-- Richard Feliz arrives at the Sanctuary and Helen answers the door.

RF: I’m not coming in.
M: the residents are all secure, I assure you.
RF: there’s only one monster that I’m worried about.
M: please. I haven’t bitten a guest in decades. (he gives her a look) you’ve been flying all night. Let me make you a meal, a nice glass of wine.
RF: see, right there. Feminine charms. Wiles. Beguiling behavior. I will not have it. I will not HAVE it.
M: get in.
RF: right
I’m glad to see Feliz again. His brand of flirting with Magnus is kind of like Tesla, only…less seasoned.
-- Feliz wants out
RF: now, as to why I’m here
H: not the wine?
RF: please, just let me get through this.
H: you want to quit as my banker.
RF: I want to be released from my duties, yes.
H: No.
RF: Helen, when I come here in person, it’s because I’m serious. Plus, you…kept hanging up on me.
H: well you’re here now, at least take a moment to freshen up.
RF: I cannot keep doing this. I thoroughly respect the work you’re doing. The things you’re hoping to accomplish are of epic proportions and I’ve been honored to have been a part of it.
H: but
RF: I quit
H: I said no.
RF: then fire me
H: on what grounds, cowardice?
RF: if that works, yes
H: am I out of money?
RF: no, but it’s what you want me to do with it. I’ve run out of moves, Helen. I’ve done everything I can to hide your money, grow it, put it in only places that you can access, but the cost has been too much, especially with what you’re planning. Now, I adore you, but this has got to be the end of the line for me. I hope you understand.
H: you did come in person
RF: how could I not? It’s you
H: you’ve been a wonderful friend, and a vital ally in this war. I can’t thank you enough for all that you’ve done.
RF: it’s been my pleasure. And if there’s anything you need…one of my villas, a boat, a well-dressed dinner companion…
H: there is one last favor, actually.
RF: no
H: come on. You’re leaving me high & dry, it’s the very least you can do.
RF: What? Now?
H: well, it seems perfect. I think…12 minutes should be enough for me.
RF: I knew I should never have stepped into this bloody house.
He gets out his phone & calls
RF: Andre? Yes, Richard. I’d like you … to execute maneuver Delta Epsilon. Yes, right now. No. this is not a drill. Just do it.
(To Helen)
RF: well, I hope you’re happy. I’ve just shut down Wall Street for 12 minutes. … about that wine.
H: ah
ROFL now we know that Helen Magnus can get anyone to do anything she wants. All it takes is a little bit of flirting….and the offer of wine. Hmmm I wonder what Nikola would say. The ‘12 minutes’ line was cute. It left room for many possible connotations.
Anyway, I’m guessing that Helen was expecting this. She really doesn’t seem surprised. It sounds like she’s got a nice chunk of money hidden around the world yet again. I am a bit curious as to what her plan is with the money. Maybe build a whole new country with the Hollow Earth abnormal?
-- Will to the rescue of an abnormal who’s being chased. He gets overtaken by the others, but is stopped from being whumped by Caleb, one of the most hunted abnormals from Hollow Earth. Caleb says to tell Magnus that she now has a new ally.
Let me just take a moment to laugh. Will is the one with the stunner, yet he gets easily beaten by a guy running past who clips him with a rod/crowbar. I think Magnus needs to give Will a class on survival training one of these days. Although, I must say that seeing Will continually getting whumped is quite funny.
-- Helen arrives in her office to find Nikola already there. He’s wallowing in a huge dose of self-pity (and wine) as he was fired by SCIU.

M: Nikola, what are you doing here?
N: No, I’m not fine, but thank you so much for asking
H: well, it’s barely 9am
N: you’re right, I’m falling behind. (drinks more wine) oh right, I can’t get drunk. The curse of my immortal metabolism.
M: it looks like you’re giving it the old “college try”, though. What’s happened?
N: I was…unappreciated, unacknowledged, and…unhired.
