Fast cars, drugs, things that go ‘boom’, and beards ahoy!
That sums up the latest episode of the Life & Times of
Det. Sexy McBadass and Dr. Smarty Pants.
Considering the wonderful episode last week, with the return
of Charles Hoyt, I had prepared myself for the disappointment to return this
week. I guess all those seasons of watching CSI
and using the Catherine Willows theory of “expect the worst so you’ll never be
disappointed, and sometimes nicely surprised” paid off once again.
* Grow a beard
I understand the need for the love interests. I know that a
Jane/Maura pairing will never happen on this show, even though a large part of
the fandom would like it to. I know Janet Tamaro will never allow that to
happen. So, I get the fact that there will be boyfriends for the two ladies. I
mean, they’re seriously hot, smart, fun ladies, so who wouldn’t want to be with
The part I don’t get with all of these love interests is why
does Maura always have to turn into a teenager when a new guy comes along and
flirts shamelessly? There was Marfan man, Giovanni, Ian, Alex (who turned out
to be Suzie’s boyfriend), Dennis Rockmond, and now B.T. the bomb tech. With all
of them – except for Ian, whom she’d already known & had a history with –
Maura turned into a giddy, giggly, eye-batting teenage girl at just the sight
of the guy. I know the woman has been socially awkward in the past, but
seriously, this just keeps being on the edge of ‘going overboard’. The only one
Maura didn’t turn into an awkward teen with was Garrett Fairfield, but I’m
guessing it’s only because of the circumstance where his brother had just been
killed (by him, no less).
Sometimes I think they’ve gotten Maura too far away
from the ‘high society’ standards that she grew up with – in certain
situations. I did like that Jane mentioned that B.T. is an upgrade from Dennis.
I do kind of like the guy because he seems sweet – and not a serial killer…yet.
I did have to give the guy props for not
freaking out when he noticed Maura was wearing the dead guy’s fingers. I
remember one of the first CSI episodes
involved Catherine having to put a dead person’s fingers on her own in order to
get viable prints.
I find it highly amusing that they’ve done the very opposite
with Jane. We usually see Jane as an outspoken, mischievous, highly observant
person in her everyday life. But when it comes to her love interests, she’s
actually the one that’s more ‘down to earth’ and acting like a grown-up when
she’s with them - Joey Grant, Gabriel Dean, Casey Jones, and now Rafael
Martinez. With the exception of Dean, Jane’s had a previous history with all of
the guys – either as kids growing up or working together. (I’m not even going
to include Jorge in the ‘boyfriend’ category, because that was just…eww to
begin with.) I know they only threw Dickhead Dean in there because he was in
the books. I also know they only had those other guys around for a short time
because the actors ended up getting their own shows (it’s what Angie calls the
‘kiss of life’!)
I do like Casey, but hope they come to a definite conclusion
with that storyline soon (as I know he’ll be returning in an upcoming episode
I do actually like Rafael (it may also have a little bit to do with the
fact that I loved Amaury when he was on Chase
with Kelli Giddish a few years ago.) What I like is the history Jane &
Rafael have between them, and that only a little bit of that history has been
mentioned – with them working undercover together as a couple, and getting the
C.I. killed. In this episode, we even got a little bit more of that history by
having them work together a bit more, and conversing off-duty at the Robber as
well. I loved when Jane finally called him “Raff”, instead of “Martinez ”,
and it seemed that they mending a few more fences from the past. How cute was it when they were in the car
waiting for the drugs to arrive, and them both looking in the binoculars?
* the return of Gio
I loved the return of Giovanni in this episode, but was
disappointed that Jane & Maura didn’t have another opportunity to bring out
their LLBFF personas to deter him again. Such a bummer! I did love Jane giving
Gio the head slap (twice), and then he got one on the front of the head from
Mama Rizz. I thought the head slaps only happened on NCIS. They almost looked
like they hurt. I wonder how many times Angie and Lorraine
had to do that. Poor Matthew! We can’t forget about the continuity with the
mention of Frank Sr (which prompted the head slap!) and of Giovanni eating
plain spaghetti (something that was mentioned in 2x03).
