On one side, you’ve got the case of All Things Hilarious – like “Sister Bitcher”, the strict nun from Jane & Frankie’s past; The return of “Clementine”, with the addition of Francesco & Barold; The return of Giovanni Gilberti – who even tries to make a move on Mama Rizz. (Ewwwww.)
On the other side, there’s the heartbreaking trauma that encompasses Dr Maura Isles, and meeting her birth mother who doesn’t even know of her existence.
It made the episode feel discombobulated. It was like they were trying too hard with the ‘funny’ to even out the ‘extremely emotional’.
Let’s get down to the specifics:
1. the return of Giovanni
It was kind of disappointing that the ladies didn’t have to play up their LLBFF’ness like they usually do when “G” is around.
* Giovanni comes in to Maura’s house.
G: special delivery.
J: oh, yeah. Just walk right in.
G: okay, thanks. (looks at Maura with her “African safari” hat) wow, you look hot. Nice hat. You look hot too, Jane. You two ever decide to bat for the other team…
J: not on your team. (to Maura) what is that? Is that a surfboard? What is he doing here?
A: he’s helping me.
J: helping you, what? Your car’s outside.
Giovanni unzips his coveralls to show his campaign t-shirt
J: “you want this dud”
G: That’s dude D-U-D. you know, Mrs Rizz, you look hot.
A: stop it, Giovanni, or I’ll tell your mother.
G: no, don’t tell my mom.

Yep. That’s the G that I love – gaggingly charming and so dense…but so darn cute. I think I’d like to see Matthew Del Negro in something where he’s not playing a dimwit.
* it’s also cute that Jane & Maura feel sorry for him at the end.
G: hey
J: what’s the matter?
G: nothin’.
M: you look hot. (Jane snickers)
G: nah, I don’t
J: are you having a pity party, G?
Giovanni shrugs
M: do, do you want…company for your pity party?
J: hey, come on.
Giovanni sits in the booth across from them
J: sorry about your candidate.
G: yeah, me too. Guess I have to run myself if I want any changes around here.
M: oh, that’s…that’s a good idea.
J: yeah, why stop at Congressman, why not Senator?
G: president?
M: mmm
J: why not? Calling all interns, skirts optional.

I love that Jane calls him “G”. It brings back a bit of continuity from “Seventeen ain’t so sweet” where Maria Corkman called him that as well. I wish they wouldn’t have killed her off in that episode. It would have been great to have her back again. I do agree with Maura here, though. G really was looking ‘hot’ (even though it was in jest and giving G’s standard line back to him.
* Giovanni hitting on Mama Rizz? That’s just SO not cool.
Giovanni hands Angela a bag.
A: Giovanni, you shouldn’t have. (pulls out a Stars & Stripes bikini) what were you thinking?
G: that you’re hot. (she throws it back at him) May to December romances are all the rage Mrs Rizz. I mean, you are such a Cougar, meeoooowwww.
A: you come one step closer and I’ll be bringing your mother your body parts in a pie tin.
G: I’m sorry, Mrs Rizz. I’m sorry, I’m just kind of lonely. I mean, I think I’m a catch. Why can’t I find a girl who understands all I have to offer?
A: do you come on this strong to other girls?
G: well, stronger, usually. I mean, I was going easier on you, cuz you’re…you know, old. … can I just get a ‘mom’ hug? … just one ‘mom’ hug. Come on, Mrs Rizz. (she lets him hug her) I frickin love you, Mrs Rizz.
A: oookay, yeah.

That's just all sorts of wrong. Poor G. Where are Jane & Maura to see this? Damn. I’d love to have Jane come in & see G hugging Mama Rizz.
2. ‘Frostie’ has turned into “Barocesco”. Yikes. All thanks to Sister Bitcher.
SB: hello, Francesco.
Fra: uh, hi sister.
Fro: wait, your real name is “Francesco”?
Fra: yeah, you got a problem with that?
SB: I prefer to call people by their given names. Their parents went to a lot of trouble. What is your full name, young man?
Fro: (says softly) Barold.
SB: speak up.
Fro: it’s Barold.
Fra: (laughs) Barold (sister hits him in the arm with a ruler) Ow.
SB: Barold means spear. It’s a very substantial name. Wear it proudly, Barold. (she taps him lightly on the shoulder with the ruler)