M: you were fired.
N: If you want to get coarse about it, yes.
M: From SCIU?
N: apparently, their ‘bean counters’ were a little more on the ball than I gave them credit for. I believe one chap even had opposable thumbs.
M: Ahhhh. So you were caught stealing.
N: re-appropriating funds. It happens all the time in government work. But also, I think they began to sense that my heart wasn’t really in the job.
M: well, I can’t say that I’m sorry.
N: oh, nice. Just kick me when I’m down why don’t you?
M: Nikola, please. this is hardly the end of the world.
N: no more Mies van Der Rohe Pied a terre, no more bottomless expense account, no more hottie…what’s her face. What else is left for me now but the grape?
M: gosh, I haven’t seen you this depressed since the cravat went out of style.
N: I’m going to work my way through the Rhone Valley by noon? You want to join me?
M: No, I’ll pass. Thanks just the same.
N: your loss. Apres Moi, le deluge.
Oh, Nikola. You’re such the drama queen. I find it a bit amusing that SCIU fired him after going to such lengths to hire him. Maybe they realized he was working with Helen all along. I love Helen’s rubbing it in that he was fired – by SCIU, no less. These two are just so great together. They may be quite flirty between them, but their century-old friendship really shines through in times like this because they can flirt, argue, tease, and discuss in an adult manner. It’s the biggest difference in Helen/Nikola and Helen/Will scenes. Nikola can discuss, argue and whine with Helen as an adult, while Will always comes off as a whiny rebellious teenager against Helen’s motherly aura.
Don’t get me started on THAT subject again.
-- Henry interrupts their fun by telling Magnus that Will’s back with a new intake
M: I have to uh..
N: Go, go. In the end, they all leave me
M: oh dear lord.
Helen starts walking out. Nikola continues his tirade
N: even the pigeons left me. In New York. 1943. The white dove. I loved her. More than the hottie at SCIU.
Is it any wonder that Helen has kept this guy around for more than a century? He’s just so… funny, insane, dry, witty, charming, and … yeah. Life at the Sanctuary would be boring without visits from Nikola.
-- Will has brought Jabal back to the Sanctuary and tells Magnus it was Caleb’s idea, and that Caleb wants their help.
M: if it’s true it could go a long way into stabilizing the 5th ward.
W: IF it’s true. I mean, that’s where the abnormals hang out, but I think he’s got something bigger in mind. Plus, he said he hopes he can count on our support. Yours in particular.
M: did he?
Hmmm I can see the wheels turning in Helen’s brain. She knows something is up.
-- Helen talks to Caleb

C: It seems not everyone wants a peaceful solution.
M: but you do?
C: when we first came up from Hollow Earth, we were attacked. Those who didn’t die were imprisoned. We struck back.
M: you certainly did.
C: I’m not gonna make excuses for what I did, or even try to defend it. I saw the consequences of our actions, and I didn’t like what we became. As one wise surface human once said, “Violence begets violence”.
M: Martin Luther King was a pacifist. It takes far more courage than being a soldier.
C: all I ever had was anger.
M: because of Praxis
C: amongst other things. When Adam Worth offered to overthrow the city, I thought it might be the start of a new age.
M: but you didn’t join him.
C: I know a mad man when I see one.
M: Hmm
C: the idea was to change things. Free our people. Not destroy countless lives.
M: but your war here on the surface, you’re willing to just give that up?
C: all wars end. All I can do is choose how. And when
M: well, it’s as good a time as any to start. … so tell me, what can I do to help?
A Martin Luther King reference. I was hoping for a Helen Magnus story about her knowing him. Alas, maybe we’ll come back to it in the finale. Helen’s got a really great poker face these days. She seems to realize that Caleb is talking a good game, but she must know he’s got some other agenda coming.
And yay for having Gil Bellows on the show.
-- Helen arrives back at her office, she looks around a bit as she goes to her desk. Will comes in.

