Ready. Set. Hut. Hut.
It’s great to have an episode where Maura is
clueless on most of the finer details of the subject – in this case, the sport
of football – and Jane is the one spouting off “fun facts” to her. Yep.
Payback’s a bitch.
I’ll admit, even though I enjoy watching sports,
I don’t get into any of the betting or fantasy leagues or anything other than
just watching the action. I actually learned enough about the ‘over/under’
betting stuff by watching the CSI episode, “Big Middle” from season 5, as
Warrick was explaining it to Catherine.
That’s all I needed to know.
Speaking of CSI, when I saw this homicide being
committed in a car wash, I couldn’t help but think of the CSI episode,
“Sqweegel” as well as season 4’s “Invisible Evidence” where Catherine gets
feisty – “I’m gonna have to clean your trap.”
Sorry, the subject of Catherine Willows can
always get me sidetracked. Anyway, back to the show.
There are a few points of emphasis for this
episode review:
- a little reality goes a long way
- the wide world of sports
- cupcakes vs athletes
- homicide vs lab techs
- great Frost back story
- Casey’s return
- Jane/Casey vs Rizzles
- location, location, location
- Sweet Elsie
So, let’s get started.
-- a
little reality goes a long way –
I’ll admit that it was a bit strange to have a
new episode that involved softball, people in shorts, and car washes when it’s
a week before Christmas, and the city of Boston would be quite a bit chillier
at this time of year. The football part of this story I understand, since both
the NFL and colleges are still playing. I know they filmed it in late
summer/early fall, but since they know it’s going to be part of the ‘winter
episodes’, I think the story lines should coincide with the appropriate time of
year it’s going to air, like wearing jackets, hats & mittens instead of
shorts and short-sleeved shirts. A little of ‘real life’ continuity would be
great. Even a little fake snow or holiday decorations would be nice, since this
was the fourth ‘winter episode’ and would air near the holidays. Take this week’s NCIS episode, for example.
It was holiday themed with Abby decorating her lab and Tony Sr coming to
reunite with Jr for the holiday. That
reminds me – next weeks’ R&I ep is on Christmas Day – and I’m guessing
there will be nary a holiday mention as well.
the wide world of sports –
And we didn’t even get to see Camille & Robin
slaughter the homicide team in the softball practice? Where’s the fun in that?
C’mon Janet. Have a heart and bring us the fun. I love how Maura couldn’t stop
bragging and rubbing it in at the Robber. Like I said, payback’s a bitch. Right
As for the football, I guess all we really saw
was those two plays that they kept showing on the videos. However, all I kept
thinking about was “Necessary Roughness” on USA and wondering when that show
was returning. I know I’ve seen the promos for it, but can’t remember when it
comes back. I think it’s January.
One thing that bugged me with this sports thing
is that Jane mentioned here that BCU was Division III, and were raising money
because they don’t have scholarships. The ‘continuity monster’ returns again
because in season 1 “She works hard for the money” the girl played Division I
soccer (with a full-ride scholarship) at BCU. (all together now in your Jane
Rizzoli voice) “Really?” Something’s fishy wishy.
cupcakes vs athletes –
This is your second warning. Bakery vans are
dangerous. Remember when Jane got abducted by Dominic in his bakery van? Now
this guy gets killed in his own bakery van. There were two things going through
my mind when seeing the guy with a cupcake business – 1) Chef Duff and “the Ace
of Cakes” from Food Network 2) Max & Caroline from “2 Broke Girls” and
their cupcake side business.
homicide vs lab techs –
First of all, this softball outfit that Maura is
wearing is much cuter than the skintight suit with the hood that she wore in
episode 2. SO much cuter. And really, Jane, don’t you remember what Maura did
during that episode back in season 1- right before the woman’s body was dumped
off the overpass? Let me refresh your memory: big hit. Driving in a run. Ring a bell? If anything, Maura should have
given Jane lessons in softball. The lab techs’ uniforms kind of freaked me out
– even though Maura’s was cuter because of the belt. It reminded me a bit of
the uniforms from “A league of their own” – without the skirts, unfortunately.
I guess it was just a chic version of the morgue scrubs.
Oh, and was that a tongue-in-cheek lesbian joke
from Janet Tamaro to have Frost’s mom & partner arrive in an episode with a
softball theme. (Jane’s voice again) “Really?”
great Frost back story –
It was great to have more back story for Frost.
We’ve seen his hard-assed, unfeeling father back in season 2’s “Sailor Man.”
This time it’s his mother, Camille, along with her partner, Robin, and Robin’s
child. It’s interesting to hear that both Frost’s mother & father had been
a Midshipmen. It was a good choice to have Camille as a Civil Engineering
professor at Norfolk.