Is anybody really surprised Frankie’s name is Francesco? I actually expected that one. Since he’s from an Italian family, I didn’t figure his name was just “Frank”. As for our dear Barry… Barold? Really? That was as eyebrow raising as Clementine.
* the banter continues when Frankie comes to whine to Frost, Jane & Korsak.
Fra: I’m quittin’. I can’t take it. I almost ran away in 2nd grade when I got stuck with that…that…
J: sweet, kind, loving nun.
Fra: I am so out of here.
Fro: aww gonna grab your Thomas the Train backpack and run away, Francesco? … can I take you?
Fra: take me where… Barold?
Fro: to the DA’s office. We’re gonna talk to our victim’s boss.
Fra: anything to stop moving her furniture.
J: hey Frankie, remember Frost is the detective.
Fra: yeah, yeah, yea. (Frankie & Frost leave)
Jane looks at Vince
J: Barold?
Vince nods.

See, now when Frost teases Jane about Clementine, she has ammo to return the embarrassment.
* and more Barocesco as they’re at the DA’s office
Fro: so, uh, you wanna go hang with sister Winifred & say the rosary prayer, Francesco, or come with me & interview the brother?
Fra: Did you ever ask your mom why she named you Barold, Barold?
Fro: (laughs) okay, let’s just stop.
Fra: (mimics) let’s just stop.

These two…they’re almost worse than old-marrieds. I think they’ve been around Jane & Maura too long.
3. Jenny O’hara – you rock . Sister Winifred (aka Sister Bitcher) is such a perfect Jenny O role.
SB: I see you hiding out there, Jane Clementine Rizzoli.
F: your middle name is Clementine?
J: (sneaks in around the corner) hello, sister Winifred.
SB: I never would have thought the girl that broke the cafeteria window with her foot would be on this side of the law.
J: I was seven. I was trying to kill a fly.
SB: remind me what I gave you for comportment?
J: umm, C minus
F: (to Korsak) what’s comportment?
K: behavior.
J: so, um, what brings you here?
SB: “Um”? I have counted two “um”s in 10 seconds, Miss Rizzoli…
J: It’s… Detective Rizzoli
SB: I guess you don’t read the newsletters. Big surprise. (hands Jane a newsletter) I am here to do the Lord’s work.
J: wow, awarded a federal grant to counsel families of homicide victims. No kidding. Here?
SB: I really would’ve preferred Cambridge, but sister Helen-Marie got that grant.
Jane’s phone buzzes
J: well, I can’t wait to catch up, but I have to go to the morgue.
SB: I’ll be holding my breath for your return.
J: okay.

It’s cute how Sister Winifred can make Jane squirm. And Jane trying to kill a fly on the window with her foot? I’d like to hear the ‘real’ story on that one. And “Clementine” strikes again. I’m really starting to like the full name. Shame that it’s not a secret that’s limited to Maura knowing.
* Bitchy to the end
SB: (holds up a mug with “Nuns are awesome”, then throws it in the trash) a student gave me this
K: I think nuns are awesome. (picks up the mug from the trash. Sister Winifred grabs it & throws it away again)
SB: It’s words like “awesome” that have ruined a glorious language. Your coffee is bitter.
K: I’m sorry, shall I make a fresh pot?
SB: don’t bother. It would probably be bitter too.
K: would you like some cream & sugar?
SB: nope. Hate to get used to anything in case there’s a shortage. What am I gonna do with my files? I need a great big cabinet.
K: these police files? The families of the victims you’ll be counseling?
SB: these are my internal files for the hell raisers (pulls out Jane’s file)
K: Jane was a hell raiser?
SB: Jane Rizzoli didn’t like to be told what to do.
K: (laughs) well that’s still true.
SB: you think that’s funny?

Yikes. “Sister Bitcher” fits her well. Coming from Jenny O’Hara, makes it even funnier. Vince is trying so hard to be nice. Makes me wonder how Maura would fare when in the presence of Sister Bitcher.
* Sister Bitcher is always watching – especially when being camped out in the squad room, as Jane’s trying to eat her sandwich.
SB: Sit up straight. (hits Jane on the shoulder with the ruler)
Frost comes in
F: didn’t find anything on Emma’s computer, or anything else in her apartment.
J: that’s too bad.
F: I’m gonna go through the server at the DA’s office & track Emma’s correspondence.
Jane’s ready to take a bite of her sandwich. Sister Winifred clears her throat. Jane hesitates, then goes to take a bite again. Sister Winifred clears her throat again.
J: would you like a cough drop, Sister? It sounds like you have some phlegm in your throat.
SB: I was thinking you might want to thank the Lord for that sandwich.
J: thank you for my peanut butter and fluff sandwich, although I wish it had more peanut butter and less fluff. (takes a big bite & smiles)
F: Emma was sending email from the building where she worked, but she wasn’t sending it from her office.
J: where was she sending it from?
F: the IP address is from an unassigned office in the courthouse basement.