W: looking for a depressed, Serbian electromagnetic vampire?
M: oh please, tell me he’s left.
W: last seen heading towards the wine cellar looking for something ostentatious yet obsequious.
M: oh good, that should keep him occupied for a while.
W: how did it go?
M: quite well, actually. Caleb seems sincere, and to be honest, what he said made a lot of sense.
W: yeah, well he is a charming, charismatic guy. He’s a killer.
M: you think it’s all an act
W: I’m not saying it’s not a good one.
M: he wants to create a settlement for the hollow earth abnormals here on the surface.
W: yeah right. In whose lifetime?
M: ours. In the 5th ward
W: are you serious? That place has been a war zone for the past few weeks.
M: Caleb believes it’s time for the humans & abnormals to live as one. And I agree.
W: have you & Tesla been…(mimics drinking)
M: in fact, I’ve pledged him my total support. We’re making a homeland for them. Starting immediately.
Oh, Helen – that smirk you ended with tells me that everything is going according to your wild & wicked plan. Now, if we just knew exactly what that was. Okay, so now there’s going to be a Homeland for the underworld population. I wonder if it’ll be overseen by “Homeworld Security”. Is General Jack O’Neill still in charge of that these days, I wonder?
-- Magnus is Skyping with Addison
A: Caleb is a dangerous threat to national security. Now, if you know where he is, I demand you hand him over immediately.
M: why don’t you just send your “shock troops” into Old City and detain him? Oh right, because you wouldn’t stand a chance.
A: you do realize how this sounds?
M: like peace?
A: like insanity. Aiding & abetting a known terrorist is tantamount to treason
M: Caleb wants to end this conflict, as do the other Hollow Earth abnormals.
A: come on, Doc. You’ve been around long enough to know that a leopard can’t change his spots. First piece of fresh meat that wanders by…
M: someone has to make the first move
A: we’re more in the last move business here.
M: oh well, I tried.
A: Magnus, don’t you hang up on me
She clicks him off. Then turns around to Will
M: he’s a very stubborn man
W: you have met him before, right?
M: I was hoping that he might provide us with some assistance. In the very least, give us a wide berth.
W: well, maybe we need to move more slowly, get him used to the idea.
M: nevertheless, in the grand scheme of things, we don’t need Addison or SCIU
W: but it’ll be a lot harder without them.
M: I see you still have your own doubts.
W: I’m just saying it’s a big game change, sometimes people need time to adjust.
M: and while we wait, how many more will die, or be taken prisoner by Addison’s goon squad
W: are you saying a pacifist revolution has no casualties?
M: I’m saying, that there is no point in arguing with him. I’m moving ahead with the Homeland project. Oh, and I’m recalling Kate from Hollow Earth. For the next few days, we’ll need all hands on deck.
Wow. A grown-up conversation with Will & Magnus. It’s been a while. And thankfully, Helen gets the final say, as usual. The Magnus/Addison conversation was cute. “Don’t you hang up on me” Click. LOL
-- Nikola is in Henry’s lab, checking out his new vest shield.
H: whoa, whoa, whoa dude, hi. Hi. Hello. So, when did you get here?
N: Three cabernet & two Cotes Du Rhone ago.
H: so, what’s the occasion?
N: Unemployment.
H: Huh. So you & SCIU?
N: Kaput
H: damn
N: Precisely. I used to have a lab. Much better than this, of course.
H: so, where’s all your stuff?
N: if by “stuff”, you mean my life’s work, my genius made manifest, my exquisite symphony of scientific innovation?
H: yes, yes. That stuff
N: the bastards stole it. Grabbed it all.
H: The bastards.
N: I mean, I can live without a private jet, but all my research, all my latest inventions? *POOF*
H: rat bastards.
