It’s the culmination of everything Maura has questioned and searched for since she discovered she had a brother and met her bio dad, Paddy Doyle in 1x09 "the beast in me."
Let’s break it all down – and please, NOBODY do the "crunk in your trunk" dance. Understood?
1. Familiar faces return
** It was nice to see Jenny O’Hara back again as Sister Winifred "Bitcher" Callahan, whom we met last week as Jane & Frankie’s nun/teacher from elementary school. I love having her on the show, but I’m wondering how long she’ll be here. This week, we see some of her “heart” showing through, when she tells Frost about the one she couldn’t save.
F: I-I’m sorry about playing that rap.
W: I taught children for 55 years. Some of the poorest neighborhoods in the city.
F: it must have been challenging.
W: it was that. But it was also rewarding. It was my life’s work. (she sees Frost look down at a folder with pictures of a young black kid) that’s Dontrelle. He was in the last class I taught. He was the loveliest, sweetest little boy.
F: was?
W: he died…in a drive-by shooting. (grabs a tissue) excuse me, I’m fighting a cold.
F: I understand.
W: oh yeah? You understand the virus that’s baffled the scientists for hundreds of years?
F: we’re both trying to save the world.
W: well, I couldn’t save Dontrelle. (raises her hand) Stand back.
F: what? (she blows her nose loudly) take care of yourself, Sister.

Aww Sister Bitcher’s heart is showing through. That’s why I love Jenny O’Hara. She can play the meanest, crabbiest woman on earth, but still allow that woman’s heart to show somehow.
It just occurred to me – (*spoilers for next week’s episode*) – since Jane gets captured by a stalker, who happens to be a guy in her neighborhood that she grew up with, I’ll bet Sister Winifred gets her redemption and is the one to save Jane…to make up for not being able to save Dontrelle. And since we’re on the subject of next week’s episode – it looks like David Deluise is the stalker. He’d better be careful, or he’s going to get a ‘stalker’ reputation. Remember, he was Sam’s “Stalker Pete” in Stargate SG-1. Good thing he’s got such a sweet-looking face.
** we caught a small glimpse of Lt Cavanaugh in this one. I’ve missed him lately.

Now we just need an appearance from Rondo very soon. And where are Jo Friday & Bass?? They’ve been MIA all season. I need my puppy & turtle love. Okay, okay...tortoise. Happy now? The Maura Isles “precise terminology” monster strikes again. Actually, we had a lot of screen time at Casa Isles this time around, but no sight of Bass? What’s up with that? And with this whole “Maura meets bio-mom, Hope, storyline, I really want a return appearance from Mother Isles. Constance, please come back. Your daughter is in a crisis. Oh, and Susie the lab tech. Where have you disappeared to?
2. Speaking of limited appearances:
The beginning of this season gave us a whole lot of Mama R, which I really, really loved. That’s been toned down in the last few episodes, but thankfully they’ve still been able to incorporate her into various scenes. And didn’t Mama R look hot in that dress at the beginning?

And just who is she getting dressed up for? Cavanaugh? Korsak? Rondo? I’d take all three. Seriously.
Speaking of Mama R – it’s cute how Maura’s dinner parties always end up with Jane & Mama R. I guess if Maura’s going to have the LLBFF for support, why not invite the mother-in-law too? Especially since she’s a great cook.
3. the Frostie (Frost/Frankie) bromance elevates to new heights with the “Crunk in the trunk” dancing.
Fro: if you’re gonna do it, let me show you how it’s done.
Fra: alright
Fro: okay, it’s like this. Side to side, start side to side.
Fra: like this?
Fro: yeah, then you start walking.
Fra: okay. I’m walking.
Fro: and then get ready. Get ready. And Ahhh. And then you bring this. There you go. You start smacking that. Smack it.
Sister Winifred comes up behind them.
W:I’ll show you thunk. (she gives them both a smack on the butt) how’s that? Would you like some more thunk?keep doing that with your behinds. (Jane & Korsak are chuckling in the background) I expected this behavior from you, Francesco, but not you, Barold.
Fra: why does she expect it from me?
J: she likes you, Barold. No idea why. (she snickers)
K: let’s get Mr Drizzle in here for questioning.
Jane gets up to leave, still giggling.
Fro: where are you going, Jane?
J: (giggling) I got to go check on Maura.