One thing I’m a bit bummed at is why there was no
‘family get-together’ at Maura’s house with Frost & his family. I mean,
seriously, they always gather there for all of the other occasions. Even though
there was the celebration/gloating over their victory at the Robber, I think
they still should have had a dinner at the house so we could see more of Frost
interacting with his mother & future stepmother.
And if you want another tie-in to CSI, Barbara
Eve Harris, who plays Camille Frost, was the new sheriff Sherry Liston on CSI
in the past couple seasons. I think they did a great job in casting her as
Frost’s mother. They do look quite similar.
Casey’s return –
Let me just put this out there: I LOVE Casey.
Okay? He’s an all-American boy fighting for our country, putting his life on
the line, and trying to do what he sees as the right thing in getting Jane to
let him go and move on with her life instead of burdening her with his
care. Okay, so maybe I also adore him
because he’s so adorable, sweet & caring and much more of a better man than
Dickhead Dean ever was. It still freaks me out to read Tess Gerritsen’s books
and picture Jane married to Dean. Although, it would be interesting to have
Jane’s daughter, Regina, be part of the show.
As for Casey, I really want him to return and at
least have the opportunity to continue as a recurring character. I see that
he’s listed as being in next week’s season finale, so I’m hoping he doesn’t say
“goodbye” again. On one hand, I want Chris Vance’s show to be a success,
because he really seems like a great guy. On the other hand, I kind of want his
show to flop because I want him to return to this show. I guess option #1 would
be the best, then there will actually be more Chris screen time than just the
few scenes per episode we see him in now.
Jane/Casey vs Rizzles –
Yes, yes, I know. The entire Rizzles fandom is in
an uproar just because there was another ‘beard’ (male love interest) making a
re-appearance. Seriously, I love Rizzles. I love reading the fanfics for the
two. I love the funny gifs that are made, all of the subtext that gets brought
out, and all of the fun, quirky interaction that makes up Jane/Maura as
Rizzles. But, frankly, it’s tiring to see the constant bashing & hatred
against any character who gets in the way of their beloved Jane/Maura pairing.
I never really liked Gabriel Dean – mainly because he was an ass, and a bit of
a wooden/dry character, but I do love Casey. For Maura, I haven’t liked any of
the guys – Ian, Dennis, Slucky, marfan man, etc. At least they haven’t
transferred Father Daniel Brophy over from the books as a love interest for
Maura. That would just be weird.
Janet Tamaro has made it clear that Rizzles is
never going to happen on screen, and frankly, I can guarantee that none of the
rabid Rizzles fans would be happy if it ever did happen – because the writers
would never make it like a fanfic.
They’d totally screw up the relationship in some way, shape, or form.
All I have to think of is the yucky GSR (Gil/Sara) story line from CSI. The GSR
fans were pleased when the relationship was made known. Now, as of season 13,
they’re on the verge of divorce (hallelujah!!) with Sara still being a main
character and a non-existent Grissom.
As for Rizzles in this episode, it was ‘bitchy’
Jane & ‘ignoring you’ Maura. See what I mean about the writers screwing up
things? (I liked their little stand-off in the lobby) I also loved how Maura
kept trying to make Jane feel better by making guesses. Now that’s their
version of ‘true love’, I guess.
location, location, location –
I loved the change in location setting to the
front steps of Jane’s apartment in this episode. The last two weeks, we got to
see the back courtyard between Maura’s house & the guest house. This time,
we get a couple of night scenes on Jane’s steps, which made them much sweeter
than the previous scenes from that location (in the rain with Joey Grant;
getting flowers from Dean). The scenes actually reminded me of a scene from
Angie’s previous show, Women’s Murder Club, where she comes home and sees Jill
sitting on the steps, and they have a sweet little talk. I miss that show. I
miss the girls (FYI- Paula Newsome will be back on NCIS in early January as
Vance’s wife.) I miss Angie’s character wearing jeans on a regular basis
instead of the annoying suits. Speaking of Jane’s wardrobe – I really loved the
orange shirt she wore in this episode. It was a great color for her.
Anyway, back to the subject of location – this
episode was mainly about Jane’s apartment, with a few different scenes there,
yet STILL no sign of Jo Friday. Are we EVER going to see “the kids” again? I
miss Bass & Jo.
There was also a shot of Jane & Maura coming
in the front doors of PD. It’s interesting that if you look closely, you see a
flat floor outside the doors, but at least we see what looks like a brick
building across the street. However, no front steps, no street outside. On the
left side of the frame, we see people sitting in the café with a view of
buildings across the street through the windows. I don’t think they should use
that shot again. I did find it cute that they still seem to use the ‘old pinto
parts’ art sculpture in the lobby as kind of a shield. Jane noticed Casey
standing at the front desk when she looked around the sculpture.