Haha I love these two together as much as I love Helen/Tesla. I’m still somehow wondering if Tesla’s firing was yet part of Helen’s plan and that maybe some of the “latest inventions” that SCIU took from Nikola were some booby traps that will make their way to the “evil ones”, where they were intended.
-- Henry excitedly tells Nikola of his latest invention, the shield vest, but Nikola is still wallowing in his own self pity.
H: you should check this out. This thing is so awesome. It’ll take your mind off all your problems.
N: government swine…
H: so, Magnus & Will found this in a cave in Bolivia.
N: It’s Edison all over again.
H: it does some really amazing stuff when it gets near tech.
N: I should have patented my inventions when I had the chance.
H: You’re to listening to a word I’m saying.
N: why must I always be a martyr to science?
H: toaster magpie flummox kumquat.
N: and now, my interstellar death ray will probably be used as an instrument of war.
H: ha. You think?
N: Is that all you have to say to me? Well, I can see you’re no help. As if I wasn’t depressed enough already. (walks to Henry’s shield vest & an electric current goes through)
H: very sad man.
Hmmm now I wonder if Henry’s vest shield will actually work against the interstellar death ray invention of Nikola’s, and be the saving grace of the finale. As much as they’re highlighting this vest shield, you just know it’s going to end up being what saves at least Magnus in the end. Does he have more than one of them?
-- Helen & Caleb are looking at a map & deciding on a location for Homeland.

H: there are a couple of possibilities. These buildings have been derelict for years. But I think we can get them back up to code in no time.
C: I see you’ve chosen the most isolated neighborhood.
H: well, I think the city will be less apt to kick up a fuss. Buying up a few tenement buildings to renovate them & spruce up the area? It’s hard to argue with that.
C: you’re as good as your word. This is perfect. Our people will do the rest.
H: with help. I’m recalling Kate Freelander to assist with the setup.
C: I’ve heard of her. Isn’t she a bit of a wildcard?
H: trust her as you would trust me. With her recent duty in Hollow Earth, she has valuable experience, and a profound appreciation for your cause. …this could actually work, Caleb.
C: that’s the idea.
Is anyone else loving the adult-mannered conversations with these two? Yes, I’m sure it’s just the calm before the storm, but it’s refreshing to have Magnus talking with someone who seems capable of being an equal (even if he’s nowhere near her level)
-- Helen has brought Captain Franklin & a few armed guards to a warehouse to meet Caleb & the abnormals.

H: I want to thank you again, Captain, for agreeing to this meeting. The, uh, escort is hardly necessary.
F: better safe than sorry. Especially if these people are as desperate as you claim.
H: I have a different point of view, one which I hope you’ll come to share.
F: I’m not agreeing to anything yet, except showing up. And I would have appreciated more information up front.
H: you’ve always given me a wide berth when it comes to the things that happen here in the 5th ward.
F: only because you’ve earned it. I don’t understand all that goes on down here, but as long as I can trust you to keep a lid on it, I don’t need to.
H: that’s about to change.
Hey, look. It’s Dr Michaels…er, I mean Venus Terzo. Another Stargate alum comes back to play with Amanda. Sweet. I wish she’d have had a recurring role on Stargate. I loved her in “Frozen”.
I also love her character here. She’s obviously got a lot of respect for Helen, even if she doesn’t know exactly what she does.
-- Caleb & the abnormals arrive for their meeting. The guards immediately draw their weapons.
H: whoa, whoa, whoa. Please, you have nothing to fear.
F: who are these people?
H: our friends. On that, you have my word
C: mine too. We only wished to meet with you face to face.
F: (to her guards) stand down.
H: it’s time you knew the truth about my work, Captain. But I must ask you & your men for complete discretion. In order for this to succeed, we need your support.
I like how Helen has expanded her small circle of people to trust with the knowledge of what she actually does.
-- Helen & Caleb talk after the meeting
H: don’t blame yourself. It’s not over yet.
C: Captain Franklin was far from convinced.