They seem to really be going over-the-top with the Frostie. Why can’t they bring some of that fun back to Rizzles (Jane/Maura)? We’ve really missed that a lot lately.
4. Maura’s truth is revealed.
Cailin arrives at Maura’s
M: Cailin. Hi. Come in.
C: do you know what the name “Cailin” means?
M: no.
C: it means ‘uncertain’. That’s the name my mother picked for me. Maura means “great”
M: yes, I know.
C: that’s the name she picked for you.
M: Cailin, please let me explain.
C: hmm. Can you explain why you called my mother out of the blue (shows Maura the news story with Maura & Paddy’s pictures) with some bullshit story.
M: this is very complicated.
C: she’s trying to bond with me now, since I’m dying. You know, make up for all those years she wasn’t there.
M: you’re not going to die.
C: “don’t…don’t do what I did, Cailin.” Right. Like I’m gonna have time. Fall in love, get pregnant, have a baby….hold that baby once before she dies. You , um, you put it back up. (she walks over to the pic on the wall that Paddy drew of Hope at the cemetery.) I went snooping. I found it in the bathroom. I mean, it IS my mother, isn’t it? And that’s…that’s your gravestone… which is weird because you look okay to me.
M: please, just let me explain. I didn’t mean for any of this…
C: do you have any idea what it’s like to grow up in the shadow of a dead baby? I was never enough.
M: you are more than enough. She loves you. I know you think I should have told her, I should have told the both of you, but I…
C: yeah. Yeah.
M: I want to help you.
C: I don’t want your help. And I don’t want your kidney, either. Yeah. Yeah, I … I THOUGHT that was you. You just…you don’t get a match like that from a stranger.
(Sirens can be heard outside.)
M: Cailin, please don’t throw your life away because of what you think of me.
C: I don’t want any part of you living in me.
(Door opens & Hope comes in)
H: Cailin. What is going on?
C: you followed me?
H: well, you took our car.
C: so you called the police?
H: well…
M: Hope…there’s something I need to tell you. … I’m Paddy Doyle’s daughter
H:… … what?
M: I’m YOUR daughter. … I know that must be strange to hear.
H: don’t say that. (grabs Cailin) this is my daughter.
M: Paddy told you that I died at birth. I am not looking to be your daughter. I have a mother and a father. I just…I wanted you to know.
H: Just stop. I don’t know who you are or what you want, but I’ve had just about as much as I can bear. Cailin. Honey, let’s just go.

She didn’t expect that scenario, did she? Looking at Cailin’s expression as she’s being pulled out the door makes me think that she’s going to be the one that eventually reunites mother & daughter in a happy reunion, instead of the tearful rejection we got this time around.
One thing I haven’t liked in this whole Maura-reunites-with-bio-mom storyline is that they’ve had Maura doing this on her own…without her LLBFF to jump in and get her through these heartbreaking scenes.
5. Maura and bio-mom-who-doesn’t-know
** part 1
M: (to Hope) Hi
H: I feel the need to apologize for Cailin.
M: no, please don’t. You know, I was 18 once, and her life has been disrupted. It’s all right. I-I just feel bad for you.
H: Cailin is actually very ill, which is why I brought her back to Boston.
M: (nods at the table) have a seat. With what? Can you say?
H: she contracted a bacterial infection while I was doing relief work in Africa.
M: You can’t blame yourself.
H: she’s in desperate need of a kidney transplant. And of course, I would give her own of my own in a heartbeat, but…we’re not a match. And neither is her father. It is so ironic. I’ve helped so many patients, and I cannot help my own child.
M: there must be something that I can do.
H: no, there isn’t, but I so appreciate the thought.
Hope gets up & leaves.

How convenient. You can see where this is heading from a mile away. How many times do they have to drop these anvils on us fans. Just once, I’d not like to see it coming. … Kind of like Jane shooting herself at the end of S1. Now THAT was a plot-twist for the ages.
** Hope comes to the office.
M: Dr Martin, please come in.
H: I’m sorry to barge in yet again. There really was no one else that I could talk to.
M: well, you can talk to me. (motions to the couch) please.
H: why is it so much easier to tell a stranger the most intimate details of your life?
M: because a stranger doesn’t judge.
H: hmm. My daughter. I feel like I barely know her. She’s just so angry. And she has the right. I took her to a place that made her sick, and I’ve made her live my life.
M: I don’t have children, but I …I think I understand.
H: well, no one makes you know you’ve failed the way your child does.
M: I think all daughter feel that way about their mothers. We fear that…we won’t measure up.
H: but it’s a mother’s job to protect her child. I failed twice.
M: you said that you…that your first baby died. I mean, how…how can that be your fault? And Cailin, she’s…she’s a teenager. You know, it’s her job to push you away. It says that she’s strong, because of you.
H: maybe. Mass General called today. They found a kidney donor for her. It’s an anonymous donor. A complete stranger. Maura, I’m afraid I’ve already lost my daughter. Not to this illness, but…
M: you haven’t. I know you haven’t.
H: you have been so very kind. The kindest of strangers.

