Let the wedding fantasy preparations begin.
Now this is the Rizzles that I love – the fun-loving, teasing banter, and working together to solve the case. As opposed to the LLBFF-in-peril or the angry-with-each-other episodes that we’ve had a lot of this season.
1. why do they seem to have the good guest stars as baddies? That means they don’t get to come back again. Last week it was David DeLuise, this week it’s Daniella Alonso as Riley, the drug dealer.
That reminds me…was Marissa (Jane’s neighbor) actually killed by Hoyt & his apprentice, or was that just the ruse that was used to get Jane to come back to her apartment so Stark (the apprentice) could abduct her in the ambulance? I miss Marissa.
2. speaking of guest stars… Daniella Alonso as Riley is familiar. Looking at her imdb page, it seems I should recognize her from CSI, Stargate Atlantis, and In Plain Sight. Yet, I really don’t remember those roles for her. Guess I need to go back and check them out. Brennan Elliot, who played Chris Harris, the killer, is also familiar as he was on the tv movie, “Kiss at Pine Lake”, as well as a short stint on the CSI 2-parter “A bullet runs through it” Gonzalo Menendez appears as Detective Robin Monroe. I really like him. He’s been on a few shows I’ve seen, including a recurring character on “The Event”, also on NCIS:LA, The Mentalist, and a few others. E. Ambriz DeColosio appears as “Chatterbox”, and Dina Zugec as Anja. I don’t remember seeing either of them before.
3. I love all of the facets of Jane’s personality that we get to see. Tonight, we got a hint of Det Sexy McBadass (Jane with the gun & shooting the bad guy); we saw Jane the caring woman with a heart when dealing with the abused girls; there’s Jane the sister/partner protector (when she discovers Frost & Frankie have both fallen for a baddie); Jane the tattletale daughter (telling Mama R about Frost & Frankie fighting over the girl); there’s Jane “The Original” (loved that title by Lt Cavanaugh); and of course, Jane the LLBFF, sharing wedding plans (and a bed) with Maura.
So, put it all together & you get: The Original Det Sexy McBadass tattletale caring protector LLBFF. Oh, I think I forgot “Red Sox wedding dreamer” in there somewhere.
4. we finally get another glimpse of Lt Cavanaugh. For being promoted to the opening credits, we sure haven’t seen much of Brian Goodman since the first couple eps of this season. I’ve missed him. Now, if we could only get a glimpse of Bass and Jo Friday. Look at the time we spent in Jane’s apartment this time, and yet no Jo Friday sighting. Last week, we had Jane & Maura cuddled on Maura’s couch, but no Bass sighting.
On that same subject, what happened to Susie the lab tech? Or, for that matter, it’s strange that Sister Bitcher has mysteriously disappeared from PD as well. Or how about even a mention of Lydia from last week’s episode? Come on, writers… at least give us mentions of them. Don’t just send them to the bottomless pit of mysterious disappearing characters.
Speaking of missing…I’m really missing the Jane/Korsak love. No, not the relationship kind of thing. I mean the wonderful scenes the two have together where we kind of get a glimpse back to their old days of being partners, back before Frost. Like when Korsak’s stepson, Josh, was in trouble, or the two talking about Hoyt and Korsak telling her “nobody can break Jane Rizzoli unless you let them.” Or even at the beginning of this season when he was concerned when Jane & Maura was missing at the yoga retreat and he came to rescue them. We see glimpses of the relationship every now & then, but it’s been a while. I really miss those moments.
5. Incorporating Sasha’s knowledge of the Serbian language into Maura’s character. I remember Sasha, during her appearance on Jimmy Kimmel, talking about the Serbian word “promia” being a “draft”. I’m guessing they’ll soon be having Maura speak Italian as well. I’d love to hear Jane, Frost or Frankie doing entire scenes in pig-latin. That would be cool.
6. a couple weeks ago, we saw Mama R getting “dressed to the nines” to go to work, but not who she was trying to impress. Was it Sean Cavanaugh? Was it Korsak? We see here that she was trying to charm Cavanaugh. However, was that just to give a helpful plug for Frankie and his quest to become a detective? As much as I love Cavanaugh, I really hope they set up Angela with Korsak. At least that’s one relationship that Tess Gerritsen’s books got right.
7. one thing I’ve noticed is that they’re finding more creative ways to have scenes that don’t include Jane or Maura, thus giving Angie and Sasha time off. This time, we see Korsak, Frost & Frankie go to pick up the crazy scorned lover. I hope they will start incorporating Angela & Cavanaugh more into that mix as well. I’m not sure if I really want to have them promote Frankie to detective quite yet. Right now, as a patrol cop, he brings in a slightly different dynamic. I wish we’d see him more out “on the streets” with a partner and responding to various calls and arresting the crazy people, instead of always hanging with the detectives. That would bring even more of a different dynamic to this show. And by the way, how is it that, as a patrol cop, he always gets to hang with the detectives anyway? Just because he’s Jane’s brother? Nepotism at work?
8. Your weekly dose of Rizzles.
** it’s all about the bed
Maura opens Jane’s front door as Jane comes in carrying a long, heavy box.
J: Maura, please help
M: I’m in my brunch clothes. Can’t we just do this after we go to Newbury Street?
J: Maura, we have to put my bed together before you drag me to boutiques. Come on. (she opens the box & pulls out the instructions) okay. “Slide Tab ‘A’ into hole ‘B’ at the appropriate size for mattr…” (drops the box) why do they have to make directions so complicated?
M: they’re not complicated. “Extend arm ‘C’ to align with bed frame at point ‘D.’” (hands the directions back to Jane) I see what you mean.
J: and where are Frost & Frankie with my mattress?
A: (from outside the door) Frankie, honey, watch your fingers.
M: is your mother here?
J: yes. She’s afraid Frankie will get hurt before his big interview.
M: well, the rate of musculoskeletal disorders is highest among movers.
J: the rate for uniforms getting a slot in homicide is lowest among mama’s boys.