H: she’s also sworn to protect this community.
C: but what she said was true. We don’t have the trained personnel necessary to design, let alone maintain or govern and independent community.
H: but you had groups of abnormals, tribes, who were self-governed back in Hollow Earth.
C: and our leaders & thinkers were the first ones arrested after the uprising.
H: imprison the intelligencia & cripple the revolution.
C: but if we’re gonna show that we’re capable of running our own society, I need them.
H: I sense we’ve reached a critical point in our relationship.
C: we do whatever you think is best. Though, I’ve been told you’re a woman who … knows how to achieve the impossible.
H: oh, you are good
Oh, Miss Magnus, your reputation precedes you wherever you go. LOL So, maybe if the abnormals end up with their own community on the surface, Helen Magnus will be their President & overseer of all abnormal life. That’s what she has been working for all these years, right? She’s basically been an overseer for abnormal life on the surface for a century. It would stand to reason that she’d be their Commander in Chief if they begin a known society now.
-- Will is riding his motorcycle as Addison & his men surround him. Addison tells Will that he’s recalling him back to the Bureau.
Addison is such a great bad guy. He’s always got that cute little smirk – except when Helen hangs up on him.
-- strangely enough, Helen encourages Will to take Addison’s offer
W: it doesn’t matter, I’m not going to go work for the Evil Empire.
H: I think you’re making this sound worse than it is.
W: excuse me?
H: well, this could actually be useful. You working at SCIU, inside the belly of the best, so to speak.
W: Magnus
H: especially now as we come closer to making the abnormal homeland a reality.
W: whoa whoa, are you serious?
H: you could provide us with vital information on Addison’s movements.
W: they’d be watching me like a hawk.
Helen gives him a look
W: you knew. … you knew this might happen. And you’ve been hiding it from me for months.
H: you will know everything when the time is right, I promise, Will.
W: you can’t ask me to do this.
H: but I am
Hmmmm since Helen lost Tesla as a mole in SCIU, she’s sending Will in there. Nice. Remember in the last episode where Will mentioned that Helen surrounded herself with people who would do anything for her. Congratulations, Will. You just proved your point once again.
-- Abby welcomes Will to the office and shows him his desk.
A: this is your desk right here, it’s right by the window…that doesn’t open
W: it’s fine.
A: I know you don’t want to be here. I don’t either. Although, I did always think it would be great to work together, just not like this
W: I always thought you’d end up working with me at the Sanctuary.
A: really? Do you think Magnus would ever…?
W: no. … well, it’s just because we’re together.
A: so, if we…broke up?
W: we’re not gonna break up, so get that right out of your head, okay?
A: right.
W: you know, if Addison thinks I’m going to be his personal stooge, he’s got another thing coming.
A: Will, you’re not gonna do anything stupid.
W: Stupid? Me? Probably.
Yeah, that last line – sums up Will’s four years on this show. Stupid? Yes. Strangely enough, I really, really liked Abby here. Can we keep this Abby, please? Maybe get rid of Will? Okay, I know that’s asking way too much. But I’d love to see THIS Abby working at the Sanctuary with Magnus.
-- SCIU briefing
Will butts heads with Addison, and Addison gives it right back to him, claiming Will’s been brainwashed by Helen. I love Abby’s reactions to Will getting berated and his derogatory comments about Magnus.
-- At a SCIU facility, Helen & Caleb are escaping with a few of the imprisoned abnormals. Some guards come and throw a stun bomb at them. Helen is able to shield herself a bit, while Caleb stands his ground and uses his abilities to throw the guards back, allowing them to continue their escape.
Hey, was that a Goa’uld explosive device? Maybe a leftover from the SG1 days? I love how Helen was barely affected by the blast, yet some of the other escapees took a while longer.
-- back at the bureau, Addison shows the video of Helen & Caleb escaping with the evil prisoners. Will still doesn’t buy Addison’s claim that Helen has gone to the dark side.
