The normal ending to the phrase “if you can’t stand the
heat” is “stay out of the kitchen.” However, in present day, the more
appropriate ending phrase would be “take the ice bucket challenge.” After all,
the first scene of this episode has a guy pulling a heavy tote container full
of ice up the side of a building and in through the window.
Apparently there’s a heat wave in Jane & Maura’s Boston
universe, yet Maura still somehow gets Jane to go jogging with her. The things
that those LLBFF’s will do for each other! We also get the cuteness of “you’re
so you sometimes” later in the episode.
It was cute when Jane opened the fire hydrant for the kids –
apparently it’s legal when a cop does it. At least we know that she’s good with
a pipe wrench! After all, she is a plumber’s daughter! Did she really have to
admonish the kid for calling her ma’am? Come on, Jane! We finally see a young
kid who actually has some manners – even if he had been trying to illegally
open the fire hydrant! And then, of course, we have Jane staring longingly at
the kids. Yes, I knew this was coming. I’m sure we’re going to get a lot of
these little hints until we finally see Jane break down & cry over her loss
of the baby.
And then we have Mama R with her Love Potion #9. If the only
reason for that storyline was to get Angela in that red dress, then I have no
complaints! Although, I actually think she looked even better in that turquoise
dress back in 3x06 “money maker.” Angela cracked me up when she mimicked Jane
& Maura answering their phones out on the sidewalk! I also had to laugh at
how Maura was able to dump her cup of tea out in the street and throw it in the
garbage without Angela noticing. And
of course, Maura has to go back later and dig through the trash can in search of
the ‘evidence’ to test what is actually in the drink. It seems that Maura has picked up a number of traits from Jane – including becoming more at ease when talking to people. I loved how she was able to make Eric feel comfortable
enough to open up and talk to her & Jane about his horrible experience. The
Maura Isles from the first season would have probably started her google-speak
and not gotten him to open up. I really would have loved to have seen how the
‘love potion’ would make both Jane & Maura react. Damn missed opportunity.
Then we go from love potions to puppies. Not only do we need
to put APBs out on Jo Friday, Bass & Elsie (I miss her, but not her owner,
Casey!), but now there’s a new pup in the mix – Sipowicz. Really, Vince?
Wouldn’t it have been easier to just call him Andy? Then again, no one would have gotten the NYPD
Blue reference. I can’t help but think of having Vince Korsak & Andy
Sipowicz as partners. I miss Andy in his short-sleeved shirts. I can only
imagine how he would be dabbing at his shiny forehead to keep the sweat away in
the oppressive heat. It also makes me think of how cool it would be to have
Jane team up with Diane Russell & Jill Kirkendall on a case. I really miss
that show.
Back on the subject of puppies, how cute was Frankie when he
was panting like a puppy? The only problem is that there was no one around to
tease or laugh at him. I loved how both Jane & Maura gave him little smirks as they walked away, probably wondering if he actually believed in the information about panting. I'm pleased that Maura didn't go all googlemouth and tell him not to believe in Korsak's statement. And Vince & Maura’s description of the dog – “I’m
guessing Shih tzu” “maybe a hint of poodle” – reminds me of a couple episodes
ago when they were talking about doodles. So, can we call this one a
Shitdoodle? But he really is cute – even if he is named after Andy Sipowicz.
I’m impressed that none of the characters questioned what kind of name that
was, or who it was named after – not
even Maura. And the irony of Sipowicz belonging to an owner who speaks Spanish.
After all, Andy the cop, was a bit of a racist.
Last week, I got the CSI vibe with the prison inmate being
exonerated by having his case reviewed – a case that had also been on an episode
of CSI. This week, the CSI vibe comes in the form of a dead body in a bathtub.
It reminded me of Cath & Sara’s case in CSI’s 4x02 All for our Country,
where they have a ‘bloated floater’ in the bathtub. In their case, the hot water had been left
on for a couple days, and the overflowing water was raining down to the first
floor of the house. Cath’s comment of “it’s raining man juice” along with
Sara’s response of “Hallelujah” always brings laughter.
I also have to laugh as Maura reveals that she has central
air, but she doesn’t use it. Really, Maura? Why have it then. It also reminds
me of the one week a year that it’s usually hot enough here to actually need
AC, and every time my mother walks in the door of my house, she complains that it's too hot! It
really doesn’t pay to get one! I don’t think anyone was surprised at Maura’s
revelation that she sleeps in the nude. I’m disappointed that Jane didn’t
really have a comeback for that. I don’t believe she was really that surprised.