Like that scene wasn’t totally gay. Haha. It reminded me of the scene in The L Word where Bette had to put together the birthing tank and saying this is the one time she wished she wasn’t a lesbian. And the whole “slide tab A into hole B” thing made me think of…okay, never mind. I was actually expecting Maura to put the frame together without even needing the instructions. That would have been more in line with Maura’s personality. I must say that Maura looks smashing in that lovely dress. And that’s only “brunch” clothes for Maura? Hmmm. Remember the last time that Jane & Maura went to brunch with Mama R? (Season 2 ‘Sailor Man’) Jane was dressed in a skirt & heels as well. I wonder if she’ll change this time before they go to brunch.
** the ‘help’ has become smitten
Jane opens the door to see Frost & Frankie carrying in a couch for Jane’s new neighbor.
J: what? okay, th…that’s not a mattress.
Fro: oh, hey Jane.
Fra: hi
A: don’t distract them.
J: I think they’re plenty distracted already.
R: (to Jane) hey there. (to Frost & Frankie) are you guys sure you’re okay?
Fro: oh yeah. Yeah.
Fra: yeah, yeah.
R: (to Jane) thank you so much for letting me mooch off your manpower.
J: yeah, mooch away. (softer to Maura) I’ll just sleep on the floor.
A: Jane, you want to come, meet your new neighbor. She’s a tattoo artist.
R: I’m Riley Cooper.
J: I’m Jane Rizzoli
M: Hi. Maura Isles. (she notices one of the tattoos) oh, a female koi fish. Beautiful. They symbolize independence & freedom.
R: right. How cool that you know that.
J: yeah, you’re so cool, Maura.
Fra: anything else that you need us to move?
J: oh, let me think. Yes, my mattress. (they both pick up boxes & bring them into Riley’s apartment.)
A: I’m going to loan Riley those non-stick pans I gave you.
J: you can’t do that.
A: you don’t use them.
J: well, why don’t you give her the bundt pan, too, Ma?
A: good idea.
R: (to Frost & Frankie) if you won’t let me pay you, at least let me get you some cold beer?
Fra: sounds good to me.
Fro: that’d be great.
Jane’s phone rings, and Frost’s phone buzzes.
J: while my mother raids my apartments and gives everything I have to my new neighbor, now I got to work on a Saturday.
Fro: damn
Fra: (to Frost) aww shoot. You gotta go too?
Fro: you make homicide, you can kiss your Saturdays goodbye too. (punches Frankie, who punches back)
Fra: hey.
J: Frankie, the mattress…
Riley brings him a beer, then he goes back into her apartment. Jane looks befuddled.

Poor Jane. Why can’t she, Maura & Mama R bring up the mattress? They’re all strong women. Riley too. And where’s Vince? You know he’d help out. And it’s cute to see that someone else is enchanted by Maura’s Google-speak.
** wedding plans, part 1
Jane & Maura arrive at the crime scene
J: Mmm “So In Love Wedding Chapel” what a weird place to get married.
M: well, not everybody can afford a big church wedding.
J: so go to the Justice of the Peace. I mean, at least they don’t have plastic flowers.
M: (looks at the body) her right carotid was severed by something very sharp.
J: you know, thank goodness you’re here. How would we have known it was something sharp?
M: don’t be mean ‘cause your mattress is still on top of your car.
J: (whines as Frost stands by looking guilty) you can’t get bedbugs from the street, can you? No, no that’s dumb, right?
M: well, new mattresses can have bedbugs if they’ve been transported with old ones. See if you have any, you know, brown or red stains or any pearly white casings.
J: oh, my. Please stop talking.
Again, Poor Jane. She can’t focus until her place of slumber is settled. Why doesn’t she just use Maura’s guest bedroom? I like how Frost doesn’t say anything, but looks a bit sheepish. As far as wedding plans, seems like Jane just wants a quickie at the JOP. Nice to see that Maura realizes there doesn’t have to be a big church wedding. I think the two can settle on a happy medium.
** Maura confuzzles Jane
K: bride was Anja Dobic, 20, foreign exchange student from Dubrovnik. Groom met her in a coffee house he was managing.
M: (speaks Serbian)
J: Doo-bu-nik-your-upper-lip to you.
M: I said Dubrovnik is a beautiful city.
F: you speak Croatian?
M: Serbian. (speaks Serbian) it’s an easy language.
J: no, yeah. I-I think I’m picking it up. … dooby-vonger---scooby-dooby-do.
They all laugh
K: groom’s alibi is airtight…he was waiting at the altar.
J: well, it seems pretty personal.
F: I’ll say…slashing her throat on her wedding day.
K: he gave me his phone. Says his ex-fiancee has been stalking him. She left 14 messages last night.
(phone message plays – Vicky: you really think I’m gonna stand by & let you marry that Euro-slut?)
M: she’s displaying signs of intermittent explosive disorder.
(more message – it was supposed to be our perfect day. That bitch has no right.)
J: doesn’t sound too intermittent to me.
K: ex-fiancee’s name was Vicky Collins. I’ll put a bolo out on her.
J: okay.
F: I’m calling Frankie. We could…sure use his help.
J: are you calling him just to keep him away from Riley?
F: uh…no.
J: Frost, come on. let’s follow the blood trail.
So cute. Jane’s been getting good at Maura’s Google-speak, so now Maura has to change it up a bit and start speaking a different language. I think Jane was starting to get the hang of it, don’t you? Maura’s Serbian talk really sounded like “Scooby-dooby-doo”, right? At least close? LOL
I also had to laugh as some of the credits were being displayed during this scene. The Co-Executive Producer is listed as Antoinette Stella. That’s the name of the dead inmate in the CSI 4x17 episode “XX” when the dead body (well, body parts) was found under the prison bus on the highway. Strange how those little tidbits just stick in my head.
** the American Dream isn’t all it’s cracked up to be
K: two beautiful sisters chasing the American Dream
J: used to be enough to get you a reality show. (to Frost) any sign of Lea?
