-- It’s 6:30pm, an hour before the alarm is set to go off, and Catherine can’t sleep.

-- So she does the one thing that you’d expect – if it were actually Sara instead of Catherine – she goes to work.

-- Yes, it’s startling to see that Catherine would rather be at work than at her wonderful house (which we’ll see a bit later), and we hear that it’s because the house is too quiet since Lindsey left to “find herself” – at least that’s what she tells DB as he’s surprised to see her in her office so early.
DB: hey, what are you doing here?
C: I work here. Close to 20 years now.
DB: you’re 2 ½ hours early.
C: My house is too quiet, if that makes any sense.
DB: oh, that makes complete sense. Our youngest has been out of the house now for three months and we’re still wrestling with “empty nest”
C: yeah.
DB: so how is your daughter?
C: Lindsey.
DB: Lindsey, yeah.
C: yeah. Ah, she’s doing…she’s doing really good. She’s doing great, in fact, shes… – according to her emails.
DB: hey, do you do that thing where you call them & then you get this three word text back? (Cath laughs) Doesn’t it make you crazy?
C: yes, but um… this is her time to find herself, you know?
DB’s phone beeps and he checks the message.
DB: okay, you’re on the clock now.
This is what I totally missed in the Ray Langston years of this show. Cath & Gil had these great personal moments. I’m glad they brought them back a bit with “family man” DB.
-- Cath & DB meet Brass at a crime scene. It’s nice to see that DB let Cath drive. (Was that Akers guarding the door? Kind of looked like him, but I couldn’t tell.) They’re at the home of Michael Newbury, who’s an Army Ranger & military lifer. The find lots of bullet holes on the wall, lots of shell casings on the floor and blood, but no body. Cath notices scuff marks and a big cupboard on furniture moving disks. Brass & DB move it and find a hidden basement door. Brass clears it and tells them they need to check it out.
C: No body, no suspects, but if you’re in the market for a murder weapon….take your pick.
Yeah, guns, guns and more guns – and we’re talking the BIG guns.
-- DB has brought Greg onto the scene as DB noticed lots of cartridge casings next to a big blood pool. The bullets mutilated pieces of flesh, which are in the blood pool.
What’s with Brass and his “Rose colored glasses”? LOL They look kind of cool with his tie, though.
-- Catherine & Morgan are processing the bathroom of the house. Morgan finds a bunch of prescriptions in the medicine cabinet
M: which one of these is for OCD? (she sees one that’s written in a foreign language) Hey check this out.
C: oh, looks Arabic. That’s all I got. Took spanish in high school
M: Moi, Francaise. But fortunately, there’s an app for that.
C: of course there is.
Morgan snaps a pic on her phone, and comes up with “Farsi”
C: ex-military, a loner, a room full of guns and medication the Middle East? Who the hell was this guy?
Every time these two work together this season, I’m reminded of Catherine & Holly Gribbs in the pilot. However, thankfully Morgan is a bit more knowledgeable than Holly seemed to be.
-- Nick comes to the basement where DB is processing. DB notes that all of the books on the shelves are about guns and ballistics, which strikes him as odd.
N: leave it up to you to find the books in a room full of guns.
-- DB had called Xiomara (the new ballistics tech) and she arrives in the basement of guns.
DB: Hey Xiomara – welcome to Xanadu.
X: Wow. This is so much like my dreams, it’s scary.
DB: yeah, let me ask you something before I completely lose you here. (pulls out a shell casing) you recognize that caliber?
X: 5.7 by 28 mil. Rare. Can’t even buy these rounds in the States.
N: You can fire plenty. Someone put seven in our victim.
DB: so, you think any of these could be the culprit?
X: Mmm. Well, as much as I’d love to fire that Italian .38 Troopin Special, or even just touch that million dollar Luger…
N: Jeez, get a room.
X: oh, I’ve got one, and it’s perfect. The only problem is – none of the guns in here use that caliber.
DB: that’s crazy, all this fire power & still no murder weapon.
Have I mentioned lately that I really love this woman? She's got such a great energy
-- Cath & Sara are processing the kitchen, the initial crime scene. Sara has put laser rods in the holes on the refrigerator door. Cath is on the other side of the room.