While I’m talking about that scene, I can’t help but chuckle
at Cavanaugh’s greeting, “Hey Ange.” I always wonder if Angie has an urge to
answer him. It must be weird as an actor having your name being the same as the
mother of the character you play.
And by the way, did you notice that the ‘selfie’ pic that
Gio took of he & Jane was actually the same one that Matthew posted on
Twitter when they were filming? I had wondered why Angie had the strange look
on her face. Now I know that she was in character as Jane, not herself.
Do I even want to mention Gio talking about the video of him
& his buddies in the Jacuzzi with the Irish Setter? I think not.
And then there’s Gio ribbing Jane about not solving the case
yet. “I gave you all the pieces. I can’t help if you can’t put them together.”
* Alpha vs Alfa
The continuity continues with the mention of Gio’s Alfa
Romeo – the car that Maura & Jane drove to the crime scene after they
dropped off Angela’s car at Gio’s garage back in season 2’s “Sailor Man”. I
love how Jane blackmailed Gio by mentioning that she’d have to impound the Alfa
unless he gave her his phone for evidence.
And of course, we had the obligatory mention of Jane being
the Alpha female to Rafael’s Alpha male. “Martinez
is an Alpha Male. You are an Alpha female. It made you uncomfortable.” I really
think they only put Maura’s comment in there because they had mentioned the
Alfa car and needed a play on words.
* fast cars
I will admit that I’m not a gear head. Not even close. The
‘coolest’ car I’ve had was my first one – a 1970 Ford Maverick. Stick shift, of
course. There also was the Ford Pinto wagon, but I’m going to guess that
doesn’t go in the ‘cool’ category. (I did love that car though!) My brother had
a 1968 Mustang that I only got to ride in a few times.
This episode with the street racing reminded me of the CSI
episode (season 3, I think) Revenge is best served cold, where there was a death of a street racer, and they
had used all of the nitrous oxide and other terminology in that one too, so I
was at least familiar with what they were talking about here. Thankfully!
* Barold the rebel
After all this time, we finally get a hint of Frost not
being a ‘squeaky clean’ kid. I loved his admission of adding nitrous oxide to
his mom’s station wagon back in the day, which blew the engine, and he was
grounded for six months. I wish we could have seen that in a flashback. It makes me wonder if we’re going to see the
return of Camille Frost when we get to the end of the season – that is, if they
end the season with his death. But I refuse to think of that right now. For
now, in my world, Barry Frost is still alive – at least for a few more
* the healthy choice
Seriously, what is it with all of this ‘health’ talk we keep
getting lately? I’ve never heard the words “kale” and “quinoa” spoken so much
anywhere. And having the Robber turned into a ‘health food’ dive? Really? I
just want the burgers & fries back. Jane & Maura are much cuter when
they’re stealing each other’s unhealthy foods. Or maybe I’ve just watched too
many episodes of Diners, Drive-ins &
Dives on Food Network.
And now, it’s not only the food, but Maura’s trying to have
Jane give up her coffee addiction? Really? That’s like asking me to give up my
Cherry Coke addiction. Not gonna happen. If that isn’t bad enough, we have
Maura worried about Jane’s cholesterol level too. Have the writers really run
out of things for the two to bicker about that they have to resort to this?
* Patience, Detective
I’ll admit. A patient Jane Rizzoli is something I never
thought I’d see – never thought I’d WANT to see. However, a patient Detective
Jane is actually quite intriguing. However, it also had me thinking that Jane
really needs her mojo (or Maura) back.
It’s also fun to watch Jane being a team player – even
though other agencies are never cooperative in return. She knows how things go
much smoother when everyone knows the play.
- - - -
Raf: Rizzoli, please. Hold off on arresting Jorge. We just
need a little more time.
J: we’re not going to step on another unit’s operations,
alright? Do you have Jorge under surveillance?
F: yeah
J: alright, so he’s not going anywhere. You sure he’ll roll?
Raf: he will if we get him with the drugs.
J: well, why are we standing here? Let’s go get them all.
See, Jane & Raf
work well together!
- - - -
J: am I supposed to thank you for letting me come along on
what should be our arrest?
R: sure, if you want to. …
J: … stop.
R: what?
J: I am not going to look at you, and you are not going to
make me smile.
R: how much you wanna bet?
J: you think I don’t know that you do this to every woman?
R: do what?
J: mm-mm. … pay attention, Jorge’s pulling into the lot.
Okay, that’s Jorge in the blue Civic.
R: those are his boys in the truck.
J: there’s your meth. It officially sucks, this one’s yours.
R: thank you, Jane.
J: you’re welcome. … why are you still sitting here?
I was so waiting for Jane to get out of the car and help
with the bust. It really must have been tough for her to sit & watch. It
probably helped that Frankie was there doing his part in the bust.
- - - - -
Oh wait, it’s not over yet – because Jane didn’t make the
collar, of course!
R: I got bad news. Jorge’s lawyer just showed up with the
bail money.
J: great. Huh. Next stop, Mexico .
Wow, kudos to you, Martinez . I’m so
happy we just stood back and let you complete your operation.
K: time for the BPD shuffle.
F: the what’s that?
K: you’d be amazed at how slow Sgt. Collins in booking is.
Can’t find the ink. Camera won’t work.
R: ah Vinnie, you’re my boy!
J: no, no, no. do not smile. You are not allowed to smile.
R: why not? Isn’t it good that a guy sometimes gets lost in
the system?
* Flirting – Rizzles
It’s official: these two can flirt (some may call it
bickering) over anything. Coffee, boyfriends, oven mitts, taking apart cars…
- - - - -
J: why is he being such a douche? He should be down here
moving his own prisoner.
M: the French claim ‘douche’ originated with them, but it’s
really an Italian word, “doccia”. It’s an ancient means of conveying water.
J: I’m using it to convey contempt. (Maura grabs her hand)
what are you doing?
M: checking your body temperature.
J: stop. … why are you doing it?
M: subtle signs of sexual arousal including rising
J: I am not aroused by Martinez .
M: it is nothing to be ashamed of. Most women experience a
sexual rush around bad boys. Put out your hand.
J: give me my coffee.
M: Mhm. Tremors.
J: you know it’s too much caffeine.
M: it’s from him. I think he’s sexy.
J: he thinks he’s sexy too.
Ugh! Now I’ve got “I’m too sexy” running through my head!
- - - - -
J: nice oven mitts
M: thank you. They cheer me up.
Yep. I was cheered up just by looking at Maura wearing them.
- --
J: come here
M: what are you doing
J: I’m taking your temperature. It’s a subtle sign of sexual
M: he’s a very nice man. He has a PhD in applied physics and
he practices yoga.
J: yeah, why would you like that? A yogi with a PhD. Eww so hideous to look at too.
M: I said he was nice.
You know what? He actually is nice. Maybe they’re finally
going to give Maura someone worthy of her time.
- - - -
J: I thought you said you ordered something good?
M: this is good
J: it’s kale. It’s that thing on the salad bar that nobody
used to eat but now it’s the ‘cool’ food.
M: are you abstaining from coffee tomorrow?
J: no, I’m abstaining from kale.
M: you have a family history of cholesterol, you need to
take that test.
J: you’re very nosy.
M: I’m very concerned
Isn’t it cute that Maura ordered for Jane? And I love how
Maura knows Jane’s family history. I guess Maura’s spent too much time with
Angela in the past few years.
- - - - -
M: you’re eating kale.
J: I’m playing with kale, does that count as a serving of
dark leafy greens?
M: no
J: guess what.
M: you know I can’t guess.
J: I’m gonna have coffee tomorrow.
M: Jane
J: and the next day.
M: you’re impossible.
J: I know
M: eat your kale.
J: okay, but I’m having French fries for dessert.
M: of course you are.
So does that mean the Robber still serves fries? How has
Jane resisted temptation?
- - - - -
and turnabout is fair play. It was fun to see that Maura got
to play with cars this time around. I wonder if Jane was jealous that Maura got
to roll under the car this time. Too bad things were interrupted by B.T.

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