the exception of politics, nothing can bore me faster than a courtroom drama.
Whether it’s courtroom proceedings, or just lawyers hashing out deals, I just
roll my eyes and move to the next channel. That’s why I can only watch Law
& Order SVU in small doses, and why I tuned out Harry’s Law
after season 1. Strangely enough, I actually do love Hallmark Channel’s Cedar
Cove, even though Olivia is a judge, but that’s probably due more to the fact
that I love most of the actors on that show, especially Teryl Rothery, who has
a decent-sized role (finally!) And I actually did like Fairly Legal, but that was mainly because of Sarah Shahi.
when this Rizzoli and Isles episode started out with a mock-trial courtroom, I
knew I would be tuning out anything to do with the case itself. Then again, I
guess I really don’t ever care about any of the cases on this show unless they
specifically involve my favorite characters - Jane, Maura, Korsak, Cavanaugh,
Angela or Frankie, Hoyt or Paddy Doyle. Although, it was cute when Jane &
Frost were sounding like lawyers when talking to one of the suspects.
let’s get into more specifics.
This healthy eating storyline between Jane & Maura is really becoming
annoying. The over-abundance of kale and quinoa mentions, and now Maura is
limiting Jane’s caffeine intake after a certain time of day? Oy! There’s only
one person that could ever get Jane to give up something that instrumental in
her everyday life – and that’s her LLBFF. Thank goodness for Mama Rizz’s
pot…um, I mean “espresso” brownies. It’s funny how they were selling much
better than the healthy snacks. It’s cute how Maura got trumped on that one!
Is Tommy the screw up really starting to grow up? I’m guessing somewhere down
the line, they’ll have Tommy end up going through all of his settlement money
very quickly – or getting scammed by somebody. After all, we hear from Maura
that ‘shark’ means ‘greedy parasite.’ I’m guessing we haven’t heard the last
from Mark-the-shark. I didn’t like Tommy wanting to rush over to tell Lydia of his settlement
money. Does he really want Lydia to get her hands on
that? I love the fact that Tommy used part of his settlement to pay off his
mama’s debt. I also love that Angela only told Tommy about her troubles, and
not Jane or Frankie. I do agree that both Jane & Frankie are quite
judgmental – especially when it comes to their family. Maybe they’ll get Jane
to tone down that part of her personality just a bit. Instead of having Tommy
getting back on his feet because of the settlement, I wish they would have had him
‘earn’ his way back out of non-screwup status by getting a decent job.
The ‘female problems’ always work as a deterrent. I always have to smile at how
Korsak seems so at ease with the talk (and actions) of the ‘female problems’ and has no problem with
Jane or Maura using them. It keeps reminding me of the fact that Vince has been
married (and divorced) three times. I really wish we’d see his exes again soon.
We still have yet to see #2, but I’d really like to have Dana return again
(wife #1).
scene where Jane faked the cramps, and Maura immediately grasping the situation
and playing along – even to the extent of a possible outbreak of hives –
reminded me of just how far this show has come. In the early seasons, Maura
would have been clueless as to Jane’s intent. Now, after nearly four seasons,
Maura has picked up on Jane’s cues so effortlessly. Of course, Korsak
understood the play immediately as well.
not sure why, but that scene also reminded me a bit of when Maura stole the
vial of Hoyt’s blood from the prison and put it in her cleavage to get it past
then there’s the question of how they got out of Starbridge:
how did you get away from the warden?
you don’t want to know.
yeah I do
I said I needed a tampon
it worked like a charm
was so hilarious, but I really wish we could have seen that part of it!
I had to laugh when Frost left to time himself to see how long it would take to
run down four flights of stairs. I knew exactly what he was going to do. I’m
very surprised that neither Jane nor Korsak had a clue.
Speaking of Frost – this episode had some fun Frostie moments (like drooling over the cute law clerk), which, for the first time since Lee’s death, made me think of the fact that we’ll only have Frost around for a few more episodes before they have to find a way to deal with his death.
scene with Frost & Frankie drooling over the law clerk made me chuckle when
Korsak used his authoritative voice and said “no” when Frankie volunteered to help
with the interrogation. It pulled more weight with Korsak denying his request
than it would have coming from Jane. It reminded me that Korsak still outranks
both Jane & Frost – which is why I still get confused when it’s always Jane
who gives out the orders for the others to do stuff.
found the Frost/Maura scene with the acupuncture to be so adorable. Somehow, I
could have only imagined Jane as being someone who would willingly be Maura’s
‘pin cushion’ but I loved that Frost was up for it. It also brought back more
continuity with Frost having physical issues after being stuck in the building
collapse. The scene also made me think
of how similar this was to a typical Jane/Maura autopsy scene, except this
time, Frost was a live ‘patient’ on the table between the two, and he didn’t
have to play dead.
