. Oh, and as the outcome goes for that story, I saw that one coming from his first appearance on screen. As standard as the “A” story was, it was the somewhat small, but ever so heartening “B” story that was worth every second. Abby. Sweet, dear Abby. She comes in all excited about being a match as a liver donor, not even taking into consideration the overall consequences. But then she finds out there’s a second match, and it’s a guy whom she deduces is her brother – one who’s so far unknown to her. It was so sweet when she goes to his pet rescue shelter and sees him for the first time, but decides not to tell him who she is. The actor playing him was actually Pauley’s former boyfriend in real life. She got her followers on Twitter to rally for him to get the part. Don’tcha just love the power of Twitter? Hearing Abby calling her Aunt Gert, who has severe dementia & doesn’t even remember her, was heartbreaking, and a subject quite personal to me as well. But the most heartbreaking part is knowing that the picture of the woman in Abby’s locket is actually Pauley’s real-life mother, who died a few years ago. Finally after 8 seasons, we actually get to see some part of Abby’s background – other than her stalker ex. No, I won’t go on the tangent and tell you that’s how the great years of CSI used to be – when they had the small, but wonderful tidbits about the main characters’ lives – until they ruined things after season 6 when they decided to turn the show into a soap opera. Gotta love GSR for that, don’t ya?
* I also got to watch Body of Proof last night. Another show with political undertones as well. What’s up with that? I loved the dead body missing in the morgue & “coming back to life” story, however, didn’t CSI do that not too long ago? Just saying. I loved Megan needling Peter about the “love of his life” and it was fun to see his sisters all at the same time. Poor guy. It’s great that season 2 is fleshing out more back story for the other main characters. Tonight was Sam’s turn, hearing how her brother was killed right there in that neighborhood. And guess who that killer was? Couldn’t be the guy right there, could it? Nah, that’d be too easy, right? I guess that’s why I like the “light” dramas. You don’t have to think too hard, just a little deductive reasoning is needed.
* reading some SPOILERS for upcoming episodes of my shows has me chuckling, shaking my head, and saying “you go, girl” all at the same time. For Sanctuary, it’s the pic of Helen Magnus’ upcoming kiss, and it has the whole fandom in an uproar. It’s sad to see that bigotry & homophobia still run rampant in tv fandoms. It makes me even more upset when they think it’s just to boost ratings. I don’t see Amanda, Martin, or Damian selling out the strong, complex character of Helen Magnus – and definitely not as a ratings ploy. I think it totally fits in with the character of the 160 year old (oh wait, she’s 273 now with the trip back to 1898, right?) scientist/doctor who’s definitely not afraid of experimenting. After all, she was engaged to Jack-the-Ripper, hung out with a vampire genius, the Invisible Man, Jekyll & Hyde, has a father living in Hollow Earth, has a sasquatch for a butler, and houses many, many abnormals worldwide. Because of the upcoming “kiss”, it seems they’re now questioning her sanity. I guess some Sanctuary fans are just as stupidly narrow minded as some of the CSI fans are. Yes, there’s a reason I pulled away from total immersion into the CSI fandom. People don’t know how to argue/debate properly. It’s annoying.
* yesterday’s spoiler for CSI was a bit more eye-opening. Catherine & a “hot” FBI guy? (why does that make me think of Jane Rizzoli & Gabriel Dean?) I guess that means that Lou either hasn’t made up his mind or decided he’d had enough. She left the ball in his court the last time we saw. Yes, I like the prospect of a new guy in the picture, no matter how long or short it ends up being – mainly because it’s about time they did something with it. The Cath/Lou thing just totally fell off the radar. It’s the main reason I didn’t get very invested in the relationship to begin with – because I knew the writers would somehow SCREW IT UP. They always do. This is CSI, remember? The only thing that’s ever mattered is GSR – which is still seemingly going strong and thank GOD we don’t have to see/hear it very often. (So far. PLEASE don’t let me jinx it.) I still wish they would have kept cute bomb guy, Kip, around for a while to be with Catherine, but of course, they had to blow him up. Idiots.
* while on the subject of great CSI guest stars, I’m reminded that I haven’t really talked much about season 2 of Nikita yet. I haven’t been a totally faithful watcher so far this season, but do get to watch a bit while I’m multitasking at work, so I can keep up with the gist of the story lines. It’s great to see Melinda Clarke in the “driver’s seat” as Amanda has taken over things. What I don’t like about the show is that it seems everyone’s out of Division now and on their own, with their own agenda – even Birkhoff. It’s hard to remember who’s on what side and with whom , and then it changes in an instant. I guess it’s their way of keeping the viewers off guard, but it kind of just makes me dizzy. It gives me the urge to go back and watch my DVDs of La Femme Nikita and bring some order back. In that show, you always knew that Nikita was trying to keep the ‘humanity’ alive, Michael always had her back – but sometimes with a hidden agenda, Birkhoff was an easy pushover, and Walter was everyone’s sounding board.
* on a final random note – I don’t watch the show, but it was great to hear that Chaz Bono gets to continue for another week on Dancing With The Stars.
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