Sweet Elsie
Speaking of animals – it was great to see Elsie
again. Since she’s on set so much with Lorraine and around the rest of the
cast, you can she’s comfortable with all of the actors where she’ll just lay
there. I loved the scene in the garage with Jane petting Elsie. So cute. I love
golden labs.
A few scenes:
‘extended’ family extends --
Jane, Frost & Frankie come off the elevator
in their softball workout clothes.
J: no, seriously, I don’t mind working on
Fro: yeah, murderers tend to take a break on the
Lord’s day
Fra: what about that Mattapan triple homicide?
Fro: well, except for that, yeah.
(two ladies & a kid enter the front doors)
J: Frost, your mom’s here!
Fro: hey, mom. How’d you get here so fast?
CF: we got off to an early start. No traffic on
the 95.
Fro: (to the other woman) hey, Robin. (gives her
a hug)
R: hey.
Fro: what are you doing here?
R: well Cameron was on vacation, he was bored,
so…never been to Boston
Fro: (to the kid) hey Cam.
Cam: hey. We’re gonna ride the duck boat.
Fro: cool man.
J: Hi, Camille.
Jane & Camille hug.
CF: Jane, how are you?
J: I’m good. Thank you. It’s been a long time.
Fro: this is Robin, my mom’s roommate & her
son, Cameron.
R: so nice to meet you.
J: Nice to meet you. I’m Jane. (to Cameron) Hi.
Cam: Hi.
J: this is my brother Frankie.
Fra: Hey, how you doing?
Cam: how come you don’t have a police uniform?
Fro: actually, detectives don’t wear uniforms.
But I’m just on call today. We’re gonna go play some softball.

Awww. Don’t ya just love how large the Rizzoli ‘extended’ family has become? It’s great to see, once again, that Jane knows Frost’s mom, Camille – just like she did with Korsak’s ex, Melody (even though the initial sight of Melody’s appearance had Jane reaching for her gun automatically!) They’ve done great ‘family’ casting again as LTY & Barbara Eve Harris look quite similar – just like Sasha & Sharon Lawrence do.
standoff – pt 1--
Maura, Susie and two other lab tech’s come off
the elevator, with softball gloves and very…strange uniforms.
M: wait for us.
J: are you…going bowling?
M: no. we want to play for Boston Police
Department Softball League. Heads up. Ooops. (tosses the ball to one of the
other techs. He ‘nerdily’ catches it.)
J: yeah. (notices the tag still on Maura’s glove)
good job breaking it in.
M: (whispers to Susie) take off the tag. (Suzie
rips it off)
Fro: (to Frankie) goodbye playoffs.
J: uh…shoot. The season’s almost over, so, you
know, may…maybe next year.
Susie: bummer.
M: hold on. Let me make sure I understand –your
science colleagues, who, for all you know, could be world-class softball stars,
aren’t welcome at your softball practice?
Both Frost & Frankie clear their throats
& subtly shake their heads.
Fro: (softly) no
J: uh…well…uh (her phone buzzes and she answers)
M: (phone buzzes too) Dr Isles. Okay. I’ll be
right there. (to Jane) we’re not done here.
The lab techs turn back to the elevator.
Yup. Jane is so whipped. You know she would have
given in immediately if Frost & Frankie hadn’t mumbled & shook their
heads at her, because they both know that a whining Maura is Jane’s weakness.
Doesn’t anyone remember the 2nd episode of season 1, where Maura
wore the sleek, all-body suit with the hood and got a big pinch-hit for the
team – just before the body was rolled off the overpass? Maura was even
practicing her batting stance in the morgue in that episode, so why do the
writers have her portrayed as the overly dumb, uneducated sports nerd with the
tag still on her glove? Also, since it’s almost the end of the softball league
season, you know that Maura would have been around Jane (and begging to play)
throughout the whole season and not just here at the end. Couldn’t they have
had Susie or one of the two lab tech guys as the ones with the tag on the glove
instead? That would have been less character assassination for Maura, because
she’s been around Jane enough where she’s not that sports-illiterate.
It may have gone unnoticed by most, but the most
interesting part of this scene to me is Camille & Robin in the background
throughout the whole scene, giving each other different looks. At one point
they nod at each other, as if saying ‘we’ll team up with the lab techs &
teach the detectives a lesson’ – a foreshadowing of things to come, maybe?
crime scene --
K: the victim is Enzo Womack
J: the running back from BCU?
M: the dessertier from End Zone Cakes?
J: did you say “dessertier”?
M: Enzo Womack is a well-known cake maker. He
just opened his first D.I.Y. on Charles Street.
