Thursday, September 29, 2011

CSI 12x02 Tell tale hearts

It’s a CSI Wednesday night. That still really sounds weird, doesn’t it? Wednesday. CSI. Maybe by the time that Marg leaves, the change to Wednesday’s will seem ‘normal’. And by then, I won’t really care anyway.

Last week was the introduction of Ted Danson’s character, DB Moonbeam… uh, I mean DB Russell, as the new head of the Grave Shift at the Las Vegas Crime Lab. We also had a small introduction of Morgan Brody transferring from the LA Crime Lab to Vegas, where she can spar with her estranged father, Conrad Ecklie.

So the introductions are thankfully out of the way. Now we can get back to what this show does best. No, I don’t mean serial killers and overused CSI-in-peril story lines. I mean crime scenes, forensics, a little humor and a lot more fun than the super-seriousness we’ve been tortured with during the Ray Langston era.

We’ve got crime scenes. Brutal crime scenes, no less. In the dark. Yes, someone has remembered that this is the Las Vegas “GRAVE” shift… as in overnight, in the dark – from 11pm to 7am.

Someone has also realized how to actually turn back the clock and bring us back to the good old days of the show. I found myself flashing back to great episodes like “Blood Drops”, “Spark of Life”, “Butterflied” and even “Gum Drops”.

We begin with a couple of kids making out in a vehicle on a quiet street. All of a sudden, the sprinklers come on in the yard they’re parked in front of. The window of the vehicle is open, allowing the sprinklers to spray inside the vehicle. Only it’s not water, but blood being sprayed everywhere.

We flash to Catherine taking blood evidence from the girl. Then she walks over to where DB is standing, staring at the small billboard nearby advertising that the homes in the “eco friendly” neighborhood are available. (does that remind anyone else of the Cath/Gil moment in “Shooting Stars” where he’s watching the shooting stars in the sky in awe?) DB gets philosophical:
DB: You know, you lose the blood and the police tape, my wife could really go for a neighborhood like this. Very eco-friendly.
Cath: Not so friendly tonight.

Brass comes from the house to tell them there’s a quadruple homicide in the house. (“Blood Drops”, anyone?) DB goes up to the house while Cath & Brass hang back for a moment.
Brass: I hope ‘Moonbeam’ brought his booties and a strong stomach.
What? No witty Catherine comeback? Where’s the great Cath/Brass banter? Guess maybe she’s still pissed at him over the dealings with Ray.

Cath & ‘Moonbeam’ do a slow, silent walk through the house with their flashlights and check out all of the bodies. Definitely a lot of “Blood Drops” moments as well as “Butterflied” with the careful sidestepping around blood & bodies. It seems the writer of this episode watched a lot of the old episodes and is trying very hard to recreate some of the more memorable moments of the “golden years” of this show. The dad is dead on the couch with a football game still playing loudly on the tv. (that brings us back to season 2 “Burked”, doesn’t it?) In the kitchen a mixer is still beating dough. Catherine follows bloody footprints to a dead girl in the shower (yep, back to “Butterflied”) Her blood was going down the shower drain.
DB: Green house. Grey water system. Recycles everything that goes down the drain.
Cath: out to the sprinklers. Explains why the house was bleeding.

Oh, don’t make me go there. That puts pictures of “Amityville Horror” in my brain. That movie always creeps me out.

DB also finds something on the floor.
DB: look at this. When was the last time you bought a rainbow marshmallow?
Cath: when my daughter was 8.
DB: oh God.

A Lindsey reference. Yay.

They continue through the house and come to a bedroom door.
DB: feel that?
Cath: change in temperature

They see a broken window and a birdbath on the floor, and a young girl in the bed, looking peacefully dead. DB notices blood outside and they all follow the trail, Brass and uniforms included. Brass & the unis go in. He tells DB & Cath to wait until they get the Code 4 signal, meaning all is clear. It seems to be new uniform cops instead of Mitch, Akers or Metcalf. Dang.

Outside DB & Cath can hear the cops apprehending a suspect and start going in. They’re cuffing a guy holding a very bloody shirt and saying that he “loved her”.

Wow. All of that and we finally get to the opening credits – which are all still the same as the last how many years, with just the additions of Ted and Elisabeth. They can’t give us new cast promo pics, so why would they even think about redoing the opening credits. I guess that’s a reflection on how boring this show has become in the last few seasons. I figured they’d kickstart themselves when Ted joined up, but I guess that was asking too much for Carol & Company to actually update something.