Oh, if she only knew. Come on, Maura. Out with it. Now. And I really think the Jane/Angela influence was brought out in Maura’s comment about it being a teenagers’ job to push away their mothers, because obviously, Maura never had that with Constance.
That brings us to…
6. your weekly dose of Rizzles
** coffee porn
M: (working her pricey coffee maker) the joy of controlling how the hot water rises before a torrent of pressure penetrates the tamped beans.
J: okay, I’m done watching…coffee porn. (goes to the cupboard & grabs a jar of instant)
M: how did instant get in my cupboard (Jane gives her a flirty look) You are so impatient.
J: Maura, I just want a cup of coffee, not a roman orgy.
Angela comes in, wearing a dress & heels.
A: morning
J: morning
M: (notices what Angela is wearing) Ooohhh.
J: where are you going, a garden party?
A: going to work
J: like that??
M: I think she looks beautiful, and I love your shoes.
A: I haven’t worn high heels in a while.
J: 30 years is more than “a while” (she puts her cup of instant in the microwave)
M: there’s a trick to wearing high heels.
J: yeah, I know. Don’t wear them.
M: just slip these into your shoes (brings her a package of Dr Scholls “For Her: High Heels”) I can wear heels all day long with them.
J: yeah, she runs in hers (takes her coffee out of the microwave)
(puts them in her shoes)
A: nice. Oh.
M: other one. See? It’s easy. How’s that.
A: nice. … and gushy. (laughs) thanks.
J: bye Ma.
A: bye. (she leaves)
J: I think my mom has a gentleman caller.
M: your mother is a beautiful woman.
J: my mother flosses in bed.

Nice little call-back there at the end (about the flossing in bed part) which was revealed when Angela & Frank had their shouting match in the café back in episode… 2 (?) this season. And why don’t they just have Jane move into Maura’s house already? See, she’s already got her instant coffee in the cupboard. That’s practically considered “moved in”, right? And considering we rarely see Jane’s apartment these days…oh wait. Guess that’ll change next week, though.
However…blatant product placement, much? Seriously? If that wasn’t bad enough, they even aired the ad for those ‘high heels insoles’ during the next ad break. Oy. I’m not amused.
** The mama-who-doesn’t-know-she’s-mama calls.
M: oh. it’s Hope.
J: answer it.
M: what do I say?
J: “Hello, biological mom Hope. My name is Maura. I didn’t die at birth.”
M: shut up.
J: no, you shouldn’t say ‘shut up’.
M: (answers phone) Dr Isles. Oh, hello, Dr Martin. What a surprise…. Um…oh. Yes, I would love to have dinner with you. Tonight would be great. Would you like to come over to my house? Sure, you can bring your daughter. O-okay, I will text you my address. I-I look forward to it. Okay, bye bye. (hangs up) oh my gosh, why did I invite them here? The place is a wreck.
J: (looks around the house) oh, I’d be so embarrassed to invite anyone but me here.
M: and what will I serve? I mean, she probably has a more refined palate than me.
(both of their phones buzz)
J: oh, saved by murder. Come on.
M: no, no. I can’t go. I have way too much to do.
J: okay, I think I can do an autopsy by now.
M: I have to take a shower.
J: (scoffs) Maura… hot water gets shut off in three minutes. …bathroom’s that way…. Running.

ROFL that’s why I love Rizzles. Poor Maura. Even the thought of Jane doing an autopsy can’t get her out of her distress. Remember last week, Jane even did the blood testing on the gauntlet herself instead of letting Maura do it. It actually makes me think of a quote from Sara Sidle on CSI – “apparently, part of being married is attempting to share in your spouse’s interests.” And in this scene, we can tell by the way that “shut up” easily comes out of Maura’s mouth, she’s been spending a lot of “quality” time with Jane. (such a good influence, don’tcha think? LOL)
** Maura’s still preoccupied at the crime scene.
(Jane takes out a realtor’s flier about the property from the box in front of the mansion)
J: wow. 3 million bucks? Wow.
M: I didn’t even ask if she’s a vegan. What if she’s allergic to shellfish?
J: you just said she’s a vegan.
M: no, I did not. You know, I can’t pull together a formal dinner in, what (looks at her watch) 10 hours.
J: yeah, considering it takes you four hours to make a cup of coffee.
(Maura starts hyperventilating)
J: no, no, no, no. Not with the heavy breathing. No, stop and I’ll help you.
M: I’m trying
J: okay, you call my mother. All right? You flatter her. You tell her what a great cook she is. She eats that up. She’ll cook for you.
M: It’s such an imposition.
J: not if you invite her to dinner.

Do you notice how it’s already implied that Jane’s gonna be there? So cute. And we know Jane only gave Maura three minutes to shower, but remember, Jane was in running clothes too. Guess she had enough clothes already at Maura’s to change into herself. Then again, she basically lives there too, right? Of course.
It’s also cute how with just a couple heavy breaths that Jane knows Maura’s signs over hyperventilating. I guess that’s some more continuity from back in the episode we first met Constance.
** they meet the real-estate agent.
M: is this your listing? It’s a beautiful property.
GW: Georgette Wilkins. I have many other properties. It’s all the exclusive neighborhoods. Give me a call. (gives Maura her business card)
Jane hold out her hand waiting to be handed a car too.
J: what makes you think I can’t afford a $3 million dollar home?
GW: well, cops’ salaries… never mind. (hands her a card)
GW: this house went into foreclosure a year ago while it was being renovated. I almost had a sale. Is all this really necessary?
J: pretty necessary when there’s a murder.
GW: it wasn’t a murder.
K: I’d say it’s at least a piece of a murder.