F: D.I.Y.?
M: ‘decorate it yourself.” It’s on my bucket
J: what happened?
K: stabbed twice in the neck.
F: he was probably here to support the BCU
fundraiser. Any witnesses?
K: happened in the car wash. Nobody saw anything.
J: we got a hundred people in and out of here.
It’s a huge intersection. We don’t have one witness?
K: once you drive in, it’s just you and your
vehicle and automated equipment for six minutes.
F: maybe someone was hiding in the van. do we
know where he was coming from?
K: his bakery, End Zone cakes.
J: his nickname was “end zone” ‘cause he made so
many touchdowns.
M: who removed his body from the van?
K: Dan MacKenzie, team trainer. He & the
coach tried to revive him. MacKenzie & End Zone were friends.
J: yeah, they played together
F: MacKenzie was a kicker. Played together for
four seasons.
K: team’s a mess.
J: so is the crime scene.
F: found his cell phone. (it’s on the floor of
the front seat in a puddle of water.) I’ve got a bad feeling this isn’t going
to be much he.p.
J: all right, let’s get the van back to the
evidence garage. So much for a slow Sunday.
Okay, last things first - Do y’all remember the
last time we saw a cell phone in a puddle of water? It involved a car crash,
gunfire, Jane & Maura running for their lives, an impromptu leg surgery,
avoiding toxic water, and “beep beep, boop boop.” Not a pleasant memory, right?
Skipping to the ending, we know that MacKenzie
killed Enzo, but serious plotline loopholes – how wouldn’t anyone have noticed
MacKenzie going from ushering Enzo’s van into the car wash, to him
disappearing, putting on a waterproof jacket with hood and killing Enzo, to
mysteriously being back again to ‘help’ try to revive Enzo and pulling him out
of the van. Seriously, there were lots of people there at that car wash.
Oh, right. I forgot. This show isn’t about
serious plot lines or gaping loopholes anyway, so why care? I guess I don’t
really care, other than these glaring omissions really bug the heck out of me.
Back to the scene – going to a D.I.Y. cake shop
is on Maura’s “bucket list?” seriously? Somehow, I’m imagining a bunch of
fanfics being written that involve Maura, Jane, and cake decorating…or at least
a bunch of frosting being involved.
Casey’s return --
Jane & Maura enter the front lobby of the
M: what if I practiced my swing in that cagey
M: It’s called a batting cage, Maura.
Casey is at the front desk, talking to the
officer on duty.
C: I’m looking for Sergeant Detective Korsak.
Jane comes past the “used pinto parts” art
sculpture and sees Casey standing at the desk.
J: *gasp* (whispers to Maura) what is he doing
here? (She nervously walks around and addresses Casey.) Casey.
C: Jane. (he’s holding Elsie by her leash)
J: hi.
C: I didn’t know you’d be here today.
J: I work here.
C: (nods his head as if he’s berating himself for
that comment. Then he turns to Maura) Hello Maura.
M: Casey, how are you?
C: I’m okay.
J: (to Maura) uh, I’ll…I’ll just meet you
M: okay.
C: I’m sorry. That wasn’t much of a greeting.
(Jane chuckles) let me start again.
J: okay.
C: hello Jane.
J: hello. It’s good to see you.
C: I said I’d, uh, be in touch when I was ready.
J: so, I’m guessing you’re not ready.
C: It’s complicated. I’m getting closer, though.
J: okay, so, so why are you here?
C: I need to talk to, uh, Sergeant Korsak.
Vince arrives.
K: Elsie! Hey. Hello girl. Hi Casey.
C: hey Vince.
J: all right well. You know, I don’t want to get
between you & Korsak
C: oh, I just stopped by to ask him if he would
watch Elsie for me.
J: oh.
C: God, it’s good to see you.
J: you can see me anytime you want.
C: I’ll be in touch. I promise, I will.
J: well, you know where I am.

Last things first again. In that last shot of Casey, it’s annoying to see that there’s no Korsak or Elsie in the picture anywhere. What is it with the continuity for this show? Seriously. So Korsak & Elsie just automatically disappear from this scene at the end? Even though we had a couple cut-ins in that scene with close-ups of Vince petting Elsie? Come one, people (writers/directors/script supervisors) please pay attention to the bigger, more noticeable details.
As I’ve said previously – I love Casey. And I
even love Jane/Casey (is that Jasey?) I’m not really liking sweet, patient,
understanding, trying-to-not-give-him-a-reason-to-leave Jane here. A Jane
Rizzoli without sarcasm or some kind of humor-injected dialogue in a sweet
scene is scary (and frankly a bit boring.)