S: Catherine, who do you want to be – victim or killer?
Cath turns & mimics shooting a gun at Sara.
C: I’ll be the killer.
S: I’ll be the victim. … I’ve got a beer in my hand, standing in my own kitchen. I’ve got every kind of gun six meters that way. (she starts walking) I’m heading that way when I’m shot
C: these laser trajectories are too low. (she moves towards Sara and gets halfway onto the counter until the laser beams fit the right spot) I’ll bet the killer surprised him. The lasers tell us he was well inside before he fired.
S: killer was sitting at the counter
C: Newbury welcomed him into his home.
Sara picks up the pieces of broken beer bottle that were bagged.
S: maybe they both had a beer together.
Sara hands Cath a pink fingerprint brush kit. Cath brushes it and finds the outline of a bottle.
C: so he was killed by somebody he knew.

Awwww I love when these two get to play. And was anyone else chuckling at the pink fingerprint powder? Maybe it was just my shippy Cath/Sara brain that went into overdrive. Remember 2x09 - Then There Were None – the case “in the middle of nowhere”, right before Cath goes on her mini tirade and Sara buys her a candy bar:
C Fluorescent powders?
S Eh, why not? They're in the kit.
C: Protocol's black.
S: Since when do you care about my choice of powders?
And how about when Sara said “maybe they both had a beer together”. That was so “Crash & Burn”.
-- Morgan & Hodges looking into Newbury’s past
M: never married, never arrested & never out of country – except for gulf war 1
H: I think you’re wrong on that
M: I’m sorry?
H: oh don’t be sorry, just be wrong.
It seems that the medicine with the foreign label is for a Middle Eastern parasite.
M: how do you get a Middle Eastern parasite in Mountain Springs?
H: you don’t. It seems our evidence trails contradict each other. Which brings us back to you being wrong.
M: and why am I the one who’s wrong?
H: because the other person is me.
Morgan tells Hodges to test the hair Catherine found in the bathroom drain. She snatches the results from the printer before he can.
Oh Hodges, thy wit is funny. LOL And I like how Morgan plays with him
-- Xiomara tells DB that the bullets from the kitchen match the ones outside with the other blood pool.
X: that caliber’s never been used in a crime in the US, but given the nature of the ammo, I called in a favor of a buddy, who ran it through the military ballistics database
DB: nice to have friends with friends in high places.
X: same weapon was used in a crime scene in Pakistan a month ago.
DB: this gun gets around. What happened in Pakistan?
X: military supplies were stolen and a warehouse guard was shot.
DB: well, plot thickens
X: yeah, and then it thins once you get to page two. The report’s been heavily redacted.
DB: yeah, I’ll say. The whole thing’s blacked out. Oh, I found a word – “the”
Yes, I said it before, but I'll say it again - I really like Xiomara. She’s fun & upbeat. I like a lady who knows her guns.
-- and the Feds come marching in – cute Feds, nonetheless.
-- Hodges & Morgan are giving Catherine their results of the hair. They were able to trace a timeline of where Newbury’s been in the last three months. Iraq, DC, Israel, Belgium, DC again, Pakistan
C: Have guns, did travel.
M: but there are no official records of him going to any of these places. No airline tickets, immunization, State Department records. Nothing.
C: so his passport’s never been stamped, but his body’s been around the world?
DB comes walking past in the hallway & calls to them
DB: extended family meeting now, please.
M: what did he mean by extended?
Haha the family just got a bit bigger.
-- The CSI gang is introduced to Agent McQuaid and Special Agent in Charge Pratt from the FBI.
Pratt: we’re here to help you with the Michael Newbury homicide.
Nick: you mean you’re here to take over the case from us.
Mc: not at all. This case is still under Las Vegas PD jurisdiction, we’re just here to offer our assistance.
Greg: assistance with…what, exactly?
Pratt: That, I’m afraid, is on a need-to-know basis.
Sara: and who decides who needs to know?
Mc: Anyway, we’re really excited to be working with you.
Cath: oh yeah, ditto
DB: hey hey, come on. Let’s play nice.
Hey come on. The FBI guys are cute. I’d love to “play nice” with them. I love Dan Lauria. (Agent Pratt) Last I saw him was on The Chicago Code with Jennifer Beals. And I never watched Melrose Place, so wasn’t really into Grant Show. He’s decent enough, though.
-- DB, Cath & the Fed boys are in DB’s office.

