It’s been a while since I’ve done a ‘This n That’ ramble.
That’s what you get this week instead of an actual Rizzoli
and Isles review – considering that, for once, I actually considered the
episode to be quite “ho hum.” So I figured that I’ll actually ramble about a
few different things. Killing a bunch of
birds with one stone, if you will. No, don’t arrest me for bird homicide. I’ll
just blame it on Jane.
So, let's talk R&I, The Fosters, Cedar Cove and more.
So, let's talk R&I, The Fosters, Cedar Cove and more.
First things first.
and Isles – I’m actually glad that after a couple of heavy episodes,
they decided to lighten things up again. On the flip side, I’m wondering if all
of the slapstick comedy combined wasn’t a bit too much over the top. There was
Poor Jane’s Really Bad, No Good, Very Horrible Day, combined with Frostie
(Frost/Frankie) obsessing over Ms Newbie Officer’s cute ass, and blowing up the
car radios with the EMP gun. I
wouldn’t mind a re-appearance by Sister Bitcher with the ruler and a slap to
both of their heads for all of that. Maybe it’s just because the laughs were
mainly at Jane’s expense, and I don’t like people picking on my Det. McBadass.
Speaking of Frostie and the drooling – if they’re going to
have them drool over a female cop, please, PLEASE let them bring Riley back
soon. Revolution killed off Daniella’s character, Nora, so she should be
available for the 2nd half of the season, right? Pretty please?
I’m a bit disappointed that we didn’t get more lovely
Angela/Korsak scenes, like the one at Maura’s house. I think the show needed a
bit more of that – mature adult behavior. Although, the scene that Maura taped
with Jane taking down Leroy’s information and being serious and caring was very
sweet. I wonder if that means Maura actually has a youtube account, since she
posted it.
On the subject of youtube – what’s up with the annoying
product placements on this show? How many times did they mention Stevia for the
coffee? We even had that one before in the episode where we were introduced to
Korsak’s ex, Melody.
Speaking of Korsak, I love episodes like these where we get
some nice Jane/Korsak moments. We had a few of them this time around.
Then there’s Jane with all of the plumbing problems in her apartment
condo. Seriously, how many times have we been reminded that she’s the
daughter of a plumber? And what about Tommy? He’s the son of a plumber,
wouldn’t either of the two have a clue of how to fix it or what to check for? And
why doesn’t Jane just camp out at Casa Isles until it gets fixed? She’s there
all the time anyway, you’d think it’s about time she moves in so they don’t need
to come up with feeble excuses for her to be there. By the way, didn’t that
“water” in Jane’s sink look a lot like blood? I thought maybe there was a dead
body somewhere in the apartment condo. And while we’re talking about the
condo – that really looked like a horrible fake turtle tortoise in the
Did anyone else notice that Maura has continued with her
lawless ways? She admitted to Jane that she was double parked. Really, Maura,
your mob DNA is
showing through. Jane should call for an intervention. I guess it’s more of
Maura being around her LLBFF for so long than the mob DNA .
I found it interesting that Jane was the only one who didn’t
duck when Leroy fired his shotgun on the steps. My eyebrows raised a bit when
Maura followed Jane up to the steps while talking Leroy into giving up his
rifle. I guess they both realized that Leroy wasn’t a threat. I like how they
came back with that situation at the end, Jane subtly asking Leroy if he still
had blanks in his rifle.
I think Maura’s getting a bit braver in situations too, and
I like it. Last week, she stood up to Cavanaugh while talking him out of
shooting Paddy. I had been annoyed at how they had always portrayed Maura as a
bit timid, afraid and emotional in those types of situations (Hoyt, Dennis,
jail, etc) I like when she stands up for herself. Those self defense lessons
(and being around a badass detective with a gun) have paid off. I would just
love to see one time where it’s Maura who rescues Jane.
I loved how Korsak got excited about all of the things he
was finding in Leroy’s basement. The Flowbee, the 8-tracks. Nobody had better
be dissing those 8-tracks! I’ve still got a bunch of them, and maybe even one
of the 8-track players that work. There’s nothing more hilarious than listening
to an 8-track when it clicks to a new program in the middle of a song.