As I also mentioned previously – writers, please
don’t keep making Maura into a dumb-blonde when it comes to sports. She’s been
around Jane and the entire Rizzoli family long enough that she’s had to have
gotten a grasp on the simplest parts of sports. At least she could have had a
comeback line to Jane saying that she knew it was a ‘batting cage’ and was just
joking with her.
ignorance isn’t bliss --
J: I am the kid that opened the boxes that said
‘do not open until Christmas.’
M: mm-hmm
J: no, I mean in November.
M: uh-huh.
J: Ma caught me crawling under her bed looking
for my birthday presents.
M: huh
J: are you getting how major this is?
M: mm-hmm
J: Maura, you’re not even listening.
M: you have been talking about Casey for 31
J: I’m having an epiphany here. A watershed
moment. I’m having a life altering experience.
M: can you hand me the metal probe?
J: yes. I mean, Casey gave me the perfect
opportunity to be my impatient know, to pressure him and demand
answers, and-and I didn’t. Me. I was patient. Isn’t that amazing?
M: yes. Can you hand me the forceps?
J: okay, you cannot still be upset about this
softball thing.
M: this ‘softball thing.’ I put my pride on the
line and beg to be included in an extra-curricular activity in front of my
J: why is it so important to you?
M: why is it so important to build
inter-departmental bridges ?
J: you’ve clearly never played in a softball
M: you just don’t want us to play because you’re
too competitive and you don’t think we’re any good. I’m right, aren’t I?
J: yes.
M: at least you’re honest. (goes back to the
body) he still has remarkable musculature. He must not eat his cakes.
J: (starts typing on Maura’s laptop) yeah. Enzo
was the first BCU player in years who could have gone pro.
M: I’m guessing that wasn’t an option once he
tore his anterior cruciate ligament. Scar tissue looks to be about five years
Jane plays a video of Ezno during a game and
getting his ACL torn.
J: it’s amazing how fast your life can change.
All it took for Casey was an I.E.D. and some shrapnel… and a war.
M: my guess is Casey dropped by to see you.
J: stop guessing. You’re bad at it. He came by to
see Korsak. Oh, stop timing me. I’ll stop talking about Casey.
M: there are hilt marks, there and there.
J: those are probably from the knife. A small
buck knife, maybe?
M: well, many knives have hilts: survival knives,
hunting knives, skinning knives, commando knives, tanto knives,
J: can you please stop?
M: hmm. Some kind of particulate matter adhered
to the wound.
J: well, that must have come off the knife.
M: and white fibers there. I’ll have the crime
lab analyze all this.
Jane’s phone buzzes.
J: okay, the victim’s van is in the evidence
garage. I’ll be back.
M: will you think about the, uh, “softball
J: yes.
M: thank you.
J: (pauses) sorry, the answer’s still no.

It’s kind of cute that Maura’s ignoring Jane, since Jane is the one who usually does the ignoring. I also think Jane ranting about Casey for 31 minutes is a wonderful payback from when Maura talked incessantly about Dennis Rockmond for those episodes. Payback’s a bitch, Maura.
It’s also cute how Maura ‘guesses’ about why
Casey was back just to try and make Jane feel better. See, Maura will risk the
possibility of getting hives just to cheer up her LLBFF. This whole “softball
thing” is really getting on my nerves, though. Enough already. I don’t like the
girls bickering. They need to quit ‘dumbing-down’ Maura and ‘bitching up’ Jane
just to bring conflict again. It’s annoying.
I also had to chuckle at the poor actor playing
the dead guy (Enzo) during this entire scene, his face is basically front &
center on that computer screen as Jane is ranting. And the guy doesn’t move a
facial muscle (or is that a ‘still’ photo they’ve stuck in there to give the
guy a break?)
Jane/Korsak --
K: we got a bunch of cake-decorating stuff. It’s
all covered with arterial blood spray and car wash suds.
J: killer was smart. He ruined any chance we had
of making a case with forensics. Doesn’t it seem a little ‘spur of the moment’
stabbing someone in a car wash?
K: yeah. I’ll get it all photographed &
J: where’s Frost?
K: well, the warrant came through. he’s working
on Enzo’s laptop and still trying to dry out his cell phone.
J: okay, I’ll have the crime lab comparison-test
all the tools and knives in here. Maura thinks that the murder weapon had a
hilt. (picks up a knife) this has a hilt.
K: I didn’t know he was coming.
J: yeah, I figured.
K: he asked a lot of questions about you.
J: really? Why did he leave Elsie?
K: I’m taking care of her for a while. He knew if
he brought her by I couldn’t refuse her.
J: you’re taking care of her? For how long?
K: maybe a few months.
J: why? Where is he going?
K: he didn’t go into details.