F: no, but here’s how they got into the country (shows a web page) they were sponsored by a non-profit.
J: “Samaritan Girl.”
Maura comes in
M: that’s an odd name for a relief agency. A Samaritan helps someone in distress. If the girl’s getting the help, why is she the Samaritan?
J: (under her breath) shouldn’t you be doing an autopsy instead of giving a grammar lesson?
M: oh. Yeah, well, the coroner’s van is stuck in traffic. (picks up a scented candle from Jane’s desk & smells it) which reminds me of Boris Kerner’s work on Empirical Spatiotemporal features of traffic congestion. It’s…
J: (softly) gosh, that’s interesting, but we’re trying to figure out who killed the bride.
M: (whispers) sorry. (smells the candle again)
F: I wonder what Anja & Lea were running from in Croatia. “Samaritan Girl helps young women get an education and a new life.”
J: Anja got a new life. It just wasn’t the one she was looking for.
Sheesh. Jane’s in a snippy mood today. She’s not even in the mood for some quick “fun facts” from Maura. See what happens when her place of rest gets disrupted? It seems that the small bottle of hand sanitizer has been replaced by the scented candle as Maura’s go-to item of choice on Jane’s desk. I miss those hand sanitizer moments, but the candle-sniffing was cute. I wonder what scent it was. I’m sure it was a gift to Jane from Maura.
** wedding plans, part 2 (and a revelation)
J: so there are three sets of prints on this cake knife. One belongs to the crazy ex-fiancee, Vicky, and the other to Anja, the dead bride.
M: you said three.
J: yeah. The third set are partials. Korsak’s working on them now. Maybe Vicky had an accomplice.
M: odd. There’s some kind of substance in the wound. (puts the swab under the microscope)
J: it’s blue. Well, that can’t be the frosting, that was buttercream.
M: what kind of cake would you have?
J: for what?
M: your wedding.
J: who am I marrying?
M: I’m going to have a hazelnut almond, chocolate ganache, and maybe a mocha buttercream.
J: Maura, you don’t even have a boyfriend.
M: Oh, I’m not getting married. I just think it’s fun to play fantasy wedding, don’t you?
J: if you’re five.
Maura goes back to checking the body.
M: okay. The edges of the wound are clean.
J: so, it’s not from this cake knife.
M: no. I’ve rarely seen a blade sharp enough to make a cut like this. Hmm. What a shame to get married in a polyester blend. … what does your dress look like?
J: I don’t wear dresses.
M: oh, come on. You must have fantasized about your wedding dress as a little girl.
J: yes, once. I had a very high fever.
M: my gown would be…silk charmeuse….with an empire waist and a 20-foot train. And the ceremony would be in the cliffs of Santorini, right above a volcano.
J: what if the volcano erupts?
M: oh, I’d check for seismic activity
J: of course
M: and I wanted to marry Antonio Benivieni when I was 12.
J: Not Antonio. I hate it when we like the same guy.
M: he died in the 16th century. Pioneered the autopsy. I’d be Maura Dorthea Isles Benivieni.
J: wow. Dorthea? And you laughed at Clementine? Dorthea?
M: I didn’t laugh. I smiled. I liked it. And I…I like that name too, ‘cause, you know, it’s the name of a famous artist.
J: oh my god, you are so weird. Okay. You know what? Fine. If it’ll move things along, yes. I was once in love with Bill Buckner. … and then the ball went through his legs in the World Series. … no longer. (points to the body) can we finish?
M: yes.
J: thank you.
M: okay. (peels back the skin)
J: what is that?
M: looks like a copper rivet. I’ll sent it to the crime lab to run some tests.
(Jane’s phone buzzes)
J: okay. Oh, it’s Korsak. Our suspect, Vicky, is upstairs and she will only speak to unmarried women.
Maura turns to take off her gloves.
J: where do you think you’re going?
M: I’m unmarried, and Vicky sounds a little unhinged. You might need my professional opinion to help break the suspect.
J: (snickers) since when?
Oh. My. Goodness. Where to start with that scene? That has to be one of the cutest Rizzles scenes yet. First - talking about Maura’s dream wedding (above a volcano??) I wonder if Jane is taking notes. And already at that point, she wanted to marry the guy who pioneered the autopsy? Definite science geek at an early age. Second – Maura’s middle name revealed as Dorthea. That’s not a surprise, since it was picked by the fans. That was the only one of the three choices that actually made sense. (What were the other two choices again?) Maura Dorthea kind of rolls off the tongue. However, it doesn’t go well with Isles. I think Jane & Maura should have Clementine / Dorthea arguments. I can just hear Jane scolding Maura, saying “Maura Dorthea, you stop that.” LOL Third – Jane’s crush was Bill Buckner? Really? Good grief. There had to be cuter guys on the team back then. But somehow I knew that with Jane being a Red Sox fan that there would at some point in this series be a Bill Buckner reference. Just didn’t expect it to be her crush. Fourth – Maura immediately decides to come up to help with the interview? That’s one for the Rizzles drinking game, isn’t it?
** the voice in Jane’s head
Jane is interrogating Vicky, and is wearing an earpiece to hear Maura, who’s in the observation room
M: reassure her. Compliment her wedding album.
J: um, that’s a …that’s a nice wedding album.
V: IT’S … NOT…A … WEDDING…ALBUM. I’m by myself. Do you see what that slut did to my life? Do you?
J: (sarcastically) that was a good idea.
M: ask her if she has auditory hallucinations.
J: um..you ever hear voices?
V: you bet I do. That bitch & her sister were always talking about me behind my back.
M: could be brief reactive psychosis. It’s help to know the even that precipitated it.
J: you mean the wedding, that event?
V: are you hearing voices, too?
J: W…uh…yes. I have a know-it-all in my ear.
V: you know that Anja bitch was a liar, too?
J: what do you mean?