It’s cute how the lady sizes up Maura as worthy of the $3 million estate, but not Jane – even though I must say that Jane is looking mighty, mighty fine in that outfit.
** building a mystery.
(Looking at a piece of an ear stuck on a gate clasp.)
K: division detectives didn’t know what to make of it.
M: it’s the entire right fossa triangularis and the scapha.
J: you hear that, Korsak? It’s a whole fossil triangle and a scaffold. (Vince chuckles)
M: it’s the right ear.
K: why is it three feet off the ground?
J: it’s listening through the key hole?
M: well the minimum of blood suggests that this ear was detached post-mortem.
Jane notices a drop of blood, and a few more drops
J: I got a drop of blood out here. It’s not much, but I got another drop over here. (Frost comes up)
F:: hey Jane?
J: yeah?
F: Mercedes is registered to Neal Murray.
J: what’s his car doing here if he lives in Beacon Hill? (shows the pic to Georgette) Do you know this man, Neal Murray?
GW: no, never seen him before. Look, I have another listing. You have my card. (she leaves)
J: (to Frost) run her
F: got it.

Do you notice how Jane’s getting good at deciphering Maura’s anatomical speak? “fossil triangle and a scaffold” sounded exactly like how Maura said it…right? LOL This scene reminds me that I’m also really missing the great Jane/Vince moments. Maybe with this whole Maura-meets-bio-mom thing almost done, we’ll get back to some of the better things about this show that I’ve missed lately. And Jane’s quip about the ear “listening through the keyhole” was LOL funny.
** Jane’s one step ahead of the garbage man
As she watches Georgette walk away, she looks across the street at Murray’s Mercedes.
J: you think there’s a body in the trunk of that car? (the garbage truck pulls up to unload the garbage cans on the street.)
F: Georgette’s clean.
J: (to the garbage truck) WAIT. STOP. (runs over to the truck) STOP. STOP. STOP. STOP. STOP. Put it down.
They open the garbage can to find Neal Murray’s body…missing half of his right ear.
M: he appears to be wearing a cloak & a mask.
J: I think we found the body that goes to that ear.
M: I’m not prepared to say conclusively until I’ve tested tissue samples.
J: Maura, he’s got one ear.
F: looks like Neal Murray.
J: something bad went down in that house.

That brings me a vision of the house in Amityville Horror. Actually, it even brings me back to an old episode of Hunter where Rick & DeeDee were stuck at an old mansion where the lights were out, it was cold, and a killer on the loose inside the house with everyone trapped indoors. Oh, the things my mind can recall with just a simple sentence. … anyway, how about a big LOL at Mara, because even with that much evidence in front of her, she still won’t make a guess that it’s the guy who belongs to the ear? I think maybe Jane should have tricked her into “theorizing”, then she’d have agreed.
** back at the morgue
J: turns out our victim co-owns an investment company. What’s a millionaire hedge-fund manager doing in a garbage can in a mask & a cloak?
M: hiding?
J: (scoffs) thank you, Sherlock Holmes. (looks at the cloak) what’s this on his cloak? It looks like jelly.
M: I’ll have the crime lab test it.
J: oh, you got a treasure trove over here. Where’d you find the blonde hair.
M: it was caught in this pin.
J: which is stamped “rhodium”
M: Rhodium is a rare metal…the most valuable, in fact…
J: Hmmm, the plot thickens.
M: my preliminary examination indicates that he experienced a cardiac event. (holds up the heart)
J: it was quite an event.
M: yeah, well, you haven’t heard the best part. …let’s talk about his penis.
J: … if we must. (lifts up the sheet) Not seeing much to talk about.
M: you see the needle marks?
J: No. I didn’t look that close.
M: consistent with treatment for erectile dysfunction.
J: it’s too bad he didn’t hear about Viagra.
M: his heart condition prohibited it. 18 million American men suffer from erectile dysfunction. Injection therapy is very popular.
J: oh, sure, yeah. Who doesn’t want to shoot up their privates?
M: the victim was left-handed. I found seven injection sites high on the left side of the shaft, but the last injection nsite was low on the right side.
J: so, a right-handed person injected him
M: and the needle gauge was much bigger, too.
J: find out what was in that final syringe. (phone buzzes) until we know, we can’t call this a murder. (looks at her phone) okay, I’m gonna go interview his business partner. Call me if you find something new.
Jane leaves. Maura takes another peek under the sheet and gives a disappointed look.