J: you’re a detective, didn’t you ask?
K :I didn’t want to pry.
K :I didn’t want to pry.
J: oh that’s so male. (she looks at the stains on
the floor of the van.) you think this is frosting?
K: maybe. Crime lab can test it. Look, we got at
least several years worth of frosting & cake crumbs. What the hell is
J: Fondant and it’s sticky, sweet, inedible crap
that they put on cakes.
K: don’t put it on my retirement cake.
J: duly noted. (she walks over to Elsie, who’s
lying on the floor) you’re a good girl, Elsie.
K: oh, she’s the best.
J: and you’re a service dog. Casey needs you, so
what are you doing here?

Now I want Elsie to be a series regular on the show (especially since we seem to have lost Jo Friday & Bass somewhere along the way). She’s so great. Since she’s Lorraine’s dog, and always around the set, it’d be great to have her appear on a regular basis now. She seems to be so comfortable with the rest of the crew around.
I love the Jane/Korsak moments, with just the two
of them. These moments seem to be fewer & far between lately. I love how he
reassures her that he didn’t know about Casey. He’s always been protective of
her in that way. I also loved Korsak’s little smirk when Jane said “that’s so
Mama talk --
Frankie brings Camille to meet Angela in the
F: hey Ma. This is Detective Frost’s mother,
A: oh, nice to meet you, I’m Angela.
C: Hi. Pleasure.
F: you okay waiting here?
C: yes. Yes. And thank you so much for taking us
F: Sure. See you, Ma.
A: bye baby.
C: what a nice man. He drove me & my roommate
& her son all over Boston while we were waiting for Barry.
A: yeah, he’s a good kid. And, uh, your son and
my daughter are like this (crosses her two fingers)
C: aww. I wish I lived closer. I feel like I
never see him.
A: you live in, uh, Virginia, right?
C: Norfolk. I teach at one of the military universities there.
C: Norfolk. I teach at one of the military universities there.
A: nice. What do you teach?
C: civil engineering.
A: wow. Now we know where, uh, Detective Frost
gets his brains.
C: his father was actually pretty smart, too.
(Angela gives her a look) uh, we divorced 20 years ago.
A: I just got divorced.
C: oh, I’m so sorry.
A: I’m not… well, anymore. Can I get you a cup of
C: oh, no, thank you. I think I already had
enough on the way here. I’m actually trying to work up the nerve to tell Barry
that I’m getting remarried.
A: oh, congratulations. Why is that making you
C: the divorce was hard on him and I never dated.
Don’t get me wrong, Barry is very respectful, but knowing him, you know, he has
strong opinions.
A: well, we did bring them up to have their own
C: yes, we did.
A: it’s crazy how the tables turn, isn’t it? I
was seeing this guy for a while and, uh, my kids went nuts.
C: what’d you do?
A: felt guilty. But then I decided I was allowed
to be a person, too.
C: yes, you are.
A: excuse me

Awww I love the mom bonding over divorce and their kids. And of course Frost’s mom is smart. We know the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. At least we got a little continuity in this episode with the mention of Angela’s divorce and how her kids reacted to it.
I was going to comment on how after Camille
declines the offer of coffee from Angela, a glass of water appears in front of
her later on, but as I actually looked very closely, I noticed that’s what
Angela had turned around to do at the sink – fill a glass of water and set it
in front of Camille. I like how it was just part of the background of the
scene, and they brought no camera attention to that subtle act.
I find it quite amusing, especially with this show because it's done quite a lot - when one character in a scene is wearing a red blouse, the other is usually wearing blue (or some different shade of blue). It's almost to the point where I'm ready to yell -"Mix it up a bit, would ya?" Sheesh!
I find it quite amusing, especially with this show because it's done quite a lot - when one character in a scene is wearing a red blouse, the other is usually wearing blue (or some different shade of blue). It's almost to the point where I'm ready to yell -"Mix it up a bit, would ya?" Sheesh!
-- hostile & offensive (almost) --
Jane walks up to Frost’s desk & notices a
container with rice and the victim’s phone.
J: I think you need to complain about your lunch
order. There’s a phone in it.
F: Rice is an effective desiccant.
J: are you using three syllable words because
your mother’s in town?
F: oh man, I might be.
J: can you make it work?
F: not sure, circuits are wet, but I’ve been
having fun on Enzo’s laptop. He liked three things. (he turns the computer
towards Jane, who gets a funny look on her face)
J: let me guess – women, cakes & BCU
K: what a life- football, women & cake.
F: Enzo was a season-ticket holder, and he also
had every BCU game from the last 10 years on his hard drive.
J: that’s a serious fan.
F: dude was hardcore. He watched every game and a
lot of replays.