A: your former boss lady just hit our detention facility, along with this Caleb character. Some very bad people got loose. Luckily, none of our own were killed.
W: I don’t know why she did this
A: look, the point is, she just burned her last bridge.
W: Let me talk to her. I’ll find out the real story.
A: this must be a wakeup call, even for you. Now look, I know you’ve had a great time playing with vampires & sasquatches, but now it’s time to wake up & get your head in the game. Your first assignment is to arrest & detain Helen Magnus.
Oh, Willy Boy, what have you gotten yourself into now? You know you’re gonna fail this assignment. Addison knows you’re gonna fail. Abby in the background knows it as well. And yet you came back here at the behest of Helen herself. I feel some Will whumping coming on. Gear up, man-child.
-- at the sanctuary front gates, Will’s trying to punch in his code, but it’s not working. Henry talks to him on the intercom.
H: ah, Hi?
W: hey, it’s me. You wanna open up?
H: um,
W: come on, man. Let me in.
H: (sighs) oh,
W: look, there must be a glitch or something, my codes not working.
H: uh huh. See, Magnus retired it.
W: come again?
H: yeah,
W: she locked me out?
H: yeah.
W: are you kidding me? Henry, let me in.
We see Magnus standing behind Henry
H: oh man, I would love to help a fellow dude out, but you know, though she’s the boss.
Henry cuts the connection. Henry & Helen both give big sighs. Helen puts a hand on Henry’s shoulder.
W: unbelievable
Will, you totally got railroaded by the boss. Did you really think she was going to let you back in after you took the SCIU job – even if it was at her request? Poor Henry. I also loved Helen’s reaction as well.
-- Abby & Will are contemplating Helen’s actions
A: it makes no sense. She had to know it would make waves, it’s like she wants us to come after her.
W: maybe she does. The woman’s getting harder to figure out every time
A: you’re not really gonna arrest her, are you?
W: I don’t know. Bringing her in might force her to give me some answers.
A: but she won’t even open the door to you.
W: we gotta draw her out.
Have I mentioned how much I like THIS new Abby? She even seems to have a clue as to what Helen’s trying to do.
-- Helen, Kate & Caleb are walking through the new Homeland place.
H: when the city leaders see what you’re building here, I think they will be very impressed.
C: once they’re done, the district will be open to everyone. Just another part of the community.
K: I see word’s already spreading. People feel safe here. It’s what we hoped for.
H: well done Caleb
The calm before the storm? So how much of a show is Helen really putting on for his benefit. It was great to see Kate again. I miss her weekly presence on the show.
-- in Franklin’s car, Will surprises her & gets in. He ends up blackmailing her into setting up a meeting with Magnus by telling her that with one phone call, he can make her life hell.
Oh Will, are you really stooping that low? I think the boss lady would actually be pleased.
-- Biggie says goodbye to Henry
B: so, you’re out?
H: the homeland?
B: yeah
H: baby on the way. It’s probably not for me. You?
B: oh, I’ve given it some thought. Given it a lot of thought
H: wait a second. You’re not seriously thinking of…
B: I’ve been here longer than you’ve been alive, Henry. Maybe it’s time I moved on.
H: no, no, it is not time. It’s not that time
B: No, you can show your human face outside these doors, walk the streets in daylight
H: so can you, with a hoodie.
B: you’re gonna be a father, Henry. And this new place is where I have to be.
H: so that’s it then, you’re just gonna leave?
B: you know I’ve always wanted to be free. This is my chance. I’m leaving.
AHHHHH No, Biggie. This is a very bad idea. Although, I’m going to believe wholeheartedly that he is doing this at Helen’s request and going undercover into the abnormal community. I will never think that he’s doing this of his own free will.
-- Will’s making his stand with Addison. He says that once he’s brought in Magnus, he’s done with everything – Addison and Magnus.
