However, it seems that every time Carol Mendelsohn opens her mouth to give us more details about the upcoming season, the more I don't really want to watch. Grissom & Sara doing grilled cheese sandwiches? Please let that be AFTER Marg leaves in January. Friction between Cath & Nick? That actually sounds like a nice shakeup. More backstory for Doc Robbins? That's something I've been looking forward to for many years. And an appearance by his niece is even better. Changes amongst the labrats? That would be good, only if it means more screen time for a few certain ones. The return of Sqweegel? Oy! I guess that would be good only if they bring Cath into the fetish shop again for "consultations" on the case. The Cath/Vartann relationship to become "even more explosive and maybe even deadly"? Um, how about NO? Haven't there been enough character deaths & close calls to last more than a series lifetime for the CSI team? Enough already! How about a nice, sweet & romantic storyline? That would be something different for the show, right? With DB Russell as a "family man", how about we see something other than death & angst for the rest of the cast as well. A comment about maybe seeing Sara's mother? That would be cool - as long as there's no mention of Grissom and GSR shit. If they're going to think about a crossover, why don't they do the one that would make total sense - NCIS. Marg/Mark (yum!) Cath meeting Abby: I can just imagine Cath's reaction to seeing Abby for the first time! All I can say is that Sara had better be there to diffuse the explosive time bomb that Cath would become. A "super gun" mention has my brain thinking of how a Sam Carter (Stargate SG-1) appearance would have fit in nicely. They could at least tie it in with a Sanctuary crossover & have Helen Magnus. After all, most people in Vegas are "abnormals" anyway, right?
The season 12 premiere is next Wednesday night. The new issue of Entertainment Weekly featured a small preview.

Speaking of Helen Magnus & Sanctuary: I'm in geekdom heaven as my copy of the Season 3 dvd set arrived in the mail today. Lovely extras and audio commentaries are always something that this show continually brings to the fans. There seems to always be a behind-the-scenes camera rolling for everything that this show does. I love it.
It wasn't until I got into the Stargate & Sanctuary fandoms that I realized how much the SciFi fandom really caters to their fans in all ways. It's not just all of the various Cons throughout the world, but also the interaction between the fans and actors, directors, producers, etc. In return, the fans share that love, with making things like Sanctuary4Kids a success. I don't see much of that type of interaction with standard network tv. There's a bit more fan interaction with some cable shows, like Rizzoli & Isles. I guess it's dependent on the personality of the actors/producers. It seems that it's become the main point that draws (and keeps) my interest to shows lately. Stars tweeting behind-the-scenes pics, info & fun back-and-forth between the actors has become a great way to keep the fans interested. With Sanctuary, there's Amanda, Damian, Robin, RyRo, Agam, Robert Lawrence, Peter Wingfield & more all giving tweet updates & fun games (Sanctuary Twitter Tag, anyone? That was hilarious!)
Enough of that rant for the moment.
There's more to talk about - including Jane Lynch hosting the Emmys this weekend.

Jane was on The Ellen Show today and those two together are such a hoot! The "Lot Cops" and "Funny Pants" skits had me ROFLMAO. I wish they would team up for some comedy/improv thing sometime.
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