The most hilarious part of this episode is when Maura was
interviewing Leroy, and having Jane in her ear. See, Maura, payback’s a bitch!
A great reversal and lovely call back to the episode with the crazy
knife-wielding ex girlfriend with the wedding album.
As for the “Mean Detective Jane” video - I wonder if they
uploaded the video of Jane shooting herself, with the title of “Badass
Detective Jane” would they think twice about teasing her? Especially the other
detectives in the bullpen.
The whole scene in the yoga room, with the ‘vibrating’ theme
was probably the best scene of the episode, followed by Jane’s baby
announcement: Angela: “Hi Honey.” Jane:
“oh, yeah. I’m pregnant. Don’t I have to have sex to be pregnant?” Ha! But
didn’t we hear Maura tell Jane she’s given her 1200 sex? Oh, wait. “secs” as in
seconds? Well, that’s not nearly as cute as the way I originally heard it in my
And let’s talk about the new rap duo – I think I’d call them
J-Rizz & Dr Death.
Looking at next week’s promo, we see Jane using crutches. I
guess this is where Angie broke/sprained her ankle. I find it interesting how
they write in ‘real life’ problems that the actors have into the characters. It
reminds me of the Stargate SG-1 episode where Michael Shanks had appendicitis
and the episode had to be re-written to accommodate him being in the infirmary
instead of being on the mission with the rest of the team.
R&I caps
Let’s switch gears and talk about a real tv lesbian couple with
a very dysfunctional family.
I’m talking about my newest obsession – The Fosters on ABC Family. While most of the show’s fandom is
gushing over the teenie-boppers (Brandon/Callie/Wyatt, Jesus, Mariana, Talya,
etc), I’m gonna gush about the grown-ups. That would be Stef & Lena, and
the occasional non-annoying-ex appearance from Mike.
So, we’ve got Stef, who was previously married to Mike Foster. Both are cops. They have a son, Brandon. They divorced when
Anyway, in the aftermath of Stef being shot in this week’s
episode, we get the long-awaited proposal of marriage, so that means a wedding
for next Monday, which is already the mid-season finale. It’s great to hear
that the show has been picked up for more episodes, which will be the 2nd
part of season 1 (not season 2 as some people have said).
I see in the promo pics that we get to meet both Lena and
Stef’s parents in the next episode. We have already met Lena ’s
mother, Dana, (Played by Lorraine Toussaint) and in the pics I see Annie Potts,
who I’m guessing is Stef’s mother. It’ll be great to see the reunion with the
two Any Day Now ladies. I miss that
show. I hope they have some good interaction.
Moving on – another show I’ve started watching is Cedar Cove on Hallmark. My main reason
for watching was Stargate SG-1 alum, Teryl Rothery. Even though she wasn’t in
the pilot episode, she was featured quite a bit more in episode two. It’s great
to see her with a bigger role. I also noticed a few other SG-1 alums, including
Gary Chalk (who was Col. Chekov) and Ian Tracey (he was in the “prometheus”
episode, but I know him more as Adam Worth on Sanctuary – a show I really, really miss.) And then there’s Andie
MacDowell as the main character. (I always like her), and Dylan Neal (whom I’ve
seen in a number of shows – including Rizzoli
and Isles – but mainly in Blood Ties,
with Christina Cox.)

I’m still semi-watching Under
the Dome, but it’s kind of getting a bit boring, with people fighting
against each other and no one, except for maybe Linda, being good. Everyone
else seems to have a bit of evilness to them.
Another show that I’ve watched a handful of episodes of is Orange is the New Black. I consider it
a tame female version of Oz, a show
in which I loved. I think OITNB needs a few more recognizable faces in order
for me to keep watching, as I’m starting to find the show a bit ‘blah’.
On a final note: I was sad to hear of the passing of actress
Eileen Brennan. She will forever be in my heart as Captain Lewis from the
movie, Private Benjamin. The scene where Capt. Lewis is in the shower and gets
herself covered in blue dye is such a classic. RIP Eileen.

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