Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday This N That

It’s a Friday! You know what that means.

It’s Sanctuary Friday.

Normally, that would make me giddy with excitement. However, the excitement level is toned down a bit this week as I’m anticipating a Magnus-lite episode. Yes, the Catherine Willows Theory will be used to the full extent for this one.

Why, you ask?

Last week’s season opener had us picking up where season 3 ended and following Helen Magnus back in time to 1898, trying to stop Adam Worth from making sure his daughter stays alive – thus altering the timeline in a big way. Excellent episode! I love the ones where we see Helen in the past, especially if she's with other members of The Five. But this week, we also pick up where season 3 ended, except this time, we’re following Will, Kate, Henry & Biggie’s struggle against the invasion of the abnormals from Hollow Earth.

The main reason to watch this episode is that it's being directed by Amanda Tapping. I like getting to see what kind of vision AT has for each scene and how she's going to bring her style to the forefront (i.e. moving cameras and lots of motion) Is it bad that I'm more excited to watch the subtleties of the directing aspect of this episode than the actual story itself? From past experience, (like the episode “one night”, which Amanda also directed) Will-centric episodes basically suck. It's kind of like Nick-centric CSI episodes. They bore me to tears. Will just doesn’t have the strength to carry an episode. He needs to stop his whining and grow a pair. Even in scenes with Magnus, he always comes across as a whiny brat. And the attempted humor just makes things worse. Robin Dunne is good at humor (although the continuous pants-dropping has become very annoying), Will Zimmerman is not. I can only hope that there is lots of Biggie, Kate & Henry, or even Declan, Nikola, or...anyone but Will.

Since today is Friday, that means yesterday was Thursday. Wow. Now how did I figure that out? I guess that college algebra I took a lifetime ago is paying off finally. It was a complex equation to figure out, for sure.

Last night’s schedule started with Charlie’s Angels. Another decent episode, but I still cringe a bit at some of the acting – or “attempted” acting. And Bosley STILL annoys the hell out of me. On the bright side, NEXT WEEK is the episode with Dina Meyer. Finally. I was bummed that I didn’t see her in the previews. I’m also still bummed that they didn’t cast her as one of the Angels to begin with.

(-added-)Just heard the news that the show has now been cancelled. At least they're going to air the remainder of the episodes that have been shot, so I'll get to see Dina's episode next week. You take the good, you take the bad...

The surprise of the night last night was The Secret Circle. There was LOTS of Ashley Crow screen time!! Yay. I wasn't expecting that. It’s about time. And she even got to do some witchy spells. I love that she finally has an idea of what’s going on with the “circle” of teenagers. Now I hope they bring out more about the adult “circle”. I swear that demon thingy slithering just under the skin reminded me so much of the Stargate SG1 episode, “Legacy”. I was almost expecting to see a whitish transparent demon come out of the infected person in last night’s episode as well. That would have been the ultimate ripoff.

The Thursday night schedule ended with the Sarcasm Queen, Jane Timoney, on Prime Suspect. She’s so over-the-top sometimes that it even brings out more of the humor. As I was watching last night, I couldn’t help but think of how cool it would be to have Jane Timoney & Jane Rizzoli (from Rizzoli & Isles) teaming up as partners. Oh, how the sarcasm would roll. We could call them the “Jane Gang.” We’d have J-Tim & J-Rizz.

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