First of all ---- ewwwww. Please bring me some more fun Rizzles to get the thought of erectile dysfunction out of my brain. Secondly --- I think this scene lost a lot of its humor because neither Korsak nor Frost were around to squirm over the subject matter. This would have been a great scene for Korsak to be part of. I love how Jane only took a brief look, and then you get Maura taking another look after Jane leaves.
** Maura’s in a tizzy.
M: take the gnocchi out of the hot water or it’ll get sticky
A: Jane, stir the wild-boar ragout.
M: Jane, can you open the Montepulciano?
J: stirring boar. Opening “Montipoopanano.”
Doorbell rings.
M: Oh, my god. They’re a minute early. … (looks at the cemetery pic on the wall), oh my god, what if she saw this. (gives the pic to Jane and yells at the door) JUST A MINUTE. (to Jane) hide it in the bathroom.
J: okay. Okay. Okay. (runs to the bathroom)
Maura takes a deep breath & heads to the door. As Jane walks into the bathroom but calls to Maura before she closes the door and gives her a ‘calming’ gesture.

The bathroom? Seriously Maura? Put the picture in the bathroom? Like that’s the one place in the house that guests NEVER go into, right?. And once again, Jane gets the Maura google-speak perfect – “Montepulciano” vs “Montipoopanano” Sounds the same to me. How about you? LOL And how RUDE were Hope & Cailin to arrive one minute early. *gasp* that's just totally unacceptable. LOL
** Dinner time with bio-mom and half-sis
M: (opens the door) Hi. Come in, please
H: Dr Isles. This is my daughter, Cailin.
M: Hi, Cailin
C: hey.
(fast-forward to dinner)
H: and I think that we really are settling in to…a new city. Right, Cailin?
C: (looks up from here phone) yeah. We are.
J: how do you like Boston?
C: I…I miss London.
H: honey, would you stop texting.
C: Sorry. I’m just saying goodbye.
A: are you in school?
C: I was.
H: Cailin was at Oxford.
M: oh
A: and you’re not anymore?
H: well…
C: we had to move here.
H: well, she needs to take a semester off.
C: excuse me, may I use your bathroom?
M: of course, it’s right over there.
(Cailin leaves)
M: It’s a complicated relationship….mothers & daughters.
H: yes it is.
A: It’s a phase.
H: I hope so. Cailin just misses her friends. She doesn’t know anyone here in Boston. (to Maura) tell me, did your mother teach you how to cook?
M: actually, Angela made dinner.
H: well, it’s delicious.
A: thank you.
M: my mother…uh, she didn’t spend much time in the kitchen.
J: uh, Maura’s mother is an artist and an art-history professor, so she traveled a lot.
H: I traveled a lot when Cailin was young, too. Her father, my ex-husband, he…he had financial issues, so I always had to work.
A: that’s hard.
H: Look, Cailin’s back. I think I’ll use your ladies’ room too.

Strangely enough, it seems that Jane is the one who looks the most awkward in this setting. You can see her trying to gauge Maura’s feelings and give her silent encouragement. The reference to Constance makes me want to see her back real soon.
** it all blows up
Jane & Maura stand up & whisper at each other.
M: Cailin hates me.
J: (scoffs) she’s 18. She hates everybody over 18…and under 18.
M: She’s my sister, Jane.
J: even when they know they’re related to you, families are still complicated.
Jane brings a plate of dessert over to Cailin.
J: hey. This is pretty good.
C: (takes out her earbuds) oh, no, thank you.
J: really? Not even one bite?
Cailin grabs the fork and takes one very tiny bite. Jane smirks & nods.
J: what are you listening to?
C: oh, music
J: what kind of bands do you like?
C: It was nice of you to bring the cake over. But it’s okay, you don’t have to try to engage with me.
J: are we that awful?
C: will you tell my mom that I decided to walk home?
J: wait, what?
C: it’s not personal. I just would like to be alone.
Hope comes out of the bathroom and hears the front door close.
H: was that Cailin?
J: she said she wanted to be alone.
M: did Cailin leave? (Hope grabs her bag) Are you leaving?
H: she’s very fragile right now. Thank you for dinner, I’m so sorry. (she leaves)
J: what the hell just happened?

Picture. Bathroom. Cailin. Duh. Poor Jane. She tries her best to start a conversation with an 18-year old, who ends up walking out the door. LOL “Families are still complicated.” That sums it up nicely.
** Jane’s lunch interrupted
(at the D1 café)
A: I don’t think Cailin should have been forced to have dinner with us.
J: why weren’t you this evolved when I was 18?
Maura arrives & hands Angela a lavender towel. Angela smells it.
A: Mmmm smells so good.
M: I’m so sorry about last night
A: why? It wasn’t your fault.
Maura offers a towel to Jane
J: what is that?
M: a chilled lavender towel. Put it on your neck.
J: no.
M: it’s very soothing. It’s used for treating amenhorrea, athlete’s foot, vaginitis,
J: I’m eating, I don’t need to be soothed.
M: our victim’s tox report came back. (she puts the towel on her neck) no signs of his erectile dysfunction medication.
J: still eating. He was injected with something. What was it?
M: I’m still testing. I dissected his heart tissue. (Jane puts her fork down) and whatever drug was injected did cause a heart attack.
Hope walks up.
H: there you are.
J: Hello, Dr Martin. Hi.
Jane gets up & stealthily takes the towel off Maura’s neck before Hope can see it.
J: (to Maura) have a fabulous day. Call me later.