Love the continuity with the peanut butter & fluff sandwich. Sister Bitcher is really starting to get annoying, no matter how much I love Jenny O’Hara. There’s only so much snark I can handle, especially when it’s not coming from Jane.
* Jane just can’t refrain from giving in to childhood impulses.
J: uh, we have a cleaning staff, you know.
SB: Apparently you have forgotten the “Tidy desk, tidy minds” song. “Tidy ‘round your desk and chair…”
J: Tidy, tidy everywhere. … tidy farts and wide-ee butts, I can see your underwear.

Jane. Oh Jane. I really wish we had the concept like the old tv show, “Sisters” with Sela Ward & Swoosie Kurtz, where they’d show flashbacks of the kids when they were young. I’ve love to see a young Jane, Frankie & Tommy, as well as young prim & proper Maura.
* Sister Winifred hanging out at the Dirty Robber? Yikes.
M: oh, should we…join her? She’s sitting by herself.
SB: there’s a reason I’m by myself. I prefer it.
J: (slides in the booth across from Sister Winifred. Maura follows) well, they say the devil never drinks alone.
M: (whispers) Jane
J: can I buy you a beer, Sister?
SB: no thank you, Miss Rizzoli.
Sister Winifred puts her book down & the fake cover reveals the real title – “On The Angels’ Wings Of Desire” She quickly covers it up to show the “fake” cover.
SB: “The Sound and the Fury” by Faulkner. I’m enjoying it. (she gets up & leaves)
Jane & Maura burst out laughing.
M: “On the angels’ wings of desire” are nuns supposed to read that?

It’s great to see Maura laugh after the rough time she’s had meeting her bio-mom. Gotta love Jenny O’Hara. Again.
I first saw Jenny O’Hara in an After School tv special, "The less than perfect daughter" (early 90s) as a bitchy mother to Robin Lively. She was so… memorable. I also remember her in the CSI episode, "Secrets & Flies", where she killed the mother of a child in which her daughter was the "egg donor". (that also happened to be the first appearance for Liz Vassey as Wendy Simms on CSI as well)
4. Maura meets bio-mom.
A: no coffee stirrer?
H: there’s an aftertaste. Coffee stir sticks are made from 100% birch wood. There’s no chemicals or toxins or glazes, but the birch plant is known to be bitter, thus the slightly unpleasant aftertaste.
J: you must be Dr Martin? Hi. I’m Detective Jane Rizzoli.
A: and I’m Angela. I’m Jane’s mom.
J: and this is Dr Maura Isles.
H: what a pleasure. I am flattered that you would want a consult.
M: I’ve tried so many formulas…tetrodotoxin glucose, methylene,..
H: Dr Isles, are you all right?
M: why, because I’m talking too much and talking too fast and not making any sense?
H: You’re showing signs of urticaria.
A: oh, you have hives.
M: oh, no. Oh, my gosh.
J: Maura.
A: that must be because you ate, um, the Brazil nuts.
J: yes, Dr Isles, how many times do we have to tell you to avoid Brazil nuts?
A: could I get you a latte made out of the green labeled beans?
H: no, thank you. I would very much like to see your victim.
J: and I have a lot of work to do upstairs, so I’m gonna go. … Ma?
H: (to Maura) do you have your Epi pen?

