Okay, truthfully it’s just an excuse to refrain from actually doing “work” around the house today, since it’s a cold, dreary and windy day. It kind of goes with my "too exhausted to do anything" mood. So instead, my "to do" list gets a bit longer. I’ll happily live with that!
The reason for the lazy Saturday lethargy (Does there really need to be a reason? I’m NOT at work, isn’t that reason enough?!) is that I was up until 5:30am watching all of the wonderful hours of extras on the new Sanctuary Season 3 dvd set. Yes, I was in geekdom heaven. (as evidenced by yesterday’s TnT rant). Although, sadly, 5:30am isn’t much later than my normal bedtime lately.
Anyway, there were a few things that have brought a nice spark to the beginning of my weekend.
1. Marg & Sheryl were featured in the “Chic at every age” section of the new issue of People.

Just once, I wish they’d list Dina Meyer as tops for her age group in one of these lists. She always looks great in anything she wears. Okay, maybe I’m not always looking at her clothes. It might be her wonderful face and flowing red hair that capture my attention. Touche.
2. Also in the magazine, I was delighted to see a nice review on Madeleine Stowe’s character in the new tv series, “Revenge”. It’s good to see that she has a character who might have a big enough story line that would keep me interested, considering she’s the only one I know in the cast.

3. When I think of Madeleine Stowe, I usually think of Andie MacDowell as well. Yes, I loved the movie “Bad Girls” and I’m not ashamed to say it. So there! Andie & her daughter were featured in the October issue of Ladies Home Journal.

4. On a final note – the best of Ellen.

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