Pratt: you said we’d brief you. Who’s she?
DB: I’m sorry. This is Catherine. And Catherine was me before I was. And I have assigned Catherine to be the lead on this case. Okay? So, what is going on here? I mean, we’ve got a room full of guns, we got missing bodies, and now the FBI. Is this domestic terrorism?
Pratt: we have no reason to believe that Mr Newbury was a threat.
Cath: no, he was a ballistics consultant, right? Yours or the military’s?
McQuaid: What makes you say that?
Cath: oh, I didn’t say it. A strand of his hair did. For three months he’s been jumping from DC to every artillery hot spot on the globe.
Pratt: we can’t really speak to that.
DB: can you speak to why you fellas are so interested in his death?
Pratt: we’re more interested in the weapon that we believe killed him. (shows them a pic of a P90) This is the FN P90. Manufactured in Belgium, currently used by the US troops in urban sweeps of Afghanistan.
McQuaid: it’s an entry weapon. It’s got a lot of power, compact frame allows you to go around corners & sweep stairwells. It’s a bit of a beast.
DB: how the hell did that thing get into Clark County?
Pratt: I’m afraid that’s classified.
DB: yes, of course it is. (he shares a smile with Cath, then turns back to Pratt) Hey just out of curiosity, what year did you graduate from Brigham Young?
Pratt: ’03. How’d you know.
DB: FBI recruiters are all over that place like chickens on a junebug. Am I right?
Pratt: If you’re concerned with my age, I promise you, I’ve earned my stripes.
DB: so have I. Every suspicious cargo container in Seattle came with a pair of you guys. 8 out of 10 times it was great. Resources, manpower, made my job a hell of a lot easier.
Pratt: and…the other two?
DB: well you guys would lose interest, and chase off after the next shiny object, leaving us with a pretty shoddy chain of custody.
McQuaid: we have no intention of compromising your investigation.
DB: I have no intention of letting you. So, here’s what we’re gonna do. We are going to pair up. Mixed doubles, alright? Every CSI gets an FBI. Catherine, why don’t you take Agent McQuaid, go back out to the farm. Re-scour the place. Let’s get a bead on that body, okay?
Cath: (to McQuaid) I’ll drive.
McQuaid: okay, got my own driver. Score.
Pratt: and what about me?
DB: you are my new best friend.
DB can sure charm the pants off everyone, can’t he? It’s weird seeing Cath standing beside him for that entire seen, acting like his dutiful sidekick. I swear, Catherine’s turning into Sara Sidle. Her “I’ll drive” is such a Sara thing.
And I’m having “fandom clash” again. They’re bringing up P90s on CSI now? That’s such a Stargate SG1 thing. I know all about the P90. I mean, come on, Samantha Carter has a great love for her P90.

Okay, okay. I know. Enough. Too much fandom interaction for now.
-- Cath & McQuaid head back to the crime scene, and Cath gets to do her CSI thing