Back to the story –
We hear the annoying GPS “you are going the wrong way” voice as we see Morgan trying to get to the crime scene.
(Voice) Make a turn at the next intersection.
Morgan: intersection?
(Voice) You are going the wrong way.
Morgan: there’s NO road.
(voice) you are going the wrong way.
Morgan hits the GPS unit.
(voice) recalculating.

ROFL I really think I’m going to love her. This is what Riley could have been if they wouldn’t have been short-sighted and put all of their focus on Ray. (don’t get me started again)

She finally comes speeding up to the crime scene, not necessarily via the road. Nick is at his vehicle and watching her approach with a bit of trepidation.
Nick: your dad teach you how to drive?
Morgan: Funny. You guys could use a few more freeways around here.

Conrad is just coming out of the house. Morgan has opened her case as he comes up to her.
CE: cigars. That kills the decomp. I always had a few on hand. So uh, you settling in?
MB: yeah… you make an appearance at every crime scene?
CE: I usually roll on anything over a double. And this one, the press is gonna be all over it.
MB: I got stuff to do.
Members of the press then call him over to answer questions.

If the addition of his daughter brings more screen time for Ecklie, I’m all for it. Since Ecklie became lab director, then Undersheriff, I’ve actually started liking him and wishing they’d have him on more. Marc Vann usually seems to be under used no matter what show he’s in.

As we hear Conrad giving his statement to the press, we see Mitch bringing the guy into the police station, then Catherine doing a search of the house. She comes into one of the bedrooms where ‘Moonbeam’ is standing and staring.
C: Uh, don’t mean to interrupt your search, but um, I’ve torn this place apart. There’s no gun, no knife…
DB: Did you notice the décor?
C: you in the market for a decorator?
DB: The kid’s 27 years old. He answers phones at a body shop, and all of the furniture in this place looks like it belongs to his parents. Like hand-me-downs. The only room that reflects his tastes is this one, and it’s laid out exactly like, like the dead little girl’s room. Even has the same doll house.
As they check the dollhouse, they find extra panels that have various pictures of the girl on them.

Can you say “creepy”? Oy.

Morgan is outside the other house, photographing the area & we see the base of the birdbath tipped over. Greg is processing evidence inside the room. Morgan finds a number of shoe prints outside the window as well.

Back at PD, Brass is interviewing the “peeper”. Catherine comes in to gather evidence.
C: I’m CSI Willows here to process you. Get up.
Brass turns down the temp on the AC a few degrees
C: Step on the paper. Strip.
B: Just pretend she’s an 8 year old girl.
The guy takes off his shirt & Cath puts them in a bag.
C: Pants next.
Peeper: can you close the blinds?
Brass grabs the cord for the blinds…and pulls them wide open.
B: Better?
Peeper gives up his pants. Cath bags them, and pulls out another bag.
C: keep going.
Peeper reluctantly strips the boxers.

Awww. The guy is actually quite cute…if he weren’t an icky pervert. It’s fun to see Cath & Brass working together and on the same page this time – even though they didn’t actually talk to each other. At least they weren’t butting heads again.

Doc Robbins is at the house. David tells him that three of the victims are in the van, but they’re still waiting on the mom. She’s the one in the shower and Nick is still processing around her. Nick tells Doc they need to keep her there to keep her in context. Doc says the grandmother was stabbed a dozen times while the father was shot three times. So there was a gun and a knife, yet the mother in the shower was stabbed with the towel bar. Interesting.

DB is in the house checking out the freezer. Sara comes in to say that cadets are searching the area, but coming up empty. Hey look, y’all. It’s Sara. Yes, you remember: Sara Sidle, CSI. We’re 12 minutes into the show, we’ve had DB, Cath, Nick, Greg, Morgan, Ecklie, Doc, David, Mitch, dead bodies, perverts, and we finally get to Sara. And of course, just like when both Gil Grissom & Ray Langston were in charge of things, we’ve got Sara working with the boss. Heaven forbid she’d actually be working with Catherine. That would mess up the whole concept of the show. Yes, that’s sarcasm, people. Pay attention.

Oh, and just in case you failed to notice… Sara Sidle is in a scene where there’s a take-out menu clipped to the front of the fridge. Thus we need to flash back to season 2’s “You’ve got male”. That’s what they call “continuity”. It seems that someone actually learned the meaning of that word on this show. Wonders never cease. Oh, and your ‘eagle eye’ might also notice the same square necklace she’s worn numerous times.

