Send in the clowns? Heck no! Run for your lives! The
clowns are loose and on a terror!
Please, please, please! Make the clowns go away! I don’t really like clowns. Especially after
this episode. Sheesh!
I think they should rename this episode, “Tears of Maura
I never thought I’d see the day, but Jane made Maura cry
– again! But this time it wasn’t over daddy Paddy. And to make things worse, Frost was mad at
Maura and almost made her cry as well.
They can NOT do this to me. Seriously, there are only two
episodes left with Lee Thompson Young and they just can NOT make me want to
hate Barold Frost right now. I forbid it.
Speaking of forbidding – can we forbid Casey from ever
showing up again? Please? Seriously, I love Chris Vance. I may at times even
like the character of Casey. However, it makes my heart hurt to see Jane turn
into this unrecognizable sap whenever she’s around him and not pay attention to
those around her. Jane can be mushy, sweet and heartfelt in her own normal way
– like how she was with the kid here. (That hug was so adorable!) It upsets me
that Jane didn’t have a clue that Maura would be upset while thinking that her
best friend may be leaving her. I love how Maura was so ho-hum about Jane with
the ring. Instead of being “giggly and girly”, we got “I have a foreign body on
my cornea.”
And while we’re on the subject of Casey (let’s get it
over with and out of the way), why does one or the other have to give up who
they are in order for them to be together? There’s something wrong with them
being together if that’s the only way they think things could work out. Whichever
one gives up who they are will end up being miserable and resentful of the
other anyway, thus it’s not going to work, no matter what. In the words of
Maura Isles, “he doesn’t deserve you, Jane.” I liked how Jane felt guilty about
being on a picnic with her boyfriend while another kid got taken. That’s why
Jane/Casey will never work. Casey can never be a house husband and Jane can
never not be a detective.
Even Casey knows where Jane’s heart lies. He wrote it in
the card: “Have a drink with Maura.” See, he knew Maura would be able to make
Jane feel better. I just hope it wasn’t one of those extremely expensive
bottles that taste like ‘rancid vinegar & old garlic’ like the one Tommy
bought Maura.
On to brighter things! No, I don’t mean the clowns. I’m
putting off that talk for as long as possible.
We only got a small dose of Angela in this episode, but
it’s nice to see that things are looking brighter for her future with Neda’s
help. However, “Angela’s drinks & healthy homemade food” is quite a
mouthful. I do love Neda, though. I really hope they have her change her mind
about Beijing and stay with…oh damn. That’s another reminder that Frost is
almost gone. Maybe it would be best if she goes then.
We got a lot more of Frankie in this episode. I’m still
not entirely pleased with him being promoted to detective. I miss him in his
uniform. I hope they don’t have him continue being a whiner when he has to do
all of the grunt work. They really need to bring back Riley Cooper. Isn’t
Daniella available yet? They’ve killed off Nora on “Revolution,” (the only
reason I watched the show). I see on that she’s filming something else
right now, but please, please bring her back!
I love how Vince was the driving force behind this case.
With Jane out in ‘twisted fairytale’ land for most of the case, Korsak led the
charge in tracking down the clown boogeyman and keeping the kiddies (including
Frost & Frankie) safe.
Frankie: There’s no way I’m going to sleep tonight
Frost: me either
And here I thought the scariest boogeymen were Charles
Hoyt, Dennis Rockmond, Dominic Bianchi and the Kiss-Me-Not killer. Oh wait.
That was Angie’s other show, Women’s Murder Club. Anyway, he was freaky too.
As the detectives were going through the house to find
the boy, I love how Jane always seems to be the first one in. She’s the one
leading the charge, I’m guessing it’s to make up for what she perceives as
being her fault that the boy was taken to begin with. I did find it quite
interesting that when Maura arrives to examine the dead clown in the basement,
she says, “it’s likely a suicide.” Really? The Maura Isles from the first two
seasons would not have made that erroneous statement. Since when does Dr Isles
make irrational guesses like that before doing the autopsy? Does she also call
‘reddish brown stains’ blood now, too? That’s scary. I guess since she’s gotten Jane to eat Kale
and do yoga lately, the tradeoff must be that she has to start guessing.
The wit & wisdom of Maura Isles:
M: recent studies confirmed that clowns are disliked by
most children.
Only children? I hope that study included “adult”
children too. I’d probably be in that category.
--- --- --- --- ---
M: ‘Hold your horses,’ Homer said that to Antilochus to
stop driving his chariot like a maniac.
J: Aha. I’d always wondered
That’s on my list of things I never needed (or wanted) to
--- --- --- --- ---
J: anything on the flower?
M: we did a headspace analysis
J: I’d like a headspace analysis. It would help me figure
out if I’m going to marry the love of my life or stay here and solve murders
and become an old cat lady.