K: pretty sure viewing football on his computer
didn’t kill him.
J: yeah, and I remember him to be quite the
ladies man. What about the women in his life?
Frost brings up a pic on her computer of Enzo
with a bunch of women holding cupcakes.
K: hohoho, nice assortment of desserts. (Jane
slaps his arm) I meant the cupcakes.
J: yeah, sure you did
F: most of them are his old girlfriends.
K: he hired his old flames?
F: which flavor would you choose, Korsak?
Chocolate? Vanilla?
K: so many cupcakes, so little time.
J: okay, I’m about to file a harassment claim.
F: it has to be hostile & offensive.
J: keep talking.

Now THIS is the banter I love with these three. Korsak acting like a ‘dirty old perv’; Frost encouraging him; and Jane pretending like she’s offended and not enjoying the banter.
As to the question of which flavor to choose –
there’s no choice needed. It’s Vanillllllllaaaaaa, of course, but the answer
has to be given by Rondo in his own unique way. As for the cupcakes, is there
anything better than chocolate?
always thinking of the LLBFF --
Frost, Jane & Korsak continue looking at pics
of Enzo’s employees & former girlfriends and are just about to go talk to
one of them.
J: all right, well, come on. Maura’s mad at me,
so let’s give her a cheap thrill and she can comparison-test the cake knives.
Awww knowing her LLBFF is mad at her, Jane knows
the best way to make it up to her – by appealing to her scientific/geeky side
and giving her evidence to test. You do
know that’s only a start, right Jane. Maura’s gonna need more before the makeup
is complete – like whipping your butt in a softball game.
Maura’s geek fest --
M: they’re making the Boston Cambridge University
football stadium. Oh, look. It’s a little Enzo. And this is a representation of
heaven. And I think that that golden ladder is so he can ascend.
J: Uh, Dr Isles?
M: oh yes, of course.
Jane walks back over to Frost.
F: Damn, Enzo likes them in all shapes, sizes
& colors. Is that harassment?
J: possibly, yes.

Haha. A little continuity from the previous scene with the harassment line. I’m not sure I like how that type of talk is occurring in more of their conversations lately. It reminds me of the episode when Korsak’s ex, Dana, was introduced and both Frost & Jane had mentioned about the woman ‘doubling in size.” I’m not liking this trend at all.
Things are looking just a little bit brighter for
Jane/Maura now. Couldn’t Jane have given Maura a little more time to gawk over
the memorial cake for Enzo? Come on, Jane, you’re trying to make it up to your
LLBFF. Give her a little more time to geek out, please.
-- frost’s back story --
J: so, it’s nice that Robin came with your mom,
you know, so she could have some company.
F: my mom’s really independent, but yeah, I
J: how do they know each other?
F: they’re both professors at the naval
university in Norfolk.
J: I didn’t know your mom was a professor.
F: my mom was in one of the first classes at the
Naval Academy that allowed women.
J: are you kidding me?
F: she’s amazing. She & my dad were midshipmen together. That’s how they met. He had the career she should have.
F: she’s amazing. She & my dad were midshipmen together. That’s how they met. He had the career she should have.
J: huh. And they’re roommates, your mom &
F: after Robin’s divorce, they decided to share
expenses. Professors don’t make that much.
J: well, it’s good that they have each other. I
mean, to share expenses.
F: no kidding.

It seems that Barold still holds a grudge against his father. I like how all of the women in the “extended” Rizzoli family seem to be strong & independent. Here, Camille is no exception – and it seems Robin is too.
-- Jane/Maura standoff – pt 2 --
Jane, Korsak, Frost & Frankie come off the
elevator. Waiting at the front doors of the lobby are Maura, Susie, and four
other lab techs in their uniforms again, with gloves, balls, and a bat.
J: Maura
M: Jane. Can’t believe you weren’t gonna tell us
about practice.
J: okay, look there are only two more games left
in the season, and-and we’ll be disqualified. You’re not part of homicide.
M: oh, so Frost’s mom is part of homicide?
K: Jane, we could buck up sides and have a
Fro: buck up? Who are you, Opie?
Cam: who’s Opie?
R: Shh. Honey.
Fra: Maura, you-you don’t have enough players for
a team.
C: oh, we’d be happy to play for Maura’s team.
R: yeah, why not? We’re just a couple of old
ladies looking for some exercise.
Frost rolls his eyes.
M: all right. All right. So, you’re gonna have to
buck up, Jane.
J: I’d love to.

Poor Jane. We know she’s doomed. And they even found more lab techs to join the team, but no sign of Alex again. Darn. I love Frost throwing out the Opie reference and Cameron not having a clue. Although, that’s a sad thought that young kids don’t know Opie. Surely there are enough reruns these days for kids of this generation to have heard of Opie.