Oookay. The only thing missing there at the end was a goodbye kiss. … or a hug, I’d have taken that too. It’s funny how Maura can still be oblivious to Jane’s unease at the things she’s saying while Jane’s eating. Or maybe she’s just getting back at Jane for having the ‘instant’ coffee in her cupboard.
** after the “Crunk” dance, Jane needs to restore her sanity with her LLBFF
Maura is testing the fork that Cailin ate the cake with
J: is that last night’e dessert, and am I about to get sick?
M: I think we’re a match.
J: you’re not really my type.
M: me & Cailin.
J: I think we’re having different conversations.
M: Cailin needs a kidney
J: so you going to make it out of that cake?
M: of course not, I needed a sample of her DNA.
J: You can’t give her a kidney.
M: it’s my kidney, I can give it to whomever I please.
J: oh, so you told Hope?
M: I’m going to donate anonymously.
J: (picks up a scalpel) you need help getting it out or are you going to do that by yourself too? What? No, Maura, what are you thinking. No.
M: Cailin’s dying, Jane. And Hope is overwhelmed. The last thing she needs is to relive the worst event of her life…my birth…and death.
J: I guess I just don’t get it.
M: If I tell her who I am, I’ll be a reminder of her tragic past. I’ll never be anything else to her. … what? You only need one kidney.
J: you’re incredible.
M: you’d do the same for one of your brothers.
J: maybe. They’d have to be really, really nice. I’d definitely do it for you, though.

Awwww, but…but, where’s the hug? I think we all need to gather for a group hug since they won’t give us any more on this show. Jane’s “I think we’re having different conversations” comments made me chuckle. I think these two are ALWAYS having different conversations when conversing with the other. Kind of like that “do you hear ‘blah blah blah’” comment in one of the earlier episodes.
** Maura gets them in to the high-class restaurant.
J: where is she? She couldn’t have eaten that fast.
M: Neal’s latest tox panel came back positive for potassium chloride.
J: well, is that what stopped his heart?
M: well, that’s what was injected into his penis.
(everyone around them looks at the duo)
J: Maura, you’re going to get us kicked out of this place.
M: why? Because I said “potassium chloride”? What are you having for lunch?
J: what are ‘baby jewels’ and ‘gems’?
M: lettuce.
J: (looks around) we don’t call those “solid, vertical room separators”
M: you mean the walls?
J: exactly. Let-tuce. Pre-ten-tious. (spots Georgette) ooh, she’s going to the bathroom.
M: I’m coming.
J: what? No.
M: (whispers) I have to pee.
J: you’d better be telling the truth.
M: all mammals have to pee

I love how Maura still justifies stuff like that as her ‘truth’ so she doesn’t have to consider it a lie. I also found it hilarious that even in the elite world that Maura’s accustomed to, she still uses the word “penis” and draws attention. That would normally be considered a “Jane thing”.
** the bathroom stakeout.
J: we’ve got all day. We know about the parties, the super-secret precious-metal code for the girls. I’m homicide, Georgette, not vice. Unless you killed Neal, all I want to do is talk.
The toilet flushes & the door opens. Maura hurries to pretend putting on lipsitck as Georgette comes out.
GW: he was a nice guy. Not much in the looks department, but nice. I didn’t kill him.
M: hi. It’s safe to talk in front of me. I’m working the case, too.
GW: oh, are you?
M: yes, I am. I’m Dr Maura…
GW: save it. Who cares? Let’s get to the chase. What do you want?
J: who was with Neal the night he died
GW: I don’t know. It was busy.
J: well, I know you supply the girls, so give me their names.
GW: ah, let’s see: Caress, Delight, Peaches,
J: I don’t suppose you do any background checks?
GW: no
M: Well you should at least check for venereal diseases.
GW: what are you, the Health Department? We use the same girls every time. The clients sign a release.
M: informed consent. That’s wise.
J: look you’re gonna provide these same girls because one of them injected Neal with potassium chloride and killed him. And we’re gonna find her at tonight’s party.
GW: and if I don’t?
J: well, then you can say buh-bye to all your fancy clubs and say hello to Framingham State Prison.
M: before we do anything, may I have one of your hairs, with the root ball attached, please?
GW: what? Eww.