V: she said she was a student, but she wasn’t. she said she was a virgin, but she was a raging slut. Turn the page, you’ll see.
Jane turns the page on the wedding album. There are pics of Anja & fiancée, Seth.
V: slut, right?
M: agree with her so you don’t inflame her.
J: yeah, she’s so…slutty.
V: She deserved what I did to her.
M: she feels no empathy for her victim
J: I got this part. (to Vicky) um, you think Anja deserved to have her throat cut?
V: she’s dead?
J: MM-hmmm
V: Oh my god. That’s fantastic. Hehehe.
M: she suffers from psychotic delusions.
V: now Seth & I can get married.
J: yay.
M: it’s my professional opinion that she be put under psychiatric observation.
J: GOOD IDEA. (takes out her earpiece)
M: Jane.
After last week, you’d think Maura would know that Jane can understand the psychos well enough to get by. Doesn’t Jane always seem to have Maura’s voice in her head, anyway? I guess Vicky took the place of crazy Lydia from last week. It’s sad to realize that we haven’t had a Lydia reference yet this week.
** Maura’s watching the LLBFF’s diet
(they walk into the Dirty Robber)
M: I’m gonna make you eat something green tonight.
J: okay, I’ll get extra pickles on my burger.
(Jane’s phone buzzes)
J: It’s Korsak. Still no sign of Lea. Wonder if Vicky scared her out of town.
M: hmmm.
Hey, Maura can’t find fault with that. Pickles are green, a vegetable…and good for you. I love how Maura’s still wearing that fancy dress, even to the Dirty Robber.
** Jane’s still got that funny feeling about Riley.
J: he leaves, she stays…doesn’t that seem kind of…
M: kind of…? You’re judging her because she’s sitting by herself in a bar?
J: no. … yes.
Frost arrives.
F: hey.
J: hey.
F: I got some more info on Anja & Lea. Vicky was right, neither of them was going to college.
J: alright. Hey, you want to sit and have a beer with us?
F: uh, no. thanks, though. Uh, I’m meeting someone. (sees Riley & nods) see you tomorrow.
J: yeah, see ya. (Frost hugs Riley.) she’s hugging him, Maura.
M: (gasps) look at that. She’s kissing him. (Frost & Riley are kissing)
J: yeah, I can see that. Okay, she’s not sitting by herself or keeping her hands to herself. Is it okay to judge now?
M: if she was a man, would you judge?
LOL good answer, Jane. Poor Frost & Frankie. Looks like the “Frostie” bromance has moved on to brighter pastures…at least for now. Now it seems that Korsak is the only one who’s not ‘getting some.’ I hope they decide to hook up Korsak & Angela sometime soon. That’s one relationship that I really want to see. Oh, that reminds me…I thought Frost was back with his former GF…the FBI lady from “he ain’t heavy.” I want to see her back on the show soon as well.
** Jane the tattletale
J: I need to tell Frankie
M: stay out of it.
J: and I need to tell Frost.
M: stay OUT of it.
A: stay out of what?
M: Jane’s new neighbor is doing Darwinian Sex Selection.
A: what? She seemed like such a nice girl, even though she has those hideous tattoos.
J: Ma, do you even know what she just said?
A: yes, I do. Riley is picking a mate from a big selection. It’s something you should try.
J: Oh, a small selection…Frankie or Frost.
A: (gasps) what a slut.
J: MA.
A: excuse me. (turns away as Lt Cavanaugh comes in) Morning Lieutenant.
LC: Good morning.
J: Mm, mm, mm. I think my mom likes my boss.
M: I did see them having sex in the lobby.
J: what?
M: that was a joke. (chuckles)
See, Angela knew what Maura was talking about, but Jane had no clue. Maura’s smirk was cute too. And Maura’s joke? She’s definitely learned a lot from Jane in the past couple years. It’s cute how Jane didn’t see that joke coming.
** Jane can’t hold it in anymore
J: okay, you two are idiots. She’s playing you both.
Fro: (chuckles) yeah, we know. It’s all good.
J: “it’s all good” if my neighbor sleeps with both of you?
M: well, many cultures exchange partners to indulge in forbidden pleasures.
J: aww, geez. God.
Fro: neither one of us has hooked up with Riley yet. I mean, that would be a total violation of “the code”
M: The Man Code: I’ve heard of this. I-it’s an unspoken set of rules that men live by.
J: thank you, Jane Goodall. So, what, one of these “man code” rules is ‘until Riley does one of you, you both go out with her?
Fra: yeah.
M: oh, that seems reasonable. What’s another one?
Fro: well, you can’t share an umbrella
Fra: and then if, uh, you’ve known a guy for more than 24 hours, his sister is off-limits.
M: So, Jane and Detective Frost can’t hook up?
J: Maura.
Fra: well, there’s the grenade rule.
Fro: that’s a big one.
M: I don’t understand.
Fra: a “grenade” is a hot girl’s… ugly friend
Fro: you got to jump on that grenade, hmm? If it helps your buddy.
M: helps him how?
J: oh, sleep with the hot chick, Maura. (phone buzzes)
M: oh.
J: Oh, fun’s over, kids. Korsak’s got a hit on the third set of partial prints on the cake knife.
LOL Maura’s so inquisitive. Jane’s so annoyed. Frost & Frankie have their “Frostie” back…life is good. Now, since Frost & Frankie told them about the “Man Code” rules, I think Jane & Maura should give the guys a few of the LLBFF rules…especially when it applies to Jane & Maura
(see Jane Rizzoli’s Rule Book here)
** the mattress goes…here
J: we put out a statewide bulletin, there’s not a single sighting of Lea. Who the hell took her.
M: Okay. Can we just do one thing at a time? Either talk about the case, or move this mattress.
(Jane shoves the mattress to the floor, right in front of the couch)
J: I hate my brother.
M: (gets down to inspect the mattress) well, the good news is I don’t see any cimex lectularious larvae.