And then there’s “Sobo” and Maura’s invitations:
J: since when did Boston get a hipster arts district?
K: its realtors rebranded this neighborhood ‘Sobo’
J: don’t say that. It is not a thing
M: oh, it is a thing, Jane. I get invited to Sobo art
galleries all the time.
The topic of art galleries reminds me of Constance – are we ever going to see her again? I miss her.
And we need the appearance of Mr Isles soon as well.
And then we get a mishmash of so-so’s:
F: a hipster drug dealer laying low in Sobo
N: isn’t that the bubble drink?
F: no, that’s soba
K: no, the noodles are soba, bubble drinks are boba.
F: Sobo is what the hipsters are calling South Boston.
J: it’s not a thing (Sipowicz barks!)
Poor Jane. She just really needs to get to Maura’s and turn
on the central air – without Maura knowing about it!
“Drugs: it’s the American way” Yep. I’m guessing that has
now surpassed “Land of the free. Home of the brave” as America’s slogan.
Geeky Maura returns as she gets to talk science to her
newest ‘fans’ – cops who are just standing in the autopsy room because the AC
is on in there. And Susie was adorable as “Maura Jr,” and telling them to hold
their questions & comments until the end. Susie’s “it’s hot. I wouldn’t
poke the bear…metaphorically speaking” comment had me in stitches! As cute as
the scene was, I have to question the legality of having others in the room while Jane & Maura were discussing
details of the case. The extra guys may be part of BPD, but should they really
be getting details of an open homicide investigation?
I found it a bit eerie that Jane & Vince have to pulls
their guns at a cemetery.
J: clear. Which seems odd to say in the middle of a
I saw the behind-the-scenes pic of them building the
mausoleum room on set. It always interests me to try and notice camera cuts and
set changes.
Rizzles, sweet Rizzles
M: maybe you should just go home and rest
J: I can’t. it’s too hot there too. Wait, your AC works,
M: ah, well yes, it works.
J: maybe I could stay at your place.
M: well, it works, but I don’t actually turn it on because I
sleep in the nude.
J: I know, yes. Could you please just turn it on tonight?
M: I suppose.
J: thank you. I’ll bring you some PJ’s. oh, and if Todd
comes back, tell him that I’m staying at your house tonight.
But we all know that Maura has both black and flowery silky
PJ’s that are so adorable.
It's nice to have the two ladies actually sitting at the bar at the
Dirty Robber instead of the table as they have previously been. And have you noticed how, with
the revamping of the Robber, they don’t sit at ‘their’ booth anymore? I miss
As they were staring in shock at Angela in her red dress, I
couldn’t help but be reminded of their looks a few episodes back when Angela
wore that hideous dress when she was on her way to break up with Cavanaugh.
And the cute Rizzoli sibling moment:
J: nepotism sucks
F: I’m right here, Jane.
J: I don’t mean you.
Really, Frankie? You think you only got into BPD because
you’re Jane’s brother? Maybe they need to rethink giving you that detective’s
badge after all!
And chalk one up for Frankie on the cross-check takedown of
the perp running through the market. Instead of following behind, he took the
round-a-bout way and cut him off at the pass. You go, little brother!
I really loved both Lucy & Eric Chen. I loved how both
Maura & Jane approached him cautiously, but with the truth. When Eric was
talking about wanting to get out of the club, wanting to get a cab, I couldn’t
help but think that Maura was reminded of the ordeal she went through, the one
that eventually put her in jail. Also the part where Jane was asking if he
remembered any sounds or smells – that’s exactly the information that Jane gave
to help them find her when she was kidnapped & tied to the bed by Dominic
We also have the return of Todd, the lab rat. We were first
briefly introduced to him in 5x02 “…goodbye.” He was on his way into the lab as
Maura was leaving and he mentions to her that Detective Frost was a good man.
Then Maura goes out to by the ambulance and has her “good cry.”
So, wrapping up this episode, we go from the ‘ice bucket’ beginning to a Caliente ending!
On a final note - TV Guide has a preview of next week's summer finale. Another cliffhanger? Really? I'm not amused.

Episode Screen Caps:

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