I’m surprised Jane didn’t go all “protective” when Georgette was dissing Maura. Then again, the “Buh-Bye” was kind of like an appropriate insult in that situation, so I guess that works. Usually, nobody gets away with being bitchy to Maura when Jane’s around.
** hair analysis
M: the hair we found on the victim does not belong to Georgette.
J: okay, so we go forward with plan “A.”
Lieutenant Cavanaugh comes in.
C:Another undercover operation, Rizzoli ?
J: ah, we’re just…collecting hair samples. Frost & Korsak will be there.
M: I should be there too.
J: no, no. that’s okay.
M: uh, with, uh, my comparison microscope.
J: no, I don’t think so.
C: Dr Isles is right. She can go and look at all the samples and log them in. Preserve chain of custody.
J: okay, sure.
J: what is your problem?
M: oh, what are we going to wear? I have never been a high-class hooker before.
Jane gives her a look, then turns &leaves.
M: what?

Oh boy. Y’all know what Jane is thinking. I guess Maura forgot. Remember the last time that Maura went undercover? It didn’t end pretty. “what could go wrong” were her words at that time. And Maura saying the words “high-class hooker” is going to give Rizzles shippers a case of vasovagal. (fainting) That should bring y’all to remember the story of how Jane & Maura first met as well – when Jane was a not-so-high class hooker.
** the undercover op
M: I hate this outfit.
J: Stop complaining about the outfits already.
M: why couldn’t we dress up like call girls? They look so cute.
J: they have to take their outfits off, Maura.
M: oh.
J: let’s find a place for your science kit.

I would have thought Jane would come up with something cuter than “science kit”. Poor Maura, doesn’t get to dress as a high-class hooker. There went her fun. Can we just call them BatJane and BatMaura? I think I even caught glimpses of Lucy & Ethel.
** testing the samples
A hooker comes into Maura’s improvised “lab”
Woman: wow. How did you get in?
M: what do you mean?
Woman: you’re like not even, a…a indium.
M: “an” indium, and no, I am not.
Woman: so, what are you, like tin, or something?
Jane comes in.
J: we’re like aluminum foil
Woman: don’t get all upset about it. It’s not my fault.
As she peers into the mirror, Jane yanks out a strand of hair.
Woman: Ow. Everyone here is a perv.
She leaves. Jane slams & locks the door. Maura checks the hair.
M: this cuticle thickness is close. But the pigment granules don’t match.
J: okay, last ones (puts her mask on) I’m gonna go track them down in the leather room.
M: leather certainly bears further study. It’s a historical fetish. Think about it…corsets, dog collars…(Jane leaves) …whips, belts…

Oh, my. Maura with a leather fetish. Methinks Jane is in SO much trouble when they get done with this. (where are the fanfics, please?) I loved Jane’s “aluminum foil” quip. Yep, they must really be at the bottom of the totem pole. Leather corsets, dog collars…*slaps self* damn brain. Out of the gutter.
… whips…belts…
** doing Georgette’s autopsy
M: particles of type “N” mortar from the pool coping are imbedded in the wound. She hit the side and lost consciousness in the pool.
J: so she was pushed in.
M: yes. I’m ruling it a homicide. And take a look…at this. (shows Jane a big ring on Georgette’s finger)
J: cubic zirconia?
M: hardly. Four carats, light yellow. It looks like “FL/IF.” Oh no, that’s a blemish.
J: what kind of hooker gets paid in carats?
M: the girlfriend kind.
J: oh. So Georgette must have hung up her mask?
M: yeah, no match on any of the blond hairs from any of our call girls. (a lab tech brings her results. Jane is studying the ring) these are the results on the jellylike substance on Neal’s cloak. It’s calcium acetate
J: otherwise known as?
M: canned butane gel. It’s used in food service to keep food warm.
J: the caterers. That’s why we couldn’t match the hair to a call girl. It’s got to be from a caterer waiter. (looks at the ring again) there’s a print here.
M: could be the victims
J: I think a second person tried this ring on. It’s a different print.

“the girlfriend kind” – Maura, that was really a not-so-subtle hint, you know. I think Jane really took notice. Really. Look how she studied the ring. LOL anyway… yep, I think Jane has really learned how to do Maura’s job. She’s been doing a lot of it lately. Of course, things come back to the ‘jellylike substance’ that Jane noticed earlier, otherwise they wouldn’t have made a point to highlight it.
** done crying
After announcing herself to her bio-mom, Jane is there to pick up the pieces for Maura…or at least to hand her the tissues.
J: I don’t know what to say.
M: out of all the scenarios I thought of…that wasn’t one of them
J: (grabs another tissue & hands it to Maura) she’s in denial. She’s in shock. Imagine, how would you react if a grown woman walked up to you & said “how you doing? I’m your dead baby.”
M: and what about Cailin? If she doesn’t let me help her, she’ll die.
J: Maura, … you can’t force your kidney on her.
M: I wish I could. … I never, ever meant to cause them any pain. It’s just so awful.
J: well, I tried to warn you. … family sucks. (grabs another tissue) blow.
M: (perks up) no. … no. I’m all cried out. Okay? I’m done. I’m done and actually (pokes Jane’s hand) , I’m a little insulted.
J: what did I do?
M: that girl rejected my kidney.
J: the nerve.
M: I know, right? It’s a very nice kidney.
J: I’m sure it is. (they both chuckle) you should keep it…in your body. I’m just saying.