J: Ugh, Maura. You & the bedbugs, please STOP. (hears Riley talking outside the door) I’m gonna go ask her to help, because it’s her fault that we’re moving this mattress. (she opens the door slightly)
R: (on the phone) yeah man. I got the cash. I can do 5K of liquid units. … yeah, 3:00’s cool. Same place.
Riley goes into her apartment. Jane shuts her door & turns to Maura.
J: she just bought 5,000 liquid units.
M: well, that seems like an awful lot of tattoo ink
J: it’s liquid ecstasy.
M: oh my god. A-arrest her.
J: I can’t arrest her for making a phone call. Maura, my little brother and my partner are falling for a drug dealer.
See, I knew Maura & Jane could take care of the mattress themselves. Come on, it’s not that much farther to the bedroom, ladies. Oh, and WHERE is Jo Friday again? COME ON. Another scene in Jane’s apartment, and no scruffy little buddy with a waggy tail? I miss the little one. As I said before, why do the good guest stars that I like have to be baddies so we never see them again? Couldn’t Riley be a good neighbor like Marissa? And what’s a drug dealer like Riley doing business talking on a phone in a hallway where anyone can hear? Especially when she knows she’s living next door to a cop.
** Jane’s conflicted
J: of course my partner and my little brother have to fall for the big drug dealer. Couldn’t fall for the little drug dealer.
M: Wh- stop worrying. The Man Code will prevent them from both hooking up with Riley.
J: that’s so soothing, Maura. Thank you. I got to tell them. What if something happens?
M: oh, something WILL happen if you don’t keep your mouth shut. You’ll be brought up on charges. And Frankie’s gonna lose his shot at homicide, and Frost will get transferred.
J: oka, well, other than that, what could happen?
LOL it’s cute how Maura now has so much faith in the “Man Code.” I’m also surprised that Maura didn’t bring up the similarities to her situation with Tommy and the situation leading to his arrest. It’s also interesting to note how Maura is the one who tries to keep the focus on the case here. Usually, it’s Jane who’s trying to keep Maura from going off tangent.
** Maura’s “fun facts” bring a big clue
M: you see this copper rivet that we found on Anja’s wedding gown?
J: yeah, so?
M: so…it has traces of a wheat containing the Sr6 gene.
J: oh, the Sr6 gene. Bummer.
M: do you ever read The Journal of Agriculture & Food Chemistry?
J: Mmm every issue. I especially loved the “Caption the Cartoon” contest.
M: (gasps) there’s a caption contest? (checks her computer) Hahaha. So, the Sr6 was a gene cultivated in the 1940s.
J: if you’re trying to bore me to death, it’s working.
M: it became en vogue for farmers to use copper tools after a European ecologist promoted the idea that iron defertilized the soil.
J: Wh—so you’re saying that Anja was killed by some old farm tool?
M: possibly. (brings up a pic on her computer) this is a srbosjek knife. It was used for farming in Eastern Europe
J: so, you’re thinking the Sr6 residue stuff was on the shop-shiek knife and that’s what killed Anja?
M: the Croatian Nazis called it “cutthroat” because it made it easy to slit the throat of a victim. (she gets an idea & starts to walk to the morgue)
J: what? Where are you going?
M: to look at her scalp. If it’s here, it’d be right…
J: if “what’s” here?
M: this (checks her scalp & finds a scar in the shape of a letter K) it’s a Cyrillic letter. They branded her. That’s a “K”… (speaks Serbian) Koyatch.
J: well what’s that?
M: it means “cutthroat.”
J: you think that “K” stands for cutthroat?
M: maybe
J: well, Anja’s fiancĂ© said that she and her sister were terrified of being sent back to Croatia.
M: well, this tissue is in its last stages of healing. This is recent.
J: you mean somebody did that to her here, in the U.S.?
M: (nods) excuse me.
J: yeah.
Maura raises the sheet from the lower part of Anja’s body.
M: I need a speculum. If she’s been branded, she’s almost certainly been raped.
I love Maura’s “fun facts.” Just think how much you learn in each episode just from Maura’s ‘fun facts.” LOL One thing that bugs me with this scene. We know that Maura is usually very meticulous with her autopsies. So how could she not have noticed that big scar that was only mere inches away from the fatal wound? That doesn’t sit well with me.
** a new guy enters the mix (Det Robin Monroe)
M: I found substantial scarring on Anja’s cervix, indicative of recent & repeated rape.
DM: unfortunately, we see this all the time. Young immigrant women, they get targeted by human traffickers. You’re looking at a half a million just in this country.
Jane pulls out a photo and shows it to him
J: what do you make of that?
DM: oh god. I haven’t seen a mark like that in 10 years. This looks like “cutthroat.”
M: well, that’s the Serbian nickname for this knife. It’s possible that a knife like this is the murder weapon.
DM: and “cutthroat” was also a man. He was a human trafficker whose specialty was women from Serbia and Croatia. But he was killed two years ago.
J: so what about the “K” on her neck
DM: he used to carve it into the necks of his sex slaves. May I use your computer?
J: yeah, of course.
DM: his real name was Dragomir Lapov. Now, Lapov used it on the girls who tried to escape. Slit their throats as a warning to the others.
J: so it looks like we have a new cutthroat.
DM: get a new one every day. It’s frustrating as hell.
M: what will happen to Lea?
DM: my guess? She was taken ‘cause she’s a virgin. If she’s still alive, she’ll be auctioned off.
J: how do we find her?
DM: they’ll want her to go to the highest bidder. Means they’ll have to advertise.
M: how? The internet?
DM: Internet, newspapers. It’s almost impossible to find them unless you know where to look.
Hey, new guy. I like you. The credits list him as Det Robin Monroe. He reminds me of Det. Crowe from season 1. I miss him too.
** in Room B101 (Maura’s office)
J: Frankie, he’s never gonna talk to me again.
M: The blue residue I found in Anja’s throat wound is methyl isobutyl ketone.
J: gee, thank you for the sympathy, I really appreciate it.