Oh, and by the way – why isn’t Cavanaugh part of
the homicide softball team? I’d love to see him in those uniforms.
let the gloating begin --
M: it’s only fair that the winners buy the losers
J: Korsak got to take Cameron to ice cream. We
got to endure this?
Susie comes with a mug of beer and a text message
with results.
S: lab results, Dr Isles.
M: thank you. all the identifiable organic
substances in the van were glucose-based confectioner’s compounds.
J: swell.
M: and blood and glycerin from the soap.
J: double swell.
M: there was one exception. The blue substance
that you found on the floor mat is bulk field paint.
J: field paint? BCU’s colors are blue…Susie, can
you check and see if that field paint is from BCU.
S: yeah, sure.
J: thank you.
Camille & Robin arrive with mugs of beer.
J: oh, just two old ladies in need of some
exercise. Mm. I think somebody lied.
R: it wasn’t a lie. We are old ladies.
C: and we needed exercise.
M: it was such an exciting game. 6-1. We trounced
J: We? Camille hit two home runs, and Robin hit a
grand slam.
Fra: so, two for you, four for you, and zero for
J: exactly. And is it a ‘we’ when you got two
ringers? (looks at Frost, who’s trying to hide in his beer) oh, my god, you
Fro: well, I figured Robin’s swing had lost some
Fro: and mom, you haven’t played in a while.
R: we thought we were rustier that we were.
J: we scored one run…one.
C: I think you played really well.
Fra: the drug unit’s gonna destroy us.
M: well, not if you let us play
J: and by ‘us’ you mean Camille & Robin?
M: you’re a very sore loser. I did make it to the
first base.
J: you don’t say ‘the.”
M: what?
J: you made it to first base because you were
C: you know, walking’s good.
R: to the walk
M: to the walk.

Poor Jane. She’s never gonna live this down. However, my biggest complaint is that we didn’t get to SEE any of this. Damn. I do like how Maura is still trying to rub it in, but she doesn’t have much leverage to do so. It’s great that both Robin & Camille come to her defense. Also cute that Frost knew his mom & Robin were great players, but didn’t mention anything about it to Jane.
that's why he's a detective --
Fro: I’d like to propose a toast.
M: that’s great sportsmanship. See? Toasting the
winning team.
Fro: uh, to two wonderful people. (Camille gets a
worried look on her face) who have taught me meaning of love & commitment…
my mom…and her partner, Robin.
C: Barry, you knew?
Fro: yeah, mom, I knew.
C: I had been agonizing over this for years.
Fro: you never brought it up. It wasn’t my
C: oh honey.
Fro: I figured if you had wanted to tell me, you
R: I told you. You’ve never given him enough
C: I just wish I’d known.
Fro: how many times have I invited you to
Massachusetts? (to Robin) I kept hoping you’d make an honest woman out of her.
I’m glad you finally have.
C: thank you.
J: congratulations.
M: yes, congratulations. When is the wedding day?
R: we actually haven’t even set the date yet.
It’s…it was just time to tell you, Barry.
C: I couldn’t get married without you. You’ll be
our best man?
Fro: you know I will.
M: oh, and I have a great dress I haven’t worn
yet. *claps*
J: (softly) you haven’t been invited. *mimics the
C: listen, when we have our wedding, you’ll all
be welcome. We’d love to have you join us.
J: all right, well, this calls for champagne.
Losing team is buying.
M: hear! Hear!
J: as long as winning team stops mocking.
M: sorry! Sorry!

I love cute, geeky Maura. It’s still cute that she keeps rubbing it in. It’s cute because you know she was never on a winning sports team before and had a chance to feel the thrill of victory. It’s great that they finally get a lesbian storyline with characters who have close ties with the main cast. Now, if we could only have it for characters that are on the show on a regular basis, it would be even greater. Or at least bring us back more of the Jane/Maura fluffy, cute semi-lesbian banter that we’ve somehow lost in season three.
trying to say goodbye --
C: I remember the last time I was here.
J: right before our last tour in Afghanistan.
C: my final tour. It’s like the last run on a ski
slope. You know as you’re falling your shouldn’t have taken it.
J: thank you for coming up. I-I know you didn’t
want to.
C: I did. I just, I didn’t want to be this close
to you.
J: Casey (she leans into him & puts her hand
on his leg)
C: please.
J: (takes her hand away) I’m sorry.
C: I asked Sergeant Korsak to look after Elsie
because I’m having surgery.
J: surgery. When?
C: soon.
J: the stem cell trials?
C: no. I’m not a candidate. I found a
neurosurgeon. He thinks he can remove the, uh, shrapnel