Awwww. There’s the LLBFF love. But, but…but where’s the HUG? After all this crying of the past few weeks, we really, really need another hug. Damn you, Janet Tamaro.
7. other important scenes
** old school/new school Korsak
K: look, two nights ago, there was a secret sex party at the vacant mansion where we found Neal’s ear.
F: secret sex party?
K: what would you call it?
F: entertainment.
J: check some of the other parties, see if they were at vacant homes.
F: they were. Good call, Jane. Listing agent on all of them was Georgette Wilkins.
K: I thought you ran her name.
F: I did. Nothing came up.
J: maybe her name isn’t Georgette. Let’s run her prints.
K: we don’t have her prints.
J: (pulls out Georgette’s business card from her pocket) yes, we do. Georgette gave me her business card.
K: ah. Old-school has always wanted to try new-school’s laser print scanner. (he uses the fancy little machine & gets a match)
J: “Candy Smith” Ooh Georgette is a prostitute.
K: In fairness, she’s a former prostitute.
F: Georgette sold Neal his house.
J: Neal & Dale were desperate for investors. So Georgette supplies the girls in the houses she couldn’t sell.
K: Neal throws the parties, the rich whales swim in. everybody’s happy.
J: so why is Neal dead?

Awww Korsak’s getting the urge to go ‘new school”? How sweet. And had to LOL at Jane breaking out Georgette’s business card with a smirk on her face.
** Jane & Korsak just don’t measure up to the elite.
GW: I don’t know how he died, or what he was doing in that house.
J: maybe he was at a party for big, fat investor whales, and maybe you supplied the high-class call girls.
K: Maybe you were even there, Candy.
GW: or maybe you don’t have Jack. Excuse me, I have a lunch appointment.
She turns and goes into the restaurant. Jane & Vince start to follow, but the doorman blocks their way, so they turn back again.
J: how does he know we’re not members?
Korsak scoffs and Jane pulls out her phone.
K: who you calling?
J: the only member I know.

Yep. Time to call the LLBFF. She’ll get you in. I’m surprised that Jane just didn’t do the usual – show her badge & force her way in.
** undercover banter.
(Frost, Korsak & Frankie are in the surveillance truck)
Fro: oh, check out the legs on that one. That is the hottest part of a woman, but I also like that little “S” curve along the hip. You know, like (stands up to demonstrate) when they…when they…when they…when they lean back like that and you just…
J: you guys know we can hear you, right?
Fro: (laughs) oh, oops.
Jane walks up behind a lady with a mask and quickly yanks at a hair.
Woman: Ow.
J: sorry, my bad.
Fro: one down, 17 to go.
Jane sees Georgette with a guy.
J: that’s the coach from Campbell high.
K: what the heck is he doing here?
J: hitting on Georgette, it looks like.
Fro: His wife, Lori, is gorgeous.
K: Bill Maher says, “Show me a beautiful woman, I’ll show you a husband who’s sick of sleeping with her.”
J: how did he get the money to hang out here?

Strangely enough, Frankie is silent on this ‘beautiful woman’ stuff. Did Frost get the hint yet?
** Frost pulls a fast one – even on Jane
Frost: did you know Doug was having an affair, or did you figure it out after you killed Neal?
Woman: this is insane
Frost: yeah, that’s what we thought. When we saw you push Georgette into the pool on this surveillance tape.
J: (whispers to Frost) we don’t have a surveillance tape.
Frost: she doesn’t know that.

Barold to the rescue. Awwww. Usually it’s Jane that thinks of those tricks. 25 points for Frost.
A few more caps

Guest stars:
Courtney Parks (Call Girl 1)
Dan Schoffer (Neal Murray)
Heather Christine (Lori Gatz)
Avery Kidd Waddell (Lamar Jones aka Heavy Drizzle)
Andrew Lukich (Doug Gatz)
Ryan McPartlin (Dale Bowman)
Jenny O’Hara (Sister Winifred Callahan)
Monet Mazur (Georgette Wilkins)
Emilee Wallace (Cailin Martin)
Sharon Lawrence (Dr. Hope Martin)
on a final note:
Just want to say once again how I miss the great Jane/Korsak moments we'd gotten in the 1st 2 seasons. We need more this season.
Happy Birthday today to our lovable "Vince Korsak" - Bruce McGill.
When Cailin saw how devastated her mother was upon hearing the news that Maura was her daughter, I think she had some regrets about getting mad at Maura and realized exactly why Maura hadn't said anything!