M: he’ll get over it. Aren’t you gonna say “what’s the blue stuff?”
J: (sighs) what’s the blue stuff?
M: dry-erase ink
J: wh-what’s that doing in Anja’s throat wound?
M: well, that’s better. Dry-erase markers produce a fine particulate dust similar to chalk.
J: so, what? Are we looking for a teacher? I mean, who else uses those markers?
M: it’s a great writing instrument for temporary charts, lists, calendars.
J: lists & calendars. (turns & walks away)
M: where are you going?
J: uh, I need a photo.

An interesting camera angle for being in Maura’s office. I like that little change. It makes things more interesting when they don’t come at you with the same camera angles time after time. It’s also fun to see Jane is still pre-occupied with other matters and Maura is trying to keep her on track with the case. Such a role reversal from earlier this season where Maura was so preoccupied with thoughts of her bio-mom.
** another sleepover to christen the new mattress
M: are you starting to like Pinot Noir more?
J: (chuckles) no. Frost & Frankie drank all the beer.
M: hmm too bad. Hey, maybe you’ll get a new neighbor and Frankie & Frost will help you move this mattress to your bedroom
J: that would be really nice, because the traffic is really loud out here.
M: you did good work today.
J: thanks. At least Anja didn’t die in vain, you know? Lea gets to stay here in Boston & go to college.
M: I just think it’s so disgusting that they put her in a wedding gown to auction her off.
J: That’s the part that disgusts you?
M: No. all of it disgusts me. (lays down next to Jane on the mattress) so you must’ve had a wedding fantasy when you were little. Come on, every little girl has one.
J: okay, it wasn’t really a fantasy, it was … I had this dumb idea that I would say my vows at Fenway over home plate in a Red Sox jersey.
They both laugh
M: it’s not dumb. It’s not exactly elegant, but at least it’s colorful.
J: and we would have the reception over the pitcher’s mound, and we would serve foot-long hot dogs, and frozen lemonade. Guests would throw peanuts at us instead of rice.
M: can I come?
J: maybe. (turns to face Maura)
M: okay. … a Red Sox jersey?
J: okay, you’re in MY fantasy. You cannot tell me what to wear.

I’d like to see what the compromise is between Jane’s fantasy wedding and Maura’s. they’re total 180 degree opposites. I love how the “sleepovers” have progressed since the beginning of this series. Oh, and STILL no Jo Friday, even though the two are lying on a mattress in the middle of the living room floor. There definitely should be some glimpse of Jo Friday, even if she’s sleeping in her little bed. Sheesh. Where’s the continuity?
9. other scenes of note
** Jane talks weddings with the guys
F: gives new meaning to “Bride Wars”
J: (looks at the remnants of the cake on the floor) there should be…one more layer. The top tier of the cake is missing.
F: so the killer…took the cake.
J: do you see a knife?
F: no…uh, but I’m seeing a hell of a lot of blood, though. Look at the arterial spray, it hit the ceiling.
J: yeah. There’s no void in the pattern. Maybe our killer cut her & then got out of here before getting blood on himself.
F: (picks up some lime green heels) or herself.
J: mmm only a bridesmaid would wear shoes that color. (to Korsak) you talk to any bridesmaids?
K: weren’t any. Groom said Anja didn’t have any close friends.
J: huh (checks the closet) there are two sets of clothes in here. Jeans are different sizes.
F: got the victim’s purse. And look at this. (shows a photo-booth film strip of Anja & another blonde)
J: well, she had at least one friend.
Oh, come on. Where is Maura when they’re talking about clothes? I can’t believe Jane didn’t make a funny face when she saw the bright lime green heels. I actually like them better than the ugly pink heels she was forced to wear last week while tied to the bed. And why does it always come down to those photo booth film strips that bring evidence. I think last time we saw that was Season 1 “I’m your boogie man,” with Frankie and the abused wife that Hoyt had brainwashed.
** protective Big Sis
(Riley & Frankie are sitting at a booth)
R: you showed up at the guy’s house?
M: is that your neighbor, Riley, sitting with Frankie?
Jane walks over to them.
J: hey
F: hey.
J: what’s with the suit? Your interview with Cavanaugh ain’t ‘til Monday.
F: I thought I’d break it in.
R: I told him to wear it. Men in suits turn me on. It’s so cool that you’re about to become a homicide detective.
F: well
J: it’s not a done deal.
R: hey, thanks again for the bundt pan.
F: Oh, Janie, she made the best chocolate cake.
R: I’ll bring you some.
M: that’s nice of you.
J: okay, well, nice bumping into you.
R: yeah, you too.
F: you know, actually, I got to call it a night (he gets up)
J: aww. that must be so disappointing for you Riley. Sorry my brother is so crushingly boring.
R: I think he’s great. I’ll see you soon, Frankie.
F: yeah, I’ll see you. (gives her a kiss)
Frankie pulls Jane away.
F: Don’t interfere.
J: I’m not.
F: yeah, you are. I really like her.
J: she feels sneaky to me. I think she’s hiding something.
F: so don’t go out with her. (he leaves) Good night, Maura.
Awww protective big sis looking out for little bro. and Frankie wearing a suit on a date? That’s like Jane wearing her LBD for Joey Grant in Season 1, except this time, Mama R didn’t set him up. One thing I do hate is how they always sit at the same booth every time. I could understand if it was just Jane & Maura, because that would be like “their” spot. But, we’ve previously seen Sister Bitcher sitting in the same place, now Riley & Frankie. Come on, guys. You can’t take Jane & Maura’s booth. It’s sacrilegious
** Mama R is buttering up the Lieu
A: Special Irish breakfast for you. It’s steel-cut oatmeal with fresh peaches.
LC: Thanks, Miss Rizzoli. Looks delicious.
Frankie comes in
F: hey Ma.
A: Frankie. You look so professional in a suit. He’s really a hard worker, Lieutenant.
F: Ma.
A: and he studied really hard for the detective test.