Riiiight, Will. We’ll see about that. Although, I will admit that I’d love to not have you and your teenage rebellion angst around anymore and having your whiny, grumpy self pissed off because people don’t tell you everything.
-- back at the Homeland, Kate runs into Caleb, who notices her bracelet from Garris. After he leaves, Biggie comes to Kate.
B: Kate
K: hey you. I heard. Bold move
B: yeah, well. Thought I’d give it a try. You?
K: I just came up to help out. Kate Freelander: Hollow Earth consultant
B: then you’re going back down, huh?
K: well, maybe not. If this thing works out, everyone may decide to live on the surface, including Garris, which…is cool with me. Cuz, uh (shows him her bracelet) We set the date. You’re invited, of course. You know, Maid of Honor. (Biggie says nothing) Congratulations, Kate. I’m very happy for you. See, that was supposed to be your line.
B: that sounds nice
K: what is up with you, anyway? You’ve gone all silent & weird, even for you.
B: Go back to the sanctuary. Go back to your man. Your place is not here.
Ooooh. Biggie’s getting feisty. It definitely seems like it’s something to do with her bracelet. Or maybe this was Biggie’s warning to her that something bad is coming to the Homeland and she needs to be out of here before it all goes down. He’s got all of the inside information from the abnormal rebels, so he knows it’s going to be bad. Kate, heed his warning.
-- Franklin is meeting Magnus
M: Captain
F: hey, thanks for coming.
M: you wanted to see me
F: yeah, a few problems came up with the mayor’s office.
M: look, if this has anything to do with the homeland progress, I can assure you that we…
(She sees Will behind her)
M: Will
(She looks back to Franklin)
F: I’m sorry.
M: Bloody Hell
W: don’t run, Magnus. I just want to talk to you.
Helen runs to her car & speeds away. Will yells for Franklin to call for backup.
Oy. Did Will really think that the talking thing was going to work? They’d need a whole platoon to capture Helen. You silly boy.
-- The chase begins
Helen’s car is being chased by Will on his motorcycle. A truck backing out eventually halts Helen’s escape. She gets out of the car to face Will
W: get out of the car
H: you really don’t want to do this, Will
W: you left me no choice. Helen Magnus, you’re under arrest.
Silly, silly boy. At least you’ll be able to tell Addison that you tried. Will whumping is coming your way, buddy. Get ready
-- the standoff continues

H: you gonna restrain me?
W: should I?
H: oh definitely. (she punches him)
W: Magnus, don’t do this
H: Sorry Will.
She punches him again. He returns a punch, which knocks her back. She responds with a kick to the midsection and he goes flying over the hood of the car. Helen gets on his motorcycle & speeds away, just in time to evade the cavalry, led by Abby.

See what I mean, silly boy? The lady is going to win. She uses brains, brawn AND her many lifetimes of experience. And how cool was it to see Magnus on the bike?
-- back at SCIU headquarters, Addison makes a call…to the President… as Will stands by
Friends in high places now, huh Addy?
-- At homeland, Caleb & Helen are talking once again
C: trouble?
H: argument with a friend. … you know, I never thought I’d live to see this day.
C: word is spreading. More are arriving by the hour.
H: and if occupancy continues to grow at this rate, the facility won’t be able to handle the capacity.
C: then we’ll expand
H: well, I think that’s a bit premature. Perhaps we should start diverting the overflow to other sanctuaries.
C: no. this is our homeland.
H: but we may have to start turning some away.
C: we’re making history here. If we pull back, we weaken our position.
H: but if the logistics become untenable…
C: we’ll make it work. We’re not turning any one away.
Hmmm so does Magnus know what’s about to come and trying to keep others from getting hurt? Caleb needs to join the club and realize that Helen Magnus usually knows best. I loved her comment about not thinking she’d live to see the day. After 270+ years, you’d think that it would have crossed her mind at some point that it might be attainable.