Jane & Frost trying their hand at being lawyers:
you want articulable facts?
I think he does, Detective Frost.
the comments you made constitute threats, sufficient to justify the search. The
Supreme Court also stated that if the manner in which the search is conducted
is reasonably related to the objective, it’s allowed.
wrong. I don’t see a warrant, and I’m not giving consent.
oh that’s okay, we’ve not only met the ‘reasonable suspicion’ standard, but
also the higher one, ‘probably cause’. That’s sufficient to satisfy your Fourth
Amendment concerns.
very nice, Detective Rizzoli.
thank you, Detective Frost. Your locker is messy, Max.
cute to see Jane playing ‘smart’ with her words. After all, we know she learned
a lot by going up against ‘Googlemouth’ for four years.
It was nice to see Doug Savant. I just wish he’d had a bigger role – and not as
the bad guy. Why do they always have the good actors get parts where there’s no
chance to return? Damn!
props to the director (Mark Haber) for some new camera angles in this episode.
I especially loved the one looking from outside the window into the squad room
where Jane, Korsak & Frost were discussing the judge’s docket, as well as
the interrogation of the law clerk. I loved being able to see the abstracted
view of the night lights of Boston outside the windows.
Usually, we only get to see bleak walls of the interrogation room.
the way – is that a new interrogation room? I think we’ve seen it a couple
times, but it’s not the standard close-quarters interrogation room that has the
viewing room adjacent to it. However, it does have the same scuffed-top table
that we saw in the other room (it was quite noticeable in the Killer In High Heels episode when Jane
was interviewing Maura.
Rizzles reigns!
loved when Maura mentioned that she couldn’t make the mock trial team because
she was ‘too wordy’. Haha! Maura? Wordy? Say it ain’t so!
- - - - -
am I being ‘wordy’?
a little.
think Jane should have said “No, you’re being Googlemouth.”
- - - - -
I need to know what was in that syringe that killed her, Maura.
and I can’t tell you. You know how this works
how is it that we can put a rover on Mars, but the damn crime lab can’t find a
toxin unless we tell them what to look for?
NASA lost control of that rover. And science is hard. You know they can’t test
for everything. They need to narrow it down.
there are hundreds of thousands of drugs.
yes, I know.
phooey. I was waiting for Maura to start spouting off various names of drugs.
This conversation reminded me of the season 1 episode, Sympathy for the Devil, where the victim, Mathias, was poisoned by
monkshood. Maura had run numerous tox screens, and mentioned that she could run
them every day for the rest of her life and still not find the right drug.
Thankfully, Jane had that dream about the ‘purple poisonous plant’ to help give
the answer.
- - - - -
are you questioning my process?
no (Maura gives her a look) yes.
love how all it takes is just a look from Maura to get Jane to tell the truth.
- - - - -
you ordered the satan special?
seitan. It’s a wheat protein, uses a meat substitute.
okay, I get it. it’s theme night.
we’re investigating a mock trial, you ordered mock meat.
love how Jane ties those two into one theme. However…enough with this healthy
eating crap. I think I need a time out right now to go make myself a nice
helping of greasy French fries and a cherry coke.
- - - - -
you could be one of the most impatient human beings I know.
but you’re not sure. Maybe you should test it.
you’re wrecking my appetite.
Isn’t that usually Jane’s line?
- - - - -
love Jane’s immediate recognition of Maura’s horror when Tommy had dragged the
garbage bag full of recyclables into her house. Maura’s continuous spout of
bacterial & fungal pathogens was hilarious. All I could think about when
Maura was spouting off those words was how much I’m sure Sasha was dreading
trying to say all of those words. I noticed that they didn’t show Maura’s face
very much during the whole time she was spouting the pathogens, and that the
camera was on Jane & Tommy. It made me think that Sasha probably had to
read them off a cheat sheet to get them all said so nicely.
- - - - -
had to give a big “awww” when Korsak gave props to Maura for her great work.
wouldn’t that smart teenager realize that we’d eventually trace the drug?
plenty of M.E.’s wouldn’t have caught that.
gives a cute smirk.
that is just another reason that Korsak is one of my favorite characters! I
just wish we’d have seen Jane give a quick smirk at the compliment for her
LLBFF as well.
- - - - -
I can’t end without mentioning the proud sis moment:
I’m proud of you, Tommy. You’re the man that pop never was.
you don’t have to get all mushy on me, Jane
well, I CAN if I want to! (gives him a big hug) I love you so much. I love you,
and listen, okay? You are not allowed to do this on your own. Alright? Frankie
& I will split it with you.
thanks Jane. … listen, since we’re all hugging here, can I hug Maura too?
you bet!
hands where I can see them!
what? … what about you, Korsak? Want a hug? Come on!
I love that Tommy asked permission to hug Maura! Smart move, buddy.

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