F: Ma.
J: there she goes.
M: well, there’s only one opening in homicide. And she’s trying to help.
J: yeah, well, she keeps putting peach flowers in the boss’ oatmeal, it’s gonna send him over the top.
LC: Frankie, if you’re half as good as your mother’s cooking, you got a good shot, kid.
F: (to Jane) do you hear that? I got a shot.
Frost: yeah, as long as your mom keeps feeing Cavanaugh. Oh, is that a suit from the Korsak collection?
Fra: Riley liked it. She said it gave me a young Al Pacino vibe.
Poor Frankie. When Mama R gets on a roll, you just can’t stop her.
** Korsak was actually doing some work
J: hey, we got a suspect?
K: yeah. Convicted sex offender delivered the cake.
J: Manny “Chatterbox” Cruz. The bakery know they were hiring a felon?
K: yeah. He works for Everyman Cakes. It’s a parolee work program.
J: Huh, so maybe he tried to assault her, she fought him, and he slit her throat.
Awww It’s short, but I’ll take any Jane/Korsak scene I can get these days. I love these two together. We usually get to see “Mature Jane” with Vince.
** bringing up the dirt on Riley
J: I knew it.
K: you’re in early. Is that someone involved with the missing girl?
J: no, this is my new next door neighbor.
K: uh-oh. I once had a neighbor who cooked meth in his mudroom.
J: you think she’s cute?
K: (takes a closer look) wow. I mean, if you like that sort of thing.
J: well, Frankie & Frost are all over her.
K: they know she’s a drug dealer?
J: no, but they will when I tell them.
Frankie walks by & stands in front of Cavanaugh’s door.
J: hey Frankie, come here, we need to talk.
F: uh, not now. Cavanaugh called me in for my interview. Any advice?
J: yeah, don’t choke.
K: you’ll do great.
J: (smoothes Frankie’s suit) you will, come on. It’s your job to lose, okay? You look good.
Cavanaugh comes out
LC: Hey Rizzoli?
F: yeah?
LC: Not you, the original Rizzoli. In my office, now.
Aww I love how big sis is looking out for little brother & her partner. I also love Cavanaugh’s “Original” comment. Face it, Frankie. There’s really only one real Detective Rizzoli. She sometimes goes by the name of Detective Sexy McBadass, or even Detective Smarty Pants. I also like how Vince didn’t freak out when Jane mentioned that both Frankie & Frost are smitten with a drug dealer. If that had been the other way around, and Vince had told Jane, she would have gone ballistic.
** A secret to keep
LC: I just got word from the commander of the drug unit that you ran one of their targets.
J: one of their targets? Wh-she’s my next-door neighbor.
LC: oh, you’re ordered not to talk to her. Not to go anywhere near her, in person or on the internet.
J: okay. …um… she’s um…dating … some cops.
LC: cops? Plural?
J: yes, sir.
LC: okay, this shouldn’t be too hard, she’s your neighbor. So the two guys that I can think of is Frost & Frankie.
J: yes, sir. I mean, we…we should warn them. I mean, maybe she’s trying to get close to them to get information.
LC: look, I don’t even know what the drug unit’s got going on. All’s I know is the commander went ape-shit when you ran that name.
J: Sir, that’s my brother and my partner.
LC: enough. You’re ordered to keep your mouth shut until they make their move. We clear?
J: yes, sir.
LC: good. Now get back to work. We got a dead bride and a missing sister.
J: yes, sir.
Somebody’s in trouuuuble. All I can think of is that this the same thing that Maura went through when Agent Farrell made Maura sign that Title 18 to not disclose her knowledge to Jane that the FBI was about to arrest Tommy. Remember how Jane went ape-shit when she found out Maura kept it from her? “There are ways to tell me without telling me.” Will Jane find a way to do that with Frost & Frankie? And what’s to keep Korsak from telling them? He just found out from Jane a few minutes ago, so does Jane tell Korsak to keep a lid on it now too? Interesting dilemma. I also remember back to last week, when Frankie ran Lydia’s name through the system, and Jane scolded him, saying that “they watch that kind of stuff” and he needs to be careful who he does searches on. Jane found out here how quickly they catch that stuff.
** looking for the ad
F: I ran five different web-bot programs, searched every inch of local statewide advertising. Nothing.
K: maybe they’re taking a page out of the terrorist handbook, keeping it all low-tech. I’ll look through the personals.
F: sounds like you speak from experience.
K: don’t you remember? That’s how we met.
J: either one of you see Frankie after his interview? (she’s looking through Vicky’s ‘wedding album’)
F: no (Korsak shakes his head)
J: crap. That means it didn’t go very well. (turns the page in the album to see a “Yugo” ad)
K: (chuckles) Yugo Best Mechanics. I had a Yugo.
F: what do you call a Yugo with a thousand miles?
K: (shakes his head)
F: an overachiever.
K: okay, okay. It’s a lousy car. No—nobody drives them anymore. How do these mechanics stay in business?
J: I think they’re servicing different foreign bodies. (turns the page back to Anja’s wedding announcement)
F: that must be how our killer found Anja. He was looking for his ad when he saw her wedding announcement.
J: A Cyrillic “K” for “cutthroat”
Hey, come on, guys. You’re giving the letter “K” a bad name here. I’m kind of fond of that letter. I love the old Yugo reference, and joke. I like how Korsak actually had one of them…and admitted that it was a shitty car.
** who goes first?
(sneaking in to the Yugo mechanics building)
J: ( to Frost) where’d you get the stun-gun?
F: I borrowed it.
K: Frost, you go first.
F: why me?
K: you have the stun gun.
F: (gives it to Korsak) now YOU’VE got the stun gun.
J: give me that. God. (takes the stun gun & walks through the gate, then throws it back to Frost after they are all inside the fence)
LOL boys will be boys. Boys are wimpy. Let Det. Sexy McBadass handle the job, guys. We all know she’s not afraid to go first.
** finding the girls
Jane, Frost & Korsak find the girls in their “pens,” then sneak up on a guard who’s watching a game on tv.
J: (puts her gun to the back of his head) is your team winning?
K: Boston homicide. You so much as blink and one of us will blow your head off.
Guy: go ahead. Shoot me.
J: (looks at Frost) you heard the man.
F: I did (takes out the stun gun and uses it on him)
K: and I thought Eastern Europeans were tough guys.
Some guys are off to the side, doing a deal.
K: (on his radio) move in now.
Officers come in and arrest all of the guys. Jane goes back to check on the girls.
J: Joanna, it’s okay. It’s okay. Shh. Shh. Shh. Shh. Shh. Shh. (she notices the Cyrillic “K” on her neck) these are cutthroat’s girls.

Awww I love sensitive Jane. Reminds me of “Sailor Man”, where she whispered to the girl in the hospital who was badly beaten and calmed her when she became frightened in her dream. A nice contrast to the Jane who gave Frost the go-ahead to stun the bad guy moments before.
** comfort food
Mama R puts down a plate full of sandwich & fries in front of Frankie at the café
J: you’re gonna get fat.
A: can I get you some chocolate milk?
Fra: yeah.
Fro: Riley hates fat guys, especially ones that drink chocolate milk.
Fra: shut up. I blew my interview, okay?
J: what did Cavanaugh say?
Fra: he said it’s down to me and one other candidate.
J: all right, so, come on. You’re still in the hunt, Frankie.
Mama R brings the chocolate milk. Jane & Frost both steal fries from Frankie’s plate.
Fra: hey. Get your own.
J: what? We’re making sure you don’t get fat. Oooh, there’s Cavanaugh, let’s ask him.
Fra: you do, I will take this plate & stuff it down your throat.
J: (looks at Frost) Oh, yeah. (to Cavanaugh) BOSS.
C: hey. The drug unit made a big bust today. 5,000 units of ecstasy. Wow. Nice haul.
They watch as the perps are being taken through the lobby & up to booking. One of the perps is Riley, who’s being led through as well. Frankie & Frost are stunned.
J: oh my god.
C: now you know why the drug unit commander didn’t want you running his target, Rizzoli.
Frankie & Frost look at Jane.
Fro: what the hell?
Fra: Riley is a drug dealer?
A: I don’t believe it. I want my pans back.
J: they’re MY pans, Ma.
C: so you think you’re ready to be a homicide detective, Frankie? Maybe you ought to investigate the girls you date first. And you too, Frost. Now, you should know better. (he leaves)
Fra: (to Jane) You knew Riley was a target?
J: Frankie, I’m so sorry.
Fro: Hey, Knock it off, Frankie. We’re the ones that blew it, not Jane. (Frankie scoffs, turns & leaves)
J: Frankie, come on. (she turns to Frost) Frost, I’m really sorry.
Oh, Janie. It’s not easy being between a rock & a hard place. Now you know how Maura felt. What happened to the “there’s a way to tell me without telling me” line you gave Maura? At least Frost knew enough that it wasn’t Jane’s fault.
** getting in to the auction
Korsak’s driving, Frost & Jane are in the back seat hiding under a blanket.
Guard: what’s the password?
K: cutthroat.
Guard: go ahead.
K: (drives ahead, away from the guard) every so often it pays to be a middle-aged white guy.
J: (takes the blanket from her head) I am SO driving on the way back. (puts the blanket up again)
Korsak steps out of the elevator, and is met by another guard.
Guard: evening sir, auction is down the hallway.
Korsak nods & walks past. Jane & Frost come up behind the guard. Frost gives him a good clocking.
J: Oh, man. Nice right cross.
F: yeah?
J: Nice right cross.
LOL As much as Jane loved seeing Frost punch the guy, I can imagine that she really wanted to do that herself. How cute is it seeing Jane & Frost in the back seat under the blanket? It’s like back in the days of sneaking into the drive-in movie via the trunk.
** saving Lea
The price goes up to $53,000. Jane has had enough & starts the raid.
J: Boston Police, nobody move.
Harris grabs Lea and holds a knife to her throat.
J: Harris, let her go.
CH: come any closer, I’m gonna cut this whore.
J: you mean the same way you cut her sister, Anja?
Lea cries
CH: shut up.
L: let me go
CH: shut your mouth.
Jane gives him a look, he makes a slight move. Jane shoots three times and Harris falls to the ground. Jane check on Lea.
J: It’s alright, it’s okay. It’s okay
L: (speaking Serbian) he killed my sister.
J: I know. Shhh It’s okay. Come on. Come on, let’s get you out of here.
F: I got her. I got her.
Frost takes her away. The New Guy comes up to Jane.
DM: I don’t get too many happy endings on this job, so thank you.
J: how many more are out there?
DM: there’s too many, but take a look at those girls, detective. You just gave them all their lives back.
Awww I think that’s the greatest compliment that Jane’s ever gotten. Have I mentioned that I really love this guy? Now I’m guessing he’ll never be heard from again. Damn.
10. more caps

Guest stars:
Brennan Elliott (Chris Harris)
Whitney Anderson (Vicky Collins)
Daniella Alonso (Riley Cooper)
Eduardo Ambriz DeColosio (Manny Cruz)
Gabriel Tigerman (Seth Lowell)
Gonzalo Menendez (Det. Robin Monroe)
Nancy Stelle (Croatian Girl)
Dina Zugec (Anja Babic)
Rita Volk (Lea Babic)
Igor Korosec (Balkan Man)
Jack Topalian (Man 1)
Petar Kirilov (Guard)
Vladimir Tevlovski (Guard 2)
I see that Daniella Alonso is back again in episode 10 (and listed as Jane's neighbor) so maybe Riley was actually an undercover cop working the drug case, and will actually be on the "good" side? I hope so, because I liked her. Maybe Frost & Frankie were actually in on it as well, and it's Jane as the only one 'out of the loop'.