It’s the gut-wrenching storyline thrown in the middle of the “Abbott & Costello comedy hour” (aka Barocesco intro / SisterBitcher-Rizzoli reunion). Poor Maura. She definitely wasn’t ready for this. I have the image of Angie as Lindsay Boxer (Women’s Murder Club) in my mind saying, “I’m.. Not.. Rea..dy.”
How strange was it to have another person doing the Maura Isles “Google speak”? Yikes. It was funny to hear “urticaria” being brought up again. Hey, even Angela knew what it was. I guess Jane’s line “You’re gonna get the worst case of hives in your life if you lie”, was spot-on…even though Maura didn’t tell a lie. She just got startled. I guess she could have pulled a Barry and went vasovagal. How could Jane just leave Maura on her own like that with her new-found mother? Come on, Jane. The LLBFF needs to be close by to help with these types of emotional things.
* Maura gets to see more of herself in her mother.
H: and I came up with this rehydration technique because we were so desperate to identify the bodies.
M: after the genocide in Sarajevo.
H: yes. And then we had to use it again to identify entire Kurdish families that were slaughtered by Saddam Hussein.
M: so what made you go from your medical internship to Sarajevo?
H: maybe I was punishing myself. Maybe I didn’t believe that I could save people, but I knew that I could speak for the dead.
M: well, I wish I could speak for her. She’s someone’s daughter.
H: that’s what drives me. Everyone is someone’s child.
M: you said you were punishing yourself. For what?
H: something stupid that I did when I was 18. I hope my daughter has better judgment than I did then.
M: what did you do?
H: I got pregnant, and the baby died at birth. It was terrible and traumatic. But maybe there was a reason that she didn’t survive. See, her father was…evil.
M: I’m sorry. I didn’t…I didn’t mean to pry.
H: I never talk about this. I spent so many years trying to forget. Maybe it’s because you’re a doctor. I feel a strange kinship with you.
M: me too.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I can’t decide if I want to sit down & bawl or just give them both a really, really big hug. I really can’t wait to see how this storyline plays out over the next few eps.
* finally, Jane joins the duo
J: please tell me you’re seeing whorls & ridges.
H: we are. And there is excellent ridge detail.
J: okay, let me see if it scans. (machine beeps) that’s a good print. Well done, doctors.
Hope hugs Maura, who remains stiff, then bursts into tears.
H: oh my.
J: she gets very emotional when we break a case wide open.
M: yes, I do.
H: how lovely. (hands Maura a tissue)
M: thank you.
H: well, I’m, uh, sorry but I have to go pick up my daughter.
J: thank you so much, Dr Martin.
H: you are very welcome. Dr Isles, I would very much like to have lunch some time.
M: of course.
H: you have my information. Let’s make this sooner rather than later. I really…really enjoyed it.
Hope leaves.
J: Maura, that was so beautiful. When are you gonna tell her?
M: never. Never, ever. Never, ever. (continues crying)

Okay, that’s it. A big group hug is definitely needed at this point. Good Lord, this must have been an emotionally exhausting episode for Sasha all the way through. Raise your hands – how many of you think that Hope has an inkling that something just isn’t right with the way Maura’s acting and that’s why she suggested dinner “soon”?
5. your weekly dose of Rizzles.
Mama Rizz is going political
J: holy crap, Ma, I can’t even see the table. Glitter, Ma?
A: it’s festive.
J: iiiit’s hard to clean up. (looking at all of Maura’s boxes one has scuba gear) what’s going on here? “Maximum depth – 180 feet” What are you James Cameron? (Maura puts the scuba mask to her face) Maura. At least he’s certified.
M: I haven’t had time to take the course.
J: so you’ll do that (picks up more items from a box) before or after your “Outback Lady Walk”. Oooooh, are you also in the remake for “Out of Africa”? (puts the hat on her head)
M: give me that.
-- -- -- -- --
After Giovanni’s entrance & exit they resume
-- -- -- -- --
J: that’s what all this is about, you buying all this stuff…it’s about Hope, isn’t it?
M: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
J: oh, yes, you do. Whenever you get in a crisis, you get on a first-name basis with the UPS man. Maura, it’s time to find her.
M: no. only 65% of adoptive children seek out their biological parents. I’m the other 35%.
J: 35% having an identity crisis. (Jane’s phone rings) Rizzoli. Yeah. Okay, we’ll be right there. Come on. We got a case. (picks up a vest) Hey, you can take your vest ‘cause the murder is near Franklin Park.
G: you got a murder in the Franklin Park Zoo?
J: why? You got family there?
A: Jane.
G: You’re so funny. (to Angela) She’s so funny….and hot.

Okay, be honest. How many of you thought of icky Ian when you saw the African safari hat? Come on, raise your hands. I can’t figure out if I’m relieved or disappointed that they didn’t mention Ian – only because it would be cute to see Jane’s reaction to the mention of him.
And the James Cameron reference? I would have thought Jacques Cousteau, first & foremost.
* the crime scene with a dead woman in a trash dumpster.
M: what’s there to talk about? My birth mother was an unwed college student who was sneaking around with a Southie gangster.
J: So, that’s at least interesting. My birth mother married the neighborhood plumber. The only sneaking around she did was in Filene’s basement.
M: Paddy Doyle, my father…
J: in sperm only.
M: yeah, who is waiting to be tried for 15 murders, told Hope that I died at birth. Help me understand how that could make for a successful reunion?
J: Do you want to know anything about her?
M: no
J: (gasps) you… you found her, didn’t you? You did. You’re gonna get the worst case of hives in your life if you lie.
M: I had her first name, her age, where she went to college, my birth date…I couldn’t help it.
J: okay, so now what?
M: I don’t know what. Okay?

ROFL Only Jane could bring up the ‘hives’ excuse to get Maura to tell her. I love that. I do love the fact that they at least mention Paddy’s name. Now I wish we’d hear more about how things are going with his prosecution. I really hope they don’t just gloss over that. I’d really love to see John Doman on the show again. Oh, and we should take note how Maura is starting to dress like Jane, it seems.
* the ladies (well, Maura, at least) gets down & dirty at the crime scene.
M: good morning. What do we have?
K: white woman. Beaten. Looks like somebody took a blow torch to her hands.
J: what, trying to conceal her ID?
K: don’t think so. Found her driver’s license in her back pocket.
F: I think Dr Isles is going in.
J: yeah, she loves dumpster diving. (Maura is changing into her white hazmat suit.) Celia Jaffe, 27.
F: early bird dumpster diver found her.
M: so glad I brought my Tyvek suit.
J: oh, shoot. Forgot mine.
K: darn, me too.
M: lividity indicates she died sometime after midnight and was dumped here shortly thereafter.
J: it’s a good thing we’ve got an ID. We’re not getting any prints off these.
F: I’ll find out if she has a husband or a boyfriend.
J: let’s get her photographed. Get her out of here.

I love how Maura gets so enthusiastic when getting into gory settings. She loves dumpster diving. Hmmm. Maura really does look hot in the white suit too, doesn’t she? Oh, and it seems that Dr Isles is doing a lot more guessing these days. Immediately giving approximate TOD and that she was dumped? Season 1 Dr Isles wouldn’t be so hasty in her assessment. Jane, you’re really a bad influence.
* back in Maura’s office, she’s preoccupied with her computer on her couch as Jane walks in.
J: what are you doing?
Maura quickly closes her laptop.
M: checking the weather.
Jane scoffs
M: what? I said “checking the weather”.
J: okay, okay. Sheesh. Why aren’t you examining the body?
Maura moves her laptop to the side. Jane moves a few files to see Paddy’s drawing of Maura’s bio mom looking at the gravestone.
J: I knew it. The weather? Really?
M: It’s a daily weather forecast…on her Wikipedia page.
J: Whose page? (looks at the screen) Oh, my…Maura. She looks just like you.
M: you mean I look like her. Her name is Hope. Dr Hope Martin.
J: wow, she’s kind of famous. “Dr Martin founded an international relief agency, M.E.N.D.
M: Medical Emergency Network for Doctors. Their mission is to treat women & children who are suffering. Keep scrolling. See the forensic pathology residency she did in Sarajevo?
J: yeah
M: she’s done everything.
J: so she identifies victims of genocide and saves women & children around the world. Big deal. You are just as accomplished, Maura.
M: no, I’m not. Paddy said she was brilliant.
J: and recently divorced.
M: She has a daughter…Cailin, 18. She’s been living abroad for the past 20 years.
J: okay, Celia Jaffe needs an autopsy, and I need a cause of death, Maura.
M: Hope even developed a technique to identify victims of genocide we’re still using today.
J: well, it’s too bad she’s not local, we could use her right about now. She’s probably very curious about you, too.
M: why would she be curious? She doesn’t even know I exist. Or maybe she does. (puts up a pic of an article with Maura & Paddy’s pictures on her screen) How could she not? She hasn’t made any effort to contact me.
J: okay, Maura. Maybe she saw that and thinks Paddy was cheating on her and had a kid named Maura. Or maybe she only reads fancy French newspapers. Or maybe she hasn’t thought of Paddy Doyle in the past 36 years.
M: or me.
Maura goes to close her laptop, but Jane notices something.
J: wait a minute.
M: No, don’t.
J: oh my, G…she’s moved back to Boston? Come on. Maura, I don’t believe in coincidences. This is meant to be.
M: I’d be turning her world upside down for what?
J: so she can have you in her life…okay? Late is a million times better than never.
M: not if it causes her pain
J: look at the pain you’re in. (Jane’s phone buzzes) Okay, I got a suspect upstairs. Come on. Do the autopsy. Come on. (Pulls Maura up) come on. March.

Awwww It’s interesting how Maura seems to have an easier time getting Jane out of a depressed funk than Jane does getting Maura out of one. It’s about time that they brought up the press linking Maura to Paddy. I wonder how long before we see either Jane or Maura being pulled back into the mobster world by either Paddy’s guys or his enemies.
* Maura’s finally doing the autopsy. Jane is still grumbling after her run-in with Sister Winifred.
J: they had to bring in Sister Bitcher. “The Lord’s Work”, yeah, that’s what she said when she hit me with a ruler because I misspelled “flamboyant”.
M: why was the word “flamboyant” on a 2nd grade spelling test at a Catholic school?
J: I don’t know. (looks at the body) and no one’s reported her missing. Why not?
M: well, she has a depressed skull fracture.
J: ugh. Must’ve been a hefty weapon
M: not a weapon.
J: so…she just woke up this morning and after she brushed her teeth, she thought “gee, my head hurts.”
M: no. she has a contrecoup contusion from a massive fall. “Contrecoup” means…
J: yeah, it’s not my first rodeo. It means her head bounced around inside her skull.
M: after striking a hard object.
J: so not a pillow.
M: it takes longer when you make jokes.
J: I would poke my eyes out with a scalpel if I didn’t make jokes.
Frost arrives.
F: sister Winnie is scary.
J: oh, don’t call her “Winnie”. I got two weeks in detention for that. Could also be because I was singing “Winnie the Poop.”
Maura’s still concentrating on the body
M: Oh. Oh, I might have something. Her fourth digit isn’t as badly burned as the others. Might be able to try a rehydration technique.
J: you can get a print off of that? Ugh. It looks like a charred Tootsie Roll.
M: I’ve never done it. Only read about it in…and article published by a Dr Hope Martin.
J: well, perhaps we should call Dr Hope Martin.
M: NO. … I…I’ll just try myself. (grabs a pruning shears to cut off the finger)
F: well, Doc, you’re not gonna (*crunch*) you are. (closes his eyes)
M: you have to detach the finter in order to rehydrate the tissue. (shows him the piece of finger)
J: Frost (she looks sympathetic)
Frost slowly bends down.
F: just tying my shoe.
J: your shoes don’t have laces
Frost ends up lying on the floor passed out.
M: (gasps) oh my gosh. Detective Frost?
J: (laughs) I think he passed out.

Poor Barry. Poor, poor Barold. You know, they did that with the finger in a season 1 episode of CSI, but Catherine had to “wear” the finger skin over her finger to get it to make a print. And we continue to learn that Jane Rizzoli was quite the trouble maker in school. Calling Sister Winifred “Winnie the Poop” in front of her? Oh my.
* Jane pushes a little harder for Maura to meet her mom.
J: shouldn’t a crime-lab tech be doing this?
M: no, stop criticizing. I tried potassium chloride, but it was too destructive to the friction ridge skin.
J: you only got one finger.
M: what’s that supposed to mean?
J: it means you can’t screw it up. So maybe your call Hope to do this.
M: I also have only one biological mother and I’d rather not screw that up. Damn. The ruffer rehydration method modified by walker isn’t working.
J: You don’t know how to do it
M: yes, I do.
J: no, you don’t. Look you said you wanted to know her, okay? Meet her on a level playing field. Meet her as a colleague. Maura, I got to find out who this woman is. (Maura keeps stirring the jar. Jane gets out her phone & starts dialing)
M: who are you calling?
J: Dr Pike. He’ll help.
M: No. No, don’t you dare call that knucklehead.
J: Maura, just face whatever it is that’s terrifying you. … face her. …this is the easiest way.
M: okay.
J: Okay?

Awwww can we group hug again? I know that as much as Jane wants to meet this woman, she’s more concerned about getting Maura to do it and get it over with, so Maura can go on in life. No matter the outcome, she just wants it over. It’s also interesting to see that there’s something scientific that Maura can’t do.
* after Jane has given Maura the motivation, Maura goes to her phone.
M: okay, I’m going to do it. I am going to call her now.
J: like now, now?
M: yes, before I lose my nerve.
J: okay, don’t you want to…
M: no, no. no. I am perfectly calm. I’m Dr Maura Isles, the Chief Medical Examiner of the Commonwealth…
H: (Hope answers) Dr Martin. … hello, is someone there? Hello. (tries to give Jane the phone)
J: no. you have to do it.
H: is someone there?
J: (with the phone) hi. I’m calling from the office of Dr Maura Isles, the Chief Medical Examiner for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, could you hold for her, please? (shoves the phone towards Maura)
M: (mouths to Jane) I can’t. I can’t.
H: hello? (Jane gets the phone back)
J: I’m so sorry, I hate cellphones. Um, so, we… we are working on a very difficult homicide together, we’re trying to identify a Jane Doe. Would you be willing to do a consult? … yes, half an hour would be fine. Thank you so very much. (hangs up the phone)
M: a half an hour? Are you out of your mind?
J: you can do it.
M: whimpers
J: yes, you can.
M: no.
J: You can do this.

Awww I love these little pep talks. Makes me want to see Jane in a cheerleader outfit & pompoms.
* the ineptness of Dr Pike strikes again
M: she was asphyxiated and has quite a bit of adipocere tissue.
J: I hate soap mummies. Okay, it says here there’s an abnormality to Isabelle’s left cheekbone.
M: it’s an injury, not an abnormality. That’s why Pike is still in Worcester. You see the tool marks on her zygomatic bone?
J: on her cheekbone? Yeah, those three round indentations with scalloped edges. What is that from?
M: it’s a very strange pattern. Isabelle was hit with something hard enough to break the skin and pierce the bone.
J: well, Korsak’s looking at what’s left of Isabelle’s clothing.
M: you said the body was found in an old lady’s basement. Did the old lady kill her?
J: mmm, it’s doubtful.
M: doubtful. So, she might have?
J: no.
M: then why did you say ‘doubtful.’
J: I just wanted you to know what uncertainty felt like. (Maura gets a frown on her face and is ready to cry) Oh my God…Maura. I didn’t mean it. Oh, I’m so sorry. (grabs a box of tissues & hands her) I’m sorry.
M: everything makes me cry. Adipocere tissue never makes me cry. My mother said it was better that I didn’t live.
J: okay, now you’re being ridiculous. She did not say that. She said it was traumatic, right? (Maura shrugs) which means that it makes her sad. She doesn’t want to dwell on it.
M: I just don’t ever want her to know that I’m that evil child.
Jane hands Maura another tissue.
J: Here. Blow.
Korsak comes in
K: everything okay?
J: allergies. She ate Brazil nuts.
K: oh, we’re doing good in there. Look at this. Found this metal ring in her blouse. See this piece of her jeans.
J: yeah, you think that’s semen?
K: tested positive. I’m running it right now.
M: oh my God.
Jane sees Hope walking in & gets Maura’s attention.
H: I was just picking up my residential parking permit upstairs. I hope it’s okay.
J: yes. Yes, it’s fine. Yeah. Uh, we were just breaking another case (hands the tissue box to Maura)
H: terrific. I stopped in because I…well, I wanted to know if you were able to identify her.
M: we were.
H: soap mummy? Looks to be about 10 years old
M: yes. You’re amazing.

Awww like mother, like daughter. Nice coincidence to have Maura crying again after making a break in the case when Hope walks in. Gives better credence to the story that Maura cries when getting evidence to break a case.
* things are looking up for Maura & mom
M: so, she like Montepulciano, Lebanese zucchini, and science fiction.
J: she’s a soap mummy
M: No, uh, Hope. My uh, my new friend.
J: Aw, that’s wonderful, Maura.
M: and she said she’d call me once she’s settled into her new home.
J: oooh, I was hoping those were the DNA results.
M: not yet, it’s Isabelle’s tox screen. She had traces of Rohypnol in her system.
J: roofies. The date-rape drug. Maybe Isabelle was raped and that’s why she was murdered.

Loved Maura’s quip about her “new friend”. That’s a cute way to put it.
* the science wins again
M: this is from primitive steel. It has a good deal of slag in it.
J: remind me why I care about slag and get to the hunch part.
M: well, the last time this type of steel was manufactured was in the 15th century. (brings up an image on her computer) That’s a gauntlet from a post-midieval Scottish knight’s suit of armor.
J: let me see this Petri dish. You think that this ring could be from chain mail from a suit of armor?
M: I think it might be from a gauntlet.
J: Isabelle’s cheek. You’re saying the murderer was wearing the gauntlet when he hit her?
M: these are the DNA results.
J: Mmm, hmmm. Which Boston family would have a post-midieval Scottish suit of armor and need a nanny. Wait. I’m putting my thinking cap on. Mmm. Does the DNA belong to Tom MacGregor?
M: how did you know?
J: because I’m amazing too.

LOL yes, Jane. You are amazing. That’s the Jane Rizzoli sarcasm that I’ve missed in this episode.
* Jane’s turn to be a scientist
F: these are the last of the boxes from Emma’s lair
K: I’ll take these. You take those.
J: Maura, come on. Yes or no?
M: 1.5 centimeters. Well, a gauntlet like this made the tool marks on Isabelle Dubois’ cheekbone.
Jane gets impatient, picks up a swab, dips it in a beaker of liquid & brushes the gauntlet.
J: ‘a gauntlet like this’, How many 16th century gauntlets are just laying around?
M: that’s my job.
J: you’re taking too long. I want to know if theres…blood.
K: that’s blood.
F: found something. Isabelle & Emma knew Tom MacGregor’s campaign manager, Dan Hargrove.
K: they were campers together and Dan was their counselor.
J: Okay, here’s a theory…Dan introduces Isabelle to his friend, Tom MacGregor.
M: can I try? What, you just did my test.
J: It’s guessing. You’ll get hives.
M: It’s theorizing. Tom MacGregor gives Isabelle rohypnol & he rapes her. She feels the effects of the drug & tries getting away.
F: I’ll raise your theory. He backhands her with the gauntlet so hard, it splits her face open, then panics, strangles her, and calls Dan the fixer to get rid of the body.
K: I’ll match & double. Isabelle’s body turns up. Emma’s got a problem because she lied to the police 10 years before. Zero credibility. Has to find another way to get justice for her dead friend.
J: publicly humiliate Tom MacGregor. Could Emma have figured out from these photos that Isabelle was struck with that gauntlet?
M: well, if we’re still playing “theory”, yes.
J: that’s what she was doing in the house. She was looking for the gauntlet. (Maura looks closer at the gauntlet)
K: Dr Isles, do you see something?
M: Arm hair caught in the chain mail.
J: let’s get it processed.

Sweet. Maura won’t do guessing, but it seems she’s giddy about “theorizing”. Interesting distinction. That reminds me of a Lindsay Boxer quote – “I don’t have opinions. I have theories.” I miss Women’s Murder Club.
Did anyone else think of Clint Eastwood & Sondra Locke when they started mentioning a “gauntlet”? Or maybe I’m just showing my age. I loved “The Gauntlet”. Great movie.
6. wrap up bits & pieces
* Tom MacGregor, Jr. (Mark Hildreth) - He’s a familiar face, but where do I know him from? I’ve looked through his list of movies/shows on imdb, but see nothing I’d recognize him from.

* I don’t like weepy Maura. It's too heartbreaking. I really, really miss goofy, quirky Maura. I hope we get her back soon.
* speaking of coming back, I’m really missing Jo Friday & Bass. We need to see the rest of the family soon. It’s been a while since we’ve gotten a glimpse of the lovable pets.
* The rest of the family. We’ve had all of Jane’s family, Vince’s ex & kid, Frost’s dad, Maura’s adopted mom & bio parents, so now the big mystery is Mr Isles. When are we going to see Maura’s adopted father? I also hope that they bring back Constance soon as well. I like her.
* The big reveal? I wonder if the pic that Paddy drew of Maura’s mom looking at the gravestone will be how Hope finds out that Maura is her daughter. I think that would be the perfect way for the introduction.
* more caps

Guest Stars:
Melissa Strom (Emma Spencer)
Jamie Elman (Dan Hargrove)
Evan Helmuth (Emma’s brother)
Margaret Easley (Mrs. Dietrich)
Maite Schwartz (Celia Jaffe)
Mark Hildreth (Tom MacGregor Jr.)
Vanessa Bell Calloway (Assistant District Attorney)
Jenny O’Hara (Sister Winifred Callahan)
Lenny Jacobson (Rick Jaffe)
Sharon Lawrence (Dr. Hope Martin)
Matthew Del Negro (Giovanni Gilberti)
I too recognized Mark Hildreth but couldn't place him in any production. Couldn't even find his name any where. Came across your blog, found his name, and then saw he played Joshua in "V". SO sorry it didn't get renewed.