We could just call this episode “the one with the nutballs.”
Rizzoli family drama.
You know that when Frank Rizzoli appears, there’s always
going to be a lot of it. After all, in the words of Jane Rizzoli, they're a family of “nutballs.” And there are a number of items that always come to
the forefront when that happens.
1. We’re reminded that Jane may be "daddy's girl", but she is definitely her mother’s daughter and
that Tommy is his father’s son.
We always see Jane as the strong one in the family– whether
she wants to be or not. (“why do I always have to be the oldest?”) But as we
see again in this episode, she gets that trait from her mother.
On the flip side, Tommy is frighteningly like his father.
After all that’s happened in the past few years, Tommy still can’t seem to
understand why the rest of the family can’t forgive Frank of his transgressions so
easily. He doesn’t seem to understand that sometimes things can’t go back to
‘normal’ after a simple apology. He doesn’t realize that forgiveness does not
mean forgetting, and even forgiveness still needs to be earned.
2. We know that Frankie will always be standing united with
Jane because he knows that her morals and values reflect his own. That was evident during the scene in the café
where Frank, Angela & Tommy were leaving to go to the doctor’s appointment.
Frankie: ‘we should go with them’ Jane: ‘yeah, we should’. Frankie looked like
an eager puppy waiting for her to start following them. I almost expected him
to do so. I would have given him kudos in doing so and not just following what
Jane did. I was disappointed when he turned and walked away with a scoff.
3. We’ve come to expect that in times where heavy burdens
are being placed on her children, Angela Rizzoli will be their rock, taking
those burdens onto her own shoulders and giving her kids a hug of support. That was never more
evident than during the scene at Maura’s where Angela comes in on Jane &
Maura’s conversation and realizes why Frank is back and that he’d put it all on
Jane’s shoulders to tell her mother and brothers.
4. We know that Maura will have the role of psychologist,
along with her LLBFF duties. Also in this case, she gets stuck being hostess
for the Rizzoli family supper. Then again, as Angela reminded us all – Maura is
family. I give big kudos to Sasha in this episode. Throughout all of the Rizzoli family drama, Maura was the one being "the audience". She was mostly silent, but watching all of the chaos unfold and watching everyone - especially Jane - and ready with a quiet look or comforting hand. Sasha did most of her acting in this episode with facial expressions and posture, and she did it wonderfully, bringing Maura's silent observation and quiet support to the forefront without saying many words.
5. Korsak and Frost always have Jane’s back. They carry on
with the case and give Jane the latitude she needs to balance the extra burdens
that come with Rizzoli family drama. J: I have an interrogation to do K: no J:
no? K : you can’t, Jane. Go take care of your mother. J: but he’s a suspect,
Vince K: Frost and I can handle
him. ---- Awwww!
And then there’s: F: coffee? K: Danish? J: what’s the
occasion? F: we just want you to know we care. J: thank you. F: my dad’s an asshole too. J: okay well
let’s get back to work so I don’t spend the day in the fetal position.
Ha! Frost has actually said that to Jane before. Although,
if I remember correctly, the last time he said his dad was a dick.
Let me get back to the high point in this episode:
Angela Rizzoli.
We’ve seen it before – the strength of Angela Rizzoli. It’s
when Lorraine Bracco has us in awe, or brings us to tears. A previous memorable
moment with Angela was back in season 3- at the end of 3x09 ‘Hometown Glory’-
where she threatens to leave Maura’s guest house to go move in with her
cousin. It’s Jane who brought all of her mother’s best virtues to light: “I
admire you because you picked yourself up when you could have just laid on the
floor. I admire you for the person that you’ve always been. You’re optimistic
and warm and loving and strong, ma, you’re so strong. You’re an example to all
of us.”
That’s what we have in this episode. The strength of Angela
--- --- --- ---
F: (to Jane) I’m here to speak to your mother
A: about what?
F: I’ll talk to you when you’re not with him (points to
A: then you won’t be talking
C: how you doing, Frank?
F: how am I doing? Better before I saw you, and what are you
doing with my wife?
A: ex-wife, Frank. And unless you’re here to explain why you
left me holding the bag with the IRS, I want you to leave.
I like how the tables have turned and she’s the one with the
significant other now – one who’s an upstanding citizen and not a floozy like
the one Frank had (Lydia)
I also love how, at the end of that scene, she asks the kids
to come in for tea.
And by the way – it was nice to catch a glimpse inside the
‘guest house’ for once.
--- --- --- ---
J: I’m not really sure I believe he has cancer.
M: why would he lie? (Angela walks in)
J: I don’t know. To get sympathy, maybe.
A: that’s why he came back? He’s sick, isn’t he? (Jane nods)
and he wanted you to tell me, didn’t he?
J: ma, he told me because he’s afraid to tell you.
A: he should be. What does he have?
J: he has cancer, Ma.
M: prostate cancer.
A: I see. Okay, well I’ll deal with him, and I’ll tell your
brothers. You go home, you get some sleep. Okay?
J: I’m sorry to dump this on you, Ma.
A: you didn’t, baby, you didn’t. He did. (Angela hugs Jane)
J: Thanks, Ma.
Like I said: Lorraine Bracco at her finest – and even more
heartwarming that she’s in pajamas! Which reminds me – how many different pairs
of pajamas does she have? Haven’t we seen at least three now? And Jane has worn a pair of Angela's pajamas too.
--- --- --- ---
In the café:
T: It’s going to be okay, right Jane?
J: I don’t know, Tommy.
A: let’s get all the information first, okay?
J: yeah, we can’t control the cancer, so let’s just help Ma.
If she wants to be there for him, whether he deserves it or not, we will be
there for Ma.
Frank arrives
Frankie: what are you doing here?
A: I’m taking your father to his oncology appointment
A: I’m taking your father to his oncology appointment
Frank: your mother’s been a godsend
Frankie: it’s too bad you just figured that out
T: you’re wrecking it, will you stop?
J: will you stop, Tommy?
Frank: I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness. All I’m
asking for is one last family dinner before it’s too late. Please,
A: okay, fine. We’ll do it at Maura’s tonight, okay?
J: Ma, you can’t ask Maura to do that.
Frank: let’s do it at Mario’s. Just us family.
A: (chuckles) family? Maura is family. She took me in when I
had no place to live after you left me. And you want our support? Well it has
to be done my way, with my family.
Frank: okay
A: alright, let’s go to the doctor.
They were married for well over 30 years, so we know Angela
still cares for Frank, but I also think she is doing this partly because of her
kids. She knows they will eventually come to forgive him (unless he continues
to be an ass), and still want to have him around and not six feet under. I love
how Angela insists on having things done her way. I also find it interesting that Tommy's first words were to ask Jane if it was going to be okay, thinking that if Jane says yes, then it will be okay. It's those small moments where we see Jane's role as 'the oldest' stand out.
--- --- --- ---
Angela & Jane in the park
J: you want to talk? (Angela shakes her head) Is it bad, Ma?
A: it looks bad, honey.
Such a simple scene - just twelve words- but with tremendous
emotion. Angela putting her head on her daughter’s shoulder in comfort was
adorable. And by the way – wasn’t that the same park bench Jane & Maura sat
on in season one when Maura found out that Collin Doyle was her brother? Except
the original one was painted green. The background looks quite the same.
--- --- --- ---
- A father and his
estranged children-
Frankie: why are you here?
Frank: I need a reason to see my family?
Frank: I need a reason to see my family?
J: we haven’t heard from you in over a year.
Frank: I’m sorry
Frankie: we’re gonna need more than that.
T: c’mon guys, give him a break, he just wanted to see the
J: really? Well, I don’t see the baby, do you, Frankie?
Frank: I know I should have called, but, uh, I wanted to
surprise you kids
J: great. We love your surprises. ‘Surprise! I’m leaving
your mother.’; ‘Surprise, I slept with Tommy’s girlfriend.’
Frankie: ‘Surprise, I left all of you guys holding the bag
when I stiffed the IRS to the tune of $27,000.
Frank: all right, all right. Could we not do this in front
of people, please?
J: what people? That’s Maura.
M: I’ll go make some tea, excuse me
That’s right, pop. She’s not just some random ‘people’.
She’s Maura! If you knew anything about your family, you’d know she IS family.
Plus, it’s her property that you’re currently standing on, and you make her
feel like an outsider on her own property?
I’m always disappointed in Tommy’s responses where he thinks
they should just automatically forgive & forget. I know Tommy’s pointed out
to Jane before that he ‘doesn’t judge people’ the way she & Frankie do. But
he needs to realize that there are some things that needs more than a
half-assed apology.
--- --- --- ---
F: it’s hard for me to open up
J: well, try. You put your family through hell. And I, for
one, would like to know why. You were a good dad. We were a good family. We had
good times, right?
F: yes, we did
J: so, why? Why would you sleep with Lydia? Why would you do
that to Ma and then just take off like that?
F: look. I loved your mother. For a long time. And when you
kids were home and the business was good, we were happy. But then you guys grew
up and left. Business went bad and there was just…me and her. I was just so
unhappy, Janie.
J: so, you’re only back because you need us
F: I was hoping that you need me too. Look, Jane. Would you
tell your mother about the cancer? I need her too, and I know that if it comes
from you, she won’t turn me down.
J: Pop, I can’t. I’ll be here for you, okay? But you’ve got
to ask her for forgiveness before you can ask her for help.
Just how much can Frank put on Jane’s shoulders? It’s
heartbreaking to see Jane so torn between wanting to take her daddy into her
arms and give him a big hug and wanting to stay mad at him for the hurt he’s
caused his entire family.
--- --- --- ---
T: call me when you’re done, okay?
Frank: yeah, listen, I was wondering
J: can you just…(checks a text message) dammit.
Frankie: what’s the matter?
J: we can’t tie the guy who took our victim’s credit cards
to the murder, so we can only charge him with larceny.
Frank: I was wondering if you kids want to come to the
doctor with me?
T: yeah, pop. Yeah.
J: Frankie & I have got to get back to work, Pop. Sorry.
Frank: back to work…okay…sure.
Frank, Angela & Tommy leave.
Frankie: we should go with them.
J: yeah, we should
But they don’t. The 'puppy dog eyes' that he gave Jane made me slightly disappointed that Frankie didn't act on his own and follow them. On the other hand, I'm glad that he stuck with Jane.
--- --- --- ---
T: I was a prodigy. I could skate backwards when I was
Frank: (laughs) that was me skating backwards holding you
T: oh
Frank: you were no prodigy. He was like an idiot savant. But
that was because of the way he could play chess. Useless at everything else.
J: Tommy did a lot of things well, Pop.
Frank: and Frankie, yeah, see this kid? This kid had a
million dollar arm. I thought you’d be playing for the Red Sox.
Frankie: me too
Frank: he kept whining about a sore elbow.
T: wanna know why? You know what coach Tony said?
Frankie: Tommy, don’t waste your breath.
T: no, I wanna say it. you made him throw so many curve
balls that he threw his arm out.
Frank: nah. He was a
quitter. (to Angela) and you. Be honest,
you babied him.
A: Frank, you know what alcohol does to your tongue.
Frank: don’t embarrass me here
T: it’s okay. I’m sober.
C: I’m sober too, Frank.
J: it’s okay, Pop. We all know what alcohol does to you.
C: yeah, and for the record, Frankie is a great detective.
And Tommy, he’s a great father.
T: you know, on that note, I gotta go see my kid.
Frankie: yeah, I’m gonna get out of here too. Thanks for dinner, Ma.
Frank: hey, I was just busting balls. I’m kidding. Where you
going? I’m busting balls.
Wow. Can they make Frank even more of a dick? I love how Cavanaugh sticks up for the boys. I was surprised
that Frank didn’t start in on listing things that Jane did wrong. I know she was "daddy's girl" but somehow I was expecting him to start on her, and the rest of the table - including Maura - would rise up in defense. I guess that would have made Frank totally unlikable and over-the-top. At least they left him with possible redemption down the road. I was pleased
with the continuity of Frankie’s ‘thrower’s elbow’ that was brought up in
season 3 “class action satisfaction”. I wonder if maybe Tommy will now
understand Jane & Frankie’s reluctance to forgive & forget. Jane's comment that they know what drinking does to Frank makes me sad to think that they've had to put up with this many times before.
--- --- --- ---
J: what are you doing here?
A: he came here to tell you something…himself
F: I came here to apologize to you, Jane. And you, Maura. I
was a pig last night.
J: don’t blame it on the wine, pop. I said some terrible
things. I screwed up. I’m sorry.
J: thank you for apologizing.
M: that must be hard for you.
F: it is. It always has been. But I got some good news. I do have cancer,
but they said it was stage 2.
M: that’s very treatable.
J: I’m glad to hear that.
F: I want you to forgive me, Jane. Please. You’re my number
one daughter.
J: I’m your only daughter, pop. … okay, so. Now what?
F: I’m thinking about moving back to Boston.
A: you have a new life in Florida, Frank. I have a new life here.
F: what are you saying, Ange?
A: I’m saying… you’re not my husband anymore. You’ll always
be our children’s father. And I’ll be here if you need me. But you should go
F: Jane?
J: no, stay in touch, pop. It’s a short flight. Come back
any time.
F: okay. You take care of yourself, Angela.
A: you too, Frank.
Jane walks to him for a hug.
F: goodbye my sweet big girl
J: I love you, daddy.
F: I love you too
Forgiveness is easy. Forgetting is much harder. I wonder if
Frank had these little apology sessions with the two boys he ridiculed the
night before. His sons may not be as forgiving.
Well, Tommy probably will. Frankie won’t. I love how Angie played Jane - hanging on that fine line between wanting to stay mad and hurt at her father and wanting to fall into his arms, hug him and not let go.
--- --- --- ---
J: I’m so tired my taste buds are asleep. What are we
M: a gluten free almond cookie.
J: so it’s supposed to taste like cardboard. … C’mon,
Frankie. Maura & I pulled an 18-hour day, I want to go home
C’mon, Jane. We all know that Maura will let you sleep over. Maura’s house is your second home
anyway. We wouldn’t mind seeing one of those sleepovers again. I think the last
time was when TJ arrived on the doorstep. We’d love to see you in your mother’s
cute pajamas again too. I'm surprised that Maura didn't mention that option since Jane was so tired.
--- --- --- ---
M: sleep deprivation is as much as an impairment as
inebriation. I do not like to make mistakes.
J: well can you give me a hint?
M: do I have to?
J: do you want this conversation to end and go to bed?
M: you are looking for something with a sharp tip. Although,
the wound does not incise laterally.
J: so a knife with a pointy tip and dull sides.
M: I didn’t say a knife.
J: (to Korsak & Frost) we’re looking for a SPT. … ‘sharp pointy thing’
M: I am comfortable with that, yes.
After all this time, Jane still tries her hardest to have Maura make a guess. Sometimes it works. I love how Jane’s come up with her own
code for Maura-speak. 'sharp pointy thing' reminds me of 'swabby thing' from a previous episode
--- --- --- ---
M: stomach contents. Smell them
J: you know my policy. Unless that bile stew can help me
track her moments before she was stabbed, I do not sniff.
M: I just thought you would recognize vanilla.
This time vanilla, last time, it was a mint leaf. And last time Jane also said she’d only
identify the stomach contents if there was a prize. I blame it on all that lavender on the tables
at the Dirty Robber.
--- --- --- ---
M: what about Mr Bucket?
J: dead end. Busta’s alibi checks out. He was with his old
lady and the neighbor saw him come home. What if this is just some random
killing that we can’t solve?
M: don’t say that.
J: I mean, there are a lot of homicide departments that have
piles of unsolved cases like this one
M: why are you talking like this?
J: my father’s PSA numbers came back. They’re through the
M: it’s not a very reliable test. Numbers can rise with a
routine prostate examination or even digital stimulation during sexual
J: Maura stop.
M: have they done his ultrasound yet?
J: that’s tomorrow
M: you want to come over for dinner?
J: crap. I was gonna ask you the same thing.
M: what does that mean?
LOL Maura, it means that you’re part of this wacky family
and that your house is their gathering place. Duh! Like Maura, I had to raise my eyebrows at Jane talking like she was giving up on the case already.
--- --- --- ---
J: okay, now that we’re all good and depressed, what should we do?
A: I have some jell-o from last night. Nobody ate it.
J: well that’s a shock.
M: I have some cookies
J: the ones that taste like cardboard? This night just gets
better & better.
M: good, well I’m glad that I saved a few.
J: I’m really proud of the way you handled yourself, Ma.
A: I’m proud of you, Jane. And your brothers. That’s who I’m
proud of.
Jane & Angela hug
J: Thanks for putting up with us nutballs, Maura.
M: what do you mean ‘putting up with you’? you’re MY
nutballs. You’re my family. (she joins the hug)
Awww I love the group hugs.
At least Jane didn’t complain about her gun this time. I love how, in the midst of a sweet hug with her mother, Jane addresses Maura with an apology as well.
--- --- --- ---
my favorite Rizzles moment of this episode came at the end of the dinner disaster, after Jane told her father that the horrible things he said to Frankie & Tommy can't be taken back. She turns to grab some dishes from the table and quietly sobs an "I'm sorry, Maura" before turning away to bring the dishes to the sink.
--- --- --- ---
my favorite Rizzles moment of this episode came at the end of the dinner disaster, after Jane told her father that the horrible things he said to Frankie & Tommy can't be taken back. She turns to grab some dishes from the table and quietly sobs an "I'm sorry, Maura" before turning away to bring the dishes to the sink.
--- --- --- ---
Guy stuff:
K: take off your clothes, Wayne
W: I don’t swing that way, boys
F: (laughs) now you be trippin’, dude. We’re looking for Natasha’s blood on your
clothes. Strip.
K: I don’t need to watch this, I’ve seen it before.
W: hey, you can’t do this
K: oh, hey. Sorry, forgot to mention: you’re under arrest
for larceny and forgery. Now take off your clothes.
Gotta love Korsak and his cute snarkiness! I love the "I've seen it before" line.
--- --- --- ---
K: there are a lot of buskers in that subway station.
F: what the hell is a busker?
K: a street performer. I hear the good ones can make like
700 bucks a day
F: we are in the wrong line of work
K: hey, you need to have a talent
F: I’ve got talent
K: one that people would pay to see
Did anyone else have a flashback to the high school reunion
episode where they brought up the video of Frost trying to rap? Damn. I’m going
to miss this type of fun between these two.
--- --- --- ---
K: hey, maybe we need to check out American Idol, that’s
where kids go now to get discovered, right?
F: no man, you blog and post and try to get yourself on one
of the big music sites like Pitchfork.
K: Pitchfork? What kind of name is that?
F: a review on that blog is like making the cover of Rolling
Stone in your day.
Oh, how times have changed! Frost doesn't know what a 'busker' is, but he knows about Pitchfork? Go figure!
--- --- --- ---
Best lines of the
Cavanaugh: if you hurt Angela again, it won’t be the
prostate that kills you, Frank.
--- --- --- ---
Jane: you know all that crap that you say to Tommy and
Frankie? You can’t ever take that back, Pop.
--- --- --- ---
Jane: You’ve got to ask her for forgiveness before you can
ask her for help
Other notes:
When Jane & Frankie went to talk to Busta Bucket, I
think that was the first time we’ve seen those two working together by
themselves. It was nice to get away from Frankie complaining about doing all
the grunt work or Jane whining about Frankie’s complaining. However, this still
makes me wish they’d bring Riley Cooper back.
And of course, I can’t forget – Korsak playing the guitar.
You go, Bruce!
And Frost didn’t know what a “busker” was? Really? I’m from
hickville in Minnesota, and I even know what that is!

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