Anyway, back to the freezer… Moonbeam says he’s seen that freezer before – when he & the wife left the kids at home for a weekend. They did the grocery shopping and bought basically the same stuff that’s in that freezer – popsicles, ice cream, etc.
S: it’s a great way to lure a kid.
DB: not a lure… more like a… lifestyle. Arrested development.
S: You think John Lee likes little girls because he’s a little boy?
DB: Immature, isolated, he hides, takes pictures through windows. I’m passive, not aggressive.
S: I though you liked to play dead? Get into the head of the victim.
DB: you know, that depends. You walk into a room, the victim, suspect. I go with whoever has the best story to tell.
S: what story is this guy telling you?
DB: I don’t know yet, but I’m not so sure that it ends in a quadruple homicide.
S: you don’t think the man-boy did it. He was in their house. He was holding the little girl’s nightgown. He watched her for years.
DB: exactly. For years. Thank you. And all of a sudden, one night he stops watching and he starts killing? Why?

I’m really actually beginning to like DB Moonbeam. He’s not strictly scientific like Grissom was. He’s not clinically boring like Ray was. With him being a “family” man, it’s nice to see him bring out that aspect. It’s kind of like the “street smart” comments Catherine used to bring to the early seasons – until the writers somehow lost that part of her feisty personality. (I know, I’ll save you all from the long rant going down that tangent will bring) Oh, and by the way…the constant mention of DB’s family may get to be annoying if we rarely (if at all) get to see various members of the family. Even the phone calls from the wife have less meaning the more times they come up.

Back at PD naked Peeper (John Lee) is freezing his naked tush off (gotta love Brass for being thoughtful enough to turn down the heat) and Catherine asks for his right hand.
JL: is it going to hurt?
C: a lot less than jabbing a towel bar into a woman 20 times.
JL: I didn’t do it. Any of it. … I went by the house. I looked in & I saw her. She was already dead. The blood. … I loved her. I couldn’t leave her there like that.
C: other hand.
B: you know, I ran you. No record, no complaints. But here’s what I think happened. I think you were hanging out by that window peeping, someone saw you, told the Chamblisses, dad didn’t like that. So he walked across the street to your house, knocked on your door, then knocked on your head. And you didn’t like that.
C: I tested your hands for lead, to determine if you fired a gun…
B: and guess what color ‘positive’ is? (he holds up a red jumpsuit)
C: You shot that little girl. You shot her father, sliced & diced her grandmother, and stabbed & beat her mother with a towel bar.
B: and we’re gonna prove it too. … So you’ve got a choice. You can spend the rest of your life in General Pop with a bunch of gangsters & killers who never get to see their kids and gonna take it out on you in a heavy way, or… you can tell us what you did, and maybe buy yourself a private cell. What’s it gonna be?
JL: I did it.
Cath & Brass look perplexed.
JL: I’m the one who killed the Chambliss family.

I guess after 11 seasons, that’s something new. LOL

Ecklie is back at the crime scene, giving a statement to the press out on the street. We see Morgan outside the house in the background during his statement, still processing evidence.

I’m not sure why they’re hitting this estranged father/daughter part so heavy to begin with. Why don’t they just put an anvil in the corner of the screen, instead of beating us over the head with the point they’re trying to make? Catherine & Sam had daughter/daddy issues, yet they brought them to us subtly, not beating-over-the-head/anvil style.

Cath & Brass leave the room. As Cath comes down the hall, she hears a woman at the main desk who is telling the officer (Hey isn’t that Metcalf. Yay. Yay. Yay. I’ve missed him.) that they arrested the wrong man in the Chambliss murders.
C: really? And you would know that, how?
Woman: I know, because I did it. I’m the one who killed the Chambliss family.

Oh boy.

Brass is in an interview room talking with the lady, Leslie Gitig. Ecklie comes in, turns up the thermostat (were there memos sent out recently on new ways to torture suspects?) and closes the blinds. Leslie says that she & Calvin Chambliss were having an affair, and the guy promised to leave his wife. She said Calvin decided to tell his wife about the affair instead. She tells them to check her phone records, then to check the traffic cameras to show she was sitting in her car outside their house. She said Cal’s mother wouldn’t let her in so she killed her, then Cal, Susan and Fiona. Ecklie tells her to give them some information that wasn’t in all of the papers & press statements. So she gives them plenty of other details. She seems convincing.