M: you’ll never be a cat lady. You’ll be dog lady.
J: phew
Jane, you need more than a headspace analysis. You need a
hard knock on the head to put some sense back in there.
--- --- --- --- ---
M: are you having lunch with Casey?
J: only if you talk faster about the plastic flower.
M: it has volatile organic chemical levels close to 1,000
parts per million.
J: even faster.
M: TheFDAhasn’tallowedlevelsoverfivehundredsince1990
Rapid googlespeak. Love it!
--- --- --- --- ---
Neda: you ever get what you wanted and you’re not sure
you want it anymore?
M: ah, yes. Positive psychology research suggests we
should not only be careful what we wish for, but why we wish for it.
So, I guess be careful when wishing upon a star next time
to make sure the wish is really what you want? Or maybe stop throwing pennies
in that fountain. Make it a nickel next time.
--- --- --- --- ---
M: what does Detective Frost say?
N: I haven’t told him yet
N: I haven’t told him yet
M: what do you want to do?
N: take the job. And stay in Boston with Barry.
M: those are mutually exclusive.
N: I just wish I could have it all
M: no one has it all
N: do you regret your choices? I mean, you’re a, you
know, respected professional. You made it.
M: fulfilling your dreams requires lots of hard choices.
Pain over a break up will fade, but you need to ask whether putting him before
yourself is something that you will regret.
I love these ‘deep’ conversations. And I can see how (as
Maura says later) that it was as if she was really saying these things to Jane.
--- --- --- --- ---
M: are you going to mention that diamond you are wearing,
or do I ignore it?
J: you don’t watch a lot of romantic comedies, do you?
M: I do not
J: well…I’m supposed to get all giggly and girly and
you’re supposed to squeal.
M: why would I squeal over a colorless crystalline form
of pure carbon?
J: you have to admit it’s pretty.
I love how Maura didn’t play along and start squealing. I
find it interesting that Maura – who has her ‘fantasy wedding’ all planned out –
didn’t find the ring appealing. Of course, we know she’s thinking at this point
that her LLBFF is leaving her.
--- --- --- --- ---
M: so, you’re leaving?
J: what? no. no, I didn’t say yes.
M: can you see yourself as a general’s wife?
J: I mean, what if I leave behind my life here and we
don’t work out as a couple? Or he leaves his? One of us has to ruin a career in
order to be together. It’s just not fair.
M: If life were fair, all seven billion of us would have
one shoe and a piece of cardboard to call home.
J: how are you going to survive with one shoe?
M: how will I survive without my best friend?
Shame on you, Jane Rizzoli. You made your LLBFF cry.
Again. I still don’t get why one of them has to give up their career in order
for them to be together.
--- --- --- --- ---
M: you’re looking for a house on the east side of a
street that runs north to south
K: thank you, Magellan.
That’s why I love Vince Korsak!
--- --- --- --- ---
J: god, no wonder Frost is mad at you
M: I’m sorry
J: well tell him, not me.
M: I’m apologizing to you too
J: for what, Maura? This isn’t very relaxing, by the way
M: I think I was really talking to you when I told Neda
to follow her own path
J: so you think Casey should be the one to give up
M: I like the idea of that better than the idea of you on
an army base serving mint juleps to Casey’s officers
J: don’t worry
M: really?
J: yeah, I’m sure they all drink beer.
Maura hits Jane
J: ow! Angong, hit her
No, hit Jane. Harder! Knock some sense back into her.
Please? I really hate seeing sad Maura. Casey really needs to disappear so we
can get our fun-loving, sarcasm-trading, googlemouth bantering ladies back.
--- --- --- --- ---
Craig: end it. Shoot me
J: no. show us your hands. Think about your son, Craig,
don’t do this to him
Now THAT’S the real Jane Rizzoli. We need her back soon.
--- --- --- --- ---
F: I’m still mad
M: I’m still sorry
J: I’m still wallowing
F: this sucks
Yeah Frost, that’s the storyline of this episode. I love
how Jane has to get her two cents into the conversation.
--- --- --- --- ---
J: we know two nice Thai masseuses.
F: excuse me?
M: certified massage therapists, detective Frost. From
the prestigious Lotus Palm school
J: Mhm and who hasn’t heard of the Lotus Palm school?
F: okay, well. In that case…
J: I get Angong.
M: well you can’t call dibs. You had her last time
J: Frost, can you give us a second? I can too call dibs.
M: You can’t have Angong every single time
J: I can too have Angong every single time.
Ha! And…they’re back! It was a rough 41 minutes to get
there, but they made it in the end.
And we’re not mentioning clowns…ever again.
On a side note:
I liked the new Boston city ‘scene setters’. It’s nice to
see the different aerial views of Boston.

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