-- Biggie arrives in the doorway. Helen gets up to meet him

H: do you have a moment?
B: I should have come to you first. There wasn’t time.
Helen looks back at Caleb, then nods to Biggie to move away from prying ears
H: shall we?
B: I can talk in front of Caleb.
Caleb & Helen look at each other, before she looks back at Biggie
H: alright then. I hope you know that I would never try to stand in your way
B: I do. It just wasn’t…things happened quickly. Felt right
H: so you’ve made your decision?
B: this is my home now
H: of course. (she takes his hand) it won’t be the same without you.
Biggie moves past her and Caleb ushers him away.
Okay, that was definitely just a show put on in front of Caleb to gain his trust. That’s the only thing I’m going to believe for that scene. Magnus/Biggie – you’re going to make me cry otherwise. It’s just a show for Caleb. I mean, think about it. Biggie’s warning to Kate earlier, his telling Henry that he’s always wanted to be free, his less than emotional farewell to Magnus here…it’s all just a show for Caleb. I’m going to keep saying that even if it turns out differently. At least just so I can keep my sanity.
-- Addison finishes his call to the President.
A: How do you coax a large number of abnormals into a condensed area away from prying civilian eyes.
W: Homeland
-- back at Homeland, all hell is about to break loose. Troops rush in to the 5th Ward to seal off & imprison everyone in the Homeland, with the cover of a massive toxic spill.
Caleb: what is this?
Kate: nothing good
Total understatement, Kate.
-- back at the Sanctuary, Henry & Magnus are watching the news
H: holy crap, do you see what they’re doing?
M: dear God
H: they just turned it into a prison
M: of course they have
Helen runs out the door.
H: Doc, where are you going?
Oh come on, Henry. You know where she’s going. She’s going to save the day. That’s what Helen Magnus does. That’s why I love this show so much.
-- Will is still fighting with Addison at SCIU headquarters
A: our immediate cover story about the toxic spill is already in play. If we say the sky is pink, the sky is pink.
W: since when? When did this become a police state?
A: it’s always been a police state, Will, you just never noticed. The point is, we are now in control of this situation again. And Helen Magnus is finally out of moves.
Will sees the news reporter on the tv, interviewing Helen at the scene
W: turn that up
Reporter: …something far more insidious. Doctor, care to elaborate?
A: what the hell is that crazy broad doing now?
M: I realize that what I’m about to say may sound strange, or even frightening…but I assure you, every word is true.
W: no Magnus
M: it’s time the world knew the truth. This district is full of strange beings, who have lived among us for hundreds of years. I call them abnormals. You know them as monsters. And they very much exist.
Ah, yes. The truth is finally out there.
So, does this mean we’ve come full circle with this show? I can’t wait to see what Helen’s plan has been this entire time.
And I really, really wish we’d know if there was going to be a 5th season.
-- on a visual note: I’m really liking the new views of the Sanctuary that we’ve gotten this season. I like the one from overhead, looking towards the water. And also with Will standing at the gate and seeing what’s outside the Sanctuary.

I have a few scenarios for next week’s finale.
1. we know Helen went back in time. Maybe she also found a way to go into the future and see all that was to come, and is continually one step ahead of everything this time.
2. Biggie and Will are still in on the overall big plan and Helen’s having them covertly give her inside info. That’s why Biggie wanted Kate away from Homeland.
3. Helen knew SCIU was going to imprison all of the abnormals in Homeland. She wanted to gather all of the more evil ones together to be captured. That’s why she wanted to stop the rest of them from continuing to come up to the surface, turning them away.
4. Magnus & Addison are both working together for a common goal, but pretending to butt heads through the whole scenario.
I’m hoping this scene with Nikola & Helen is the very last one, and after the human/abnormal war is complete.

So, is it just Nikola & Helen left at the Sanctuary to end things? Maybe if there’s no season 5, this will leave the door open for a spin-off of The Five.
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