First of all, a salute to the director of this episode, Norman Buckley. I liked seeing some new camera angles used in many of the regular places (the bullpen, Maura's house, Jane's apartment, etc). It was quite refreshing to see.
Secondly, what happened to Maura's big-screen tv? I see a painting/picture up on the wall in front of the couch where the tv used to be. Strange.
Some other points of note:
* I had to laugh at Angela telling Father Crowley "we're not usually like this." Yeah, that's right. The Rizzolis are usually worse!
* It was great to see Rondo make himself at home at Casa Isles. He was looking mighty fine in that burnt orange suit. It was funny how he misinterpreted the dope/oxy references. Was Rondo unofficially the Rizzoli family counselor? That's a scary thought. It was fun to see Rondo even get to be part of the Rizzoli family hijinks and help manipulate Lydia.
* Speaking of Lydia, since she seemed to be a master manipulator to begin with (even though a clueless one) I was surprised she didn't catch on to the way the others were meddling. Or maybe she did and wanted them to give her a reason to not go with Strawberry.
* Sad to say that I picked out the killer at the moment we were first introduced to him. My eyes lit up when I first noticed him as well, because the actor (Ramon Franco) also worked with Angie on an episode of Women's Murder Club (but he wasn't the bad guy in that one). I also see that he's going to be in the pilot episode of The Bridge, which airs tonight.
* I also loved Priscilla Garita as Isabella's mother. She gave a great performance as a grieving mother. I also loved the scene where she comes into the cafe & sees the pics of TJ on the table, then comments about never getting to be a grandmother.
* We finally get an appearance from Jo Friday. It's nice to see that the pooch even got a chance to save the day for the Rizzoli family. Now, we just need Bass to be next in line. Maybe he can hide some piece of incriminating evidence in his shell or something.
* Frankie has become a "floating" detective. Hmmm how...convenient for the show. I loved his quip "I live to float." Yes, Frankie, I think it all comes down to being the middle child. I know from personal experience just how hard that is. I'm not sure where they're going with this hint of change for the rest of the detectives. Maybe they're going to switch up the detective teams and have Jane/Korsak and Frost/Frankie both paired up. It was nice to see Frost & Frankie working together again. I still don't want to see Frankie in a suit all the time, although he did look handsome with the sort of 'scruffy' look while wearing the suit in this one. And then there's Korsak, the pizza delivery man? Interesting how he's already been laid off once in his career, now they're talking about more changes. I really don't want to see Jane having to wear her uniform on a regular basis.
* It's good to see that no matter how hard Tommy tries to be good, he can still be the "screw up" in other ways. This time it was by not actually turning in the papers for custody of TJ. I loved the Jane/Maura banter about Tommy's childhood: J: "you see why he got all the attention?" M: "he needed it?" I love how Maura has grasped the main Rizzoli family language - sarcasm.
* There was a Parent Trap reference. That made me smile. I actually love both versions of the movie. The original version is great mainly because of the ever-wonderful Maureen O'Hara. The remade version gets high marks because of the late, great Natasha Richardson.
* I find it interesting that it's now two episodes in a row where Maura jokingly conspires to commit murder. I guess that catches up with her in the next episode. We've also seen her lock picking ability, and that she's been sneaking down into the evidence vault to get information. I do love the emergence of Maura's "dark side."
* as usual, we got some great Rizzles moments.
- I loved how Maura willingly (or not) gave up one of her precious masks for her LLBFF to use. Her expression when Lydia was trying on the mask was hilarious.
- Usually it's Jane trying to decipher Maura-speak, but this time, Maura has to decipher Jane's "magnifying thingy." She gets it right away. It took even less time than back when Jane was looking for the "swabby thing."
- And then there's Jane using Maura's computer again, this time to look up info on Strawberry. "how did you know I'm looking at porn?" Remember Jane, Maura knows your usual habits. Ha!
- and of course, we're left with the great one-liner "we need to discuss your lawless behavior." See Jane, Maura knows how to use those handcuffs too. Unfortunately, she'll be getting to use them next week in a not-so-pleasant setting.

Looking ahead to next week - it seems that Maura's mob DNA is showing through. I do think she looks good in orange, though.

I had to laugh at this 'jeer' in the latest issue of TV Guide at all of the "&" titles on TNT. Yes, it's becoming an epidemic. As we learned from CSI, the original is always the best. All of the rest are cheap imitations.

what happened to the pictures? I used to be able to click on them and they would open in a new window where I could save them.
ReplyDeleteThis doesn't work anymore???
Not sure what the problem is. It seems to work fine for me. I click on the pic, it opens in a photobucket page, then save the pic.