Catherine is waiting in autopsy as Doc comes in. (Wow. There’s something else that seems new. I’m liking this.)
Doc: I heard about the second confession.
Cath: one is good, two is bad.
Doc gives her the rundown on the bodies, with the wife stabbed & beaten, the husband shot three times, and the young girl – strangely enough, no signs of sexual assault.

It’s mainly an exposition scene – to get out the information about the bodies, yet I always find myself loving even the simplest of scenes between Doc Robbins and Catherine. There’s just something about having Marg & RDH working together that brings a spark.

Moonbeam comes into the house as Morgan & Nick are processing. He calls a “family meeting” as they go into the bedroom where Greg is still processing. He first asks them if they think the little girl was the target of the attack. No one raises their hands. (jeez, are we back in high school again? Oy.) Then he asks if point of entry was the window. He gets raised hands from Greg & Morgan. He theorizes that the bird bath comes through the window and asks about the girl. Greg said he processed urine under the bed. Moonbeam asks Nick if the dad could have heard the commotion. Nick says the tv was on loud, so maybe he didn’t hear anything, and the grandmother had a hearing aid. Greg said the mixer was on in the kitchen.
DB: that’s crazy. Someone breaks into my daughter’s bedroom, first she yells bloody hell, then she wouldn’t hide, she’d run to me.
M: little girl’s behavior is off.
DB: everybody’s behavior is off on this thing. Oh by the way, Catherine called and said John Lee did not touch the girl sexually, so I’m glad to see none of you raised your hands when I asked if she was the source of this whole thing.
G: in that case, I’d like to retract my hand raise from earlier. Girl’s behavior is more consistent with point of entry at the front door. Then she ran & hid.
M: But there was no evidence of forced entry at the front door. Dad’s on the sofa, mom’s in the kitchen, then grandma had to let them in.

The hand raising thing was kind of cute. Family meeting? Oy. Is that all we’re going to get from him now is family references? That can become annoying very quickly.

Snobby Leslie is recounting her story again for the camera that they’re taping her with. She said she disposed of her beretta in the water hazard off the 12th hole at a country club she drives by every day.

A new lab tech walks through the lab with a big container with some water and a gun. She meets up with Catherine.
C: ooh, is that it?
Tech: just like she said, 12th hole water hazard. Swan took a bit out of the diver.
C: surprised you let someone else go in after it.
Tech: You know how those Navy SEALS are. They make us Marines take a back seat.
C: Yeah. Well, bullets are in evidence. When you’re done, make sure Russell gets your report?
Tech: got it. Best job in the world – get to play with guns, nobody shootin’ back.

I like her. After only 25 seconds, I really, really like her. Please don’t let her disappear into thin air, or only appear once or twice a season. Yes, I’ll never forget Bobby Dawson, but whoever this lady is, keep finding ways to bring her onto the screen.

Greg & Morgan are in the lab comparing boot prints. They confirm John Lee was outside the window, but his prints weren’t in the house.
G: Russell was right.
M: nice hand retraction…brown nose.

ROFL Did I mention that I think I’m really going to like her?

New ballistics lady (what the heck is her name?) does the processing of the gun. There’s not a match.

Moonbeam comes into the interrogation room to talk with Leslie. He tells her the gun didn’t match, that the rifling was different. She gives him mumbo jumbo about how many things could change the characteristics. Leslie is a legal secretary and knows a lot of the lingo & criminal procedure. She reiterates that she killed the family, that she “sunk that knife into her 24 times”. Moonbeam leaves the room to talk to Cath in the hallway.
DB: She’s a piece of work
C: she’s, what, 105 pounds soaking wet? And I don’t think she owns work boots, not men’s size 12 anyway.
DB: it was a towel rod, not a knife.
C: I ran her phone logs, she’s been making calls to law enforcement all over the county.
DB: she got a look at our evidence. You know, she may be crazy but she figured out point of entry before we did.
C: Maybe we should keep that to ourselves.
DB: yeah. John Lee dressed yet?
C: I would hope so, why?
DB: Guy’s a peeper, and if he didn’t murder that family, maybe he saw who did.

Ha. Methinks Cath has had enough of naked John.

Cath & Moonbeam are interviewing John. He says he didn’t see anything.
C: John, you loved Fiona. Loved her. Then something horrible happened to her. She would want you to help us.
John doesn’t say anything, so Cath shows him a picture of Leslie. He recites a description of her vehicle. He said she would park down the street & sit there for long periods of time. He said she’s “an awful woman”. They ask if he’s seen any other “awful” people go inside. He asks for the cherry cola he requested earlier.

Hey, come on. Cherry Cola is my favorite. Don’t give it to a peeper pervert.

Sara & Morgan are processing in the lab.
S: explain this to me – some perv stalks your daughter, peeks in her window, takes photos for years, mother doesn’t work, father is unemployed, I mean, they were around.
M: you can’t tell me they didn’t know. I found dozens of footprints outside that window.
S: so why didn’t they call the police?
M: Maybe they couldn’t. Did you get a look inside that garage?
S: porche still has dealer plates. New Volvo wagon… money.
M: dad was laid off, where’d it come from? … in LA, 70% of all murders are related to drugs
Greg comes in with a box full of evidence.
G: that might explain what I recovered from the kitchen.
He pulls out a case of baking soda, an accurate scale.
M: either mom was OCD or she was cutting powder. … cocaine, maybe meth?
G: we didn’t find any drugs in that house.
S: because we weren’t looking for them. … I’ll drive. I know the way.

Ha. Sara’s “I’ll drive” brings back memories as well. And it’s cute to realize the lab grapevine made its rounds with Morgan getting lost on the way to the scene. But good grief, come on. If they’re going to have Sara in an episode, at least have her doing something other than standing & looking pretty (she is looking mighty fine though, ain’t she?). I did find it amusing to see the “This department has worked 127 days without a lost time accident” poster on the wall. Hmmm. Is that since Ray got the crap beaten out of him, I wonder?

Hodges is thoroughly checking the big rash on his hand as Nick comes in to the lab. He dropped his gloves & ended up putting his hand in some battery acid while trying to pick them up. Ouch.
N: you know, they really shouldn’t even let you out of the lab.
H: May I cite you in my Workman’s Comp case?

LOL is that why they had the “127 days” poster on the wall in the previous scene? Sometimes this show really makes me shake my head.

Hodges identified the blue fibers from Mr Chambliss as denim.
H: just as you’ll never get the chance to run Grave, these never got the chance to be pants.

ROFLMAO I think Hodges is my new favorite. Can I give him a really big hug & kiss for that one?

Apparently the not-yet-jeans denim fibers are from new “enviro-friendly” insulation.

Now Greg & Morgan (why do I always want to say Riley?) are searching (ransacking?) the house, looking high & low and everywhere in between. Sara calls from the other room to have them come see what she found. Behind the painting of a unicorn is an electrical panel. It’s something that John Lee’s bedroom didn’t have. The electrical panel for the place is in the garage. They open it up, pull off the facing, and find a huge stash.
G (to Morgan): good call, Hollywood.
M: I love when I’m right.

Well, at least we can say Sara’s real reason for being in the episode was to find the true reason for the murders to begin with. That’s some consolation, I guess. Yay Sara.

Cath & Moonbeam are back interrogating John Lee. He said they let strange men sit on Fiona’s bed and made her sit in the hallway. One time she forgot her doll and went to get it. Her dad yelled at her. He said the dad yelled at her a lot.

Sara & Morgan are processing the money found at the house. They get a fingerprint hit on Lonny Gallows. They send a pic of the guy to DB as he & Cath are still talking to John Lee. DB shows it to Cath. They ask John Lee about him. He said he saw the guy in Fiona’s bedroom a lot.

Don’t ya just love how fast up-to-date technology (smart phones) can help avoid boring in-between scenes by bringing instant information to other CSIs on the case without the obligatory phone calls? No unnecessary phone calls here, just a quick picture sent. How things have progressed since the old season 1 pagers.

Nick arrives at a construction site where Lonny Gallows is. He tries to run, but Mitch and another officer are able to get him. He’s got bloody shoes, and gloves on him, as well as drugs. His father comes rushing to his rescue. He says the boots & gloves are his. He says that he committed the murder.

Can we please get off this merry-go-round soon? I think I’m getting flashbacks to a warped version of “Ending Happy”. Oh, did I mention that Mr Gallows is played by Chris Mulkey? I love him. He was Annie Potts' husband on “Anyday now” back in the day.

Mr G insists he was the one who killed the family, but Nick & Brass still don’t believe him, since Lonny’s prints were on the drugs & money. He says he protected his kid, by killing the family. His son had gotten clean in rehab. He’ll tell them everything if they drop the drug charges on Lonny.

Moonbeam, Ecklie, Brass & Nick are having a pow-wow in Brass’ office. With Mr G’s confession, Leslie is now off the hook. John Lee made bail.
E: so our only viable suspect is the one person who hasn’t confessed to the crime.
Brass looks at Moonbeam.
B: any thoughts?
DB: yeah, who killed Cock Robbin?
B: those ‘shrooms in your office aren’t medicinal, are they?

Ha. At least Brass has someone new to play his sarcasm off of these days.

Apparently, the Cock Robbin thing was part of a folk song. Guess I’m not up to speed on that.

DB: okay, forget folk songs. Crime novels. Strangers on a train.
E: yeah, I saw the movie. What’s your point?

Yay. Another quip that takes me back to an old episode. “A night at the movies” Season 3? 4? Whatever season, it was a good episode – both cases.

Moonbeam realizes that all three confessors said the same words in the same order. “I did it. I’m the one who killed the Chamliss Family.” So, total strangers getting together to commit a crime.
DB: there is no perfect crime, but if you create enough reasonable doubt you might just have the perfect defense.

Looks like there’s a “family meeting” in the layout room with Moonbeam, Greg, Nick, Cath & Sara…wait a minute. I just said Cath & Sara? Really? Stop the presses!

Anyway, Leslie brought her car to Benson’s Auto Body to have it repaired. It’s the same place John Lee works at. She also paid for the truck that she plowed into – a truck owned by Maurice Gallows.

Cath & Greg go to check out Leslie’s car. As they’re checking it for damage, gunshots ring out. Cath, Greg & the uniforms run into the house. The uniform goes in first, finds Leslie on the floor with blood on her chest. He continues through the house as Cath & Greg check the body. She’s still alive. Greg calls for an ambulance. We hear the officer telling someone to put the gun down. Cath tells Greg to stay with Leslie. She goes to help the officer and finds John Lee sitting on the floor with a gun in his hand. He said Leslie told him he could have Fiona. He didn’t realize that he was supposed to kill Fiona. He couldn’t do it, so she did. John says now he has nothing, and blows his brains out in front of Cath & the officer.

Poor Cath. Anybody who didn’t think the guy was going to kill himself, raise your hands. Yep. Saw that one coming from a mile away, right? Sometimes, I’d really like to see a full episode of the “unexpected”.

So, with John and Leslie out of the picture, Moonbeam & Brass go back to talking to Mr G. He finally tells them Leslie said it was just going to be Cal Chambliss that would be killed, not the whole family.
Mr G: you know what it’s like to lose a kid to drugs? To wish the world for him & see that world come crashing down around him?
Brass: I do, actually. I do. … but it still doesn’t justify killing the whole family.

Awww. It’s a reference to Ellie. It’s been a while since we’ve heard a mention of her.

Cath comes to Gil’s… er, Moonbeam’s office to put a wrap on a long day/night/week.
C: I’m gonna head out. You need anything?
DB: no, I’m good. Thank you. See you tomorrow.
Cath looks around briefly, then comes into the office
C: Cock Robbin. Really. What…journal did you get that one from?
DB: my parents were singers and that was kind of a favorite around our…van.
C: mmmm.
DB: go with what you know, right?
C: yeah. Well, it worked. It … really worked.
DB: what’s going on? You alright?
DB’s phone buzzes. It says “home”. He ignores it.
C: aren’t you gonna get that?
DB: I don’t wanna be rude.
C: oh, be rude. Goodnight.
Cath walks out with a troubled look on her face. DB answers the call from his wife.

This brings to mind what an early Cath/Gil scene would have been like before they really knew each other so well. Yes, Cath has the look that shows there’s something going on with her. Yes, maybe it’s that she just saw a guy blow his brains out in front of her – even if he was a pervert peeper. I just really hope they don’t give her an over-troubled mind to cause her to make her exit. I would hope that it becomes an excitement to go on to another adventure. Then again, this is CSI I’m talking about. What are the odds we’d see anything that resembles something I’d like to see.

So overall, kind of a so-so episode. There were some decent Cath scenes. Some good “moonbeam really is a strange one” scenes, a nice Ecklie presence. Loved the new ballistics lady. However, it almost seems that there are too many people to give screen time to these days. Sara really wasn’t needed, but I was glad to have her on screen anyway. Greg, as usual, gets stuck in the background. Brass had a good presence as well.

I enjoyed the many things that made me think of previous episodes. It was kind of a trip down memory lane.

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