Mc: so why are we back here, you miss something the first time?
C: yes, context – as your were obscuring it. We now know that someone brought a super gun to an expert. And that expert was then shot by the same weapon in his kitchen, he was wrapped in a shower curtain, and he was brought here.
Mc: where he was shot again…. And again.
C: why the overkill?
Mc: well, maybe it wasn’t overkill. Based on the grouping & the volume, my guess is he zippered him.
C: zippered? What, is that what it sounds like?
Mc: if a weapon’s cyclic rate is fast enough & the ammo’s nasty enough, you can actually rip right through a man. Open him up like a zipper. But why halve a man after the fact?
Cath turns back to the house
C: I’m thinking ease of transport. (she puts a yellow “1” evidence marker by a roll of garbage bags on an outisde counter & takes a pic) a whole body wouldn’t fit inside one of these garbage bags, they’d be too small.
Mc: okay. (he walks back to the blood pool) so the killer shreds the shower curtain hauling the body out here and still needs to move it.
C: right. The tire treads that we cast in the driveway match a Dodge pickup, so perhaps the killer zippers, stuffs, ties, and throws two bags of carcass into his truck bed…
Mc: and gets away without a trace.
C: you know, I see idiots using garbage bags for body disposals all the time. And they almost always leak.
Cath finds more blood drops.
C: a directional blood drop. It’s spine is telling me that he went ‘that’ way.
She starts walking.
These two really have a nice connection. I like how FBI guy seems to respect Catherine doing her job.
-- Pratt tells DB about the military weapons that were stolen.
DB: who did the workup on this for you?
Pratt: are you familiar with the term “Battlefied Forensics”?
DB: That’s CSI on speed, right? Except people are dropping bombs on you and shooting at you.
Pratt says that people working for Cerresus Logistics – a US military contractor – were the ones processing it. DB infers that they’re looking for somebody within that operation as the ones smuggling the guns.
-- Cath & McHottie keep following the blood trail – and getting to know each other a bit.
C: your boss is…kind of young.
Mc: he’s not my boss, he’s my replacement. I’m training him until I decamp the Las Vegas office.
C: onto bigger & better things?
Mc: mmm don’t know about better. More important, I suppose. More dangerous.
C: more dangerous, really? Where?
He gives her a bit of a smirk
Mc: your boss, he said you were him before he was. What’s that about.
C: the technical term is “demotion”.
Mc: good girl does bad. So what, are you just biding your time until you can rise to that top spot again?
C: I’m not sure I want it anymore.
Mc: what do you want?
C: right now? … I want more blood drops. Haven’t seen any in the past couple hundred yards. The trail’s run dry.
Mc: maybe not. (gets out his walkie & talks to the guys in the cars following them) This is McQuaid, let’s get our cadets out here to walk the line ASAP. I want a couple of fleer helicopters up in the air, and mobilize half a dozen canine units. Right now.
C: I’m impressed. But you can call off your dogs. I’ve got vultures. (we see a few vultures circling over the ridge)
Awwww these two actually seem good together. I love how Cath’s not afraid to use the term “demotion”, and especially tell it to someone she just met. For some reason, I found it amusing watching the two cars slowly following them down the road. And the vultures. Awww haven’t seen them since Season 6 “shooting stars”, I believe.
-- we follow the vultures to two garbage bags, each with half a body.
Mc: Mike Newbury, I presume?
C: looks like our feathered friends found him a few hours before we did. (takes some pics) Good call on the zippering. (McHottie picks up the mouth of the beer bottle) That’s the beer bottle that made our ring.
Mc: check this out. (sees part of the shredded body has a tattoo) ink, I think.
McHottie brings a little humor. Nice.
-- Sara & Doc are in the morgue, checking out the body/tattoo. Sara finds a piece of glass in the cuts on the tattoo. It’s glass from the beer bottle.
S: killer wanted to obscure this tattoo
D: Mission accomplished. We can’t tell what it was now.
S: no, not in this current state. But, that’s the thing about tattoos, you’d better be sure cuz they’re forever. Doc, can I take this part to go?
D: Not yet. But we deliver.
Awww just a tiny bit of Doc, but we get Doc Robbins humor just the same.
-- Super Dave has the part of the body with the tattoo and is bringing it to Sara in an Igloo cooler.
D: isn’t this the Question Documents area?
S: why, yes it is, and this is the video spectral comparitor, we use it on worn or altered papers to isolate one part of the color spectrum at a time.
Dave lifts out the piece of tattooed skin with a tongs
D: You’re gonna put this… on there?
S: uh-huh.
D: okay.
These two have always been great together. I love Super Dave’s skepticism.
-- Brass, DB & Agent Pratt are interviewing Mr Gabriel, the owner of Cerresus, the military company. He seems a bit snippish.
-- Cath sees a familiar face sitting in a PD waiting room as she walks by.

C: Laura?
L: Catherine. Oh my God.
They hug.
C: what are you doing here? (to McQuaid) Laura & I were friends
L: way too many years ago to say out loud. Do you work here?
C: uh, the crime lab.
L: law enforcement, really?
C: yeah
L: you?
C: yeah, well. It’s a long story. What are you doing here?
L: uh, my husband is helping out on a case with the police & the FBI
Mc: Your husband’s Mark Gabriel?
L: I’m sorry, who are you?
Mc: Agent McQuaid. FBI
L: (to Cath) you look great.
C: it’s been 20 years and I can still tell when you’re lying.
L: 22 and you still can’t take a compliment.
Laura’s husband walks past and says her name as he walks out.
L: I gotta go.
Catherine’s phone rings
C: well hey, uh, are you in town for a while?
L: a day or two. Do you have any free time?
C: yes, uh (phone still beeps) get a hold of me here
Mark: Laura. Today.
Cath answers her phone
C: Hey, Nicky. What’s up?
N: well I got good news & I got bad news. The good news is I think I found our gun.
C: Great. And the bad news?
So nice to finally see one of Catherine’s old friends. Too bad she’s got a jerk of a husband.
-- Nick’s bad news is that it’s another crime scene where a guy got popped with a P90 and the guy shot himself in the foot as well because he wasn’t used to the big gun. Agent Pratt tells DB & Nick that there were a total of 144 guns that were missing.
DB: 144 of THESE? That’s not a problem, that’s a war zone.
LOL understatement.
-- DB & Pratt check in with Hodges as they’re walking by
DB: find anything?
H: a frayed knot.
DB: (starts to walk away again) okay.
H: no, no, no no. I found a frayed knot. A thread, that’s been tied into a knot, was snagged in the magazine well… and it’s frayed.
Hodges goes into his spiel about the knot and when he bends down to look into the microscope (while still talking) DB & Pratt walk out. Hodges looks up to find them gone.
H: …so these types of rugs that are woven with these knots are generally… you’re welcome.
LOL loved the “afraid not” misunderstanding. Only Hodges. LOL and them walking out --- classic.
-- Cath, Sara, & McQuaid discuss the tattoo

S: took a little luck & a lot of computer enhancement, but this eagle has finally landed. It’s military.
Mc: skeleton with a beret. That’s definitely military. The bird’s Airborne.
C: 532?
Mc: 532nd Division.
S: Killer purposely carved out this tattoo with a beer bottle. Why? Something to hide?
C: maybe he had the same tattoo.
Mc: same division. A brother in arms.
C: someone you’d share a beer with
Sara gives Cath a little raised eyebrow.
Awww more Cath/Sara – with a little McHottie mixed in. I like it. I love it. I want some more of it. I like how the cute FBI guys are actually ‘playing nice’ with our CSIs.
-- Cath, DB, and cute FBI guys are figuring out who is the possible killer. They search the database for those in the 532nd Division are local. One drives a Dodge pickup. Lenny Wesson. He drives a Peterbilt semi, but doesn’t work for Cerruses. They think Lenny was the one hired to move the guns.
DB (to Pratt) come on BYU, you wanna throw some weight around, now’s the time.
LOL I’m actually really starting to like DB. Now, if only I cared more than the next couple episodes….
-- everyone’s in the PD ‘command’ center, including Hodges & Morgan, trying to track down the right semi.
DB: it’s nice. All our ‘kids’ playing so well together.
P: It’s called Citizen Broadcast. We set it up with DHS after 9/11. Pretty much puts us into contact with every private company on the road. UPS, FedEx, trucking companies, all eyes on the road become our eyes.
DB: like a CB radio on steroids.
P: what’s a CB radio? … I was joking.
Morgan finds the truck.
-- A police convoy speeds down the highway. McQuaid & Cath are in one of the cars. Cath gets a message from Laura to see if she’s got time to talk. McQuaid quickly swerves the car off the main road and onto a side road as they go to check out the truck stop. Cath spots the truck parked in the truck stop parking lot.
It’s Cath-Gun time.

McQuaid calls for backup and the two check out the truck. They find Lenny bound and rolled up in a rug. All of a sudden, the trailer door closes & locks. All three are trapped inside as bullets rein from the outside.
-- as the perp fires the P90 across the length of the truck, Cath is figuring out his location, and fires back at him through the truck wall. Direct hit.

That’s my girl.
-- It’s DB and Agent Pratt to the rescue, as they unlock Cath & McQuaid from the trailer. It seems that Cath is a bit conflicted at seeing the guy she killed, but knowing he was the one who almost killed her as well.

-- Cath & McHottie interrogate Lenny. McHottie starts to garner Cath’s ire as he offers Lenny total immunity.
C: you cooperate…maybe we could shave a few years off your sentence
L: years? Years. If I tell you everything, everyone involved, I want immunity.
C: immunity?
L: protection from it all.
C: you killed a man, Lenny. You put those guns out on the street. Immunity? Forget it. That’s not gonna happen.
Mc: Actually…it is. (Cath looks at him) If you can give us the names of all your contacts and it turns into something substantial
C: (to McQuaid) what are you doing? You can’t decide.
Mc: yes we can. I’m sorry, I’ve gotta pull rank here.
L: well I’m gonna need a lawyer to draw up the papers before I say a single word to you.
Mc: Okay, what do you need?
Cath gets up & walks out, shaking her head.
Politics, Cath. It’s politics. This is basically the same fight that Cath had with Nick at the end of the season opener. No more making deals. And here, the Feds are gonna let a killer & arms dealer go free. Our wonderful tax dollars at work.
-- DB and Pratt are interviewing Mark Gabriel once again. They’re telling him his company is under suspicion. He goes to walk out. Pratt gets him back
MG: I’m done here.
P: actually, there’s one more thing
MG: what’s that?
P: you see, all these guns that are now stateside, have to go back to the troops in Afghanistan. You know, given your resources and your…patriotism…
MG: that’s gonna cost me a half a million dollars.
P: oh, at least.
DB: thanks for your time.
I hope we get to see Pratt again on this show. Dan Lauria is such a cutie. I just might need to go back and watch the Chicago Code eps again.
-- Cath & Laura finally got a chance to do a bit of reminiscing at Cath’s house.

L: (looking at a pic of Lindsey) your daughter is beautiful
C: she is, isn’t she?
L: I’m jealous.
C: Jealous? Laura, look at you. The good life, the billionaire husband. You got it all.
L: so how is your mom?
C: Laura, why are you here?
L: to catch up, just like we talked about.
C: which has been great. Really. But, I just have this feeling that there’s something you want to say. Is it about Mark? Because I saw the way he talked to you. Does he hurt you?
L: no, no. He doesn’t. It’s not… I heard something, by accident.
C: what was it?
L: (laughs) okay, this is just me being jetlagged. I’m sorry. I should go. But listen, it’s been so nice seeing you, again.
C: hey hang on. I just wanna make sure you have all my numbers, okay?
She writes them on the back of a lawyer’s business card.
C: okay, alright. So I want you to call me if you need anything, and I mean anything.
L: is there a reason that you wrote this on the back of a lawyer’s card?
C: random coincidence. … coincidentally, he’s a good lawyer. He’s Sam’s guy. I think you might need that.
L: okay, thanks.
Isn’t it great to see Catherine have friends? And a Sam mention, plus a pic of Lindsey. Now, all we’re missing was an Eddie mention, but I almost got an Eddie vibe when Cath asked Laura if Mark hurts her. Cath reuniting with a long-lost friend reminds me of Stephanie Watson, Cath’s stripper friend who was killed during Cath’s stripper days (pre-CSI), and we saw in flashbacks in “Felonious Monk”. That was the one with the wonderful Bruce McGill (who’s now a regular on my favorite show, Rizzoli & Isles) I wish we had been able to revisit the Stephanie Watson murder. It would have been great to have Cath catch the real killer.
How awesome is Cath’s home? Too bad it’s an empty nest right now.

-- just after Laura leaves, Cath gets another knock on the door. It’s Agent McQuaid.
Mc: did you guys have a good conversation?
C: how long have you been standing outside my house?
Mc: Not important.
Cath tries to shut the door.
Mc: the thing is…I’m here. My foot in the door, my hat in hand, a bottle in the other. … It’s beer. It’s Belgian. You know, guns aren’t the only thing they make. … I’d like to apologize. Look, the whole Lenny of it all, I blindsided you, and it…
C: it sucked.
Mc: yeah, it sucked. But it’s the job.
C: I have a job too.
Mc: and you did it kind of perfectly. You got the guns back by way of vultures & garbage bags and whatnot.
C: by “whatnot”, you mean saving your ass?
Mc: I do.
She lets him in the house.
LOL Annoyed Catherine is cute. Annoyed, but attracted Catherine is even cuter.
-- McHottie still doesn’t back down from the whole “lenny of it all”
Mc: but the thing is, I had to cut a deal with Wesson. And I would do it again.
C: this isn’t much of an apology.
Mc: But if I did it again, I would tell you before hand. You deserve that.
C: at least that.
Mc: maybe more.
They have their ‘moment’ interrupted by the ringing of both their phones, which they answer in turn.

That was such a Rizzoli & Isles ripoff. LOL
-- in DB’s office, he tells them that Lenny died from a heart attack en route to a holding facility. They believe that Mark Gabriel is covering his tracks. The FBI says it’s up to them now, and that CSI is done with their part of the case, since they solved it & got the guns back. So the case is wrapped up. DB gives Pratt a jar with a mushroom in it. The cute Fed boys say goodbye in DB’s office.
-- DB gives Catherine a little advice
DB: stay away from badges. I tell my daughter every morning, if he wears a badge, he’s wrong for you.
C: really. And what if your wife’s father had told her the same thing?
DB: Actually, he did. (he starts walking away) see you tomorrow, regular time.
As DB leaves, Cath stands there by herself.

Awwwwwww I wanna give her a big hug.
Speaking of big hugs – it seems that today was Marg’s last day of filming for CSI as a regular. They had a lovely cake, and ET even did a special segment with Marg on today’s edition. It was quite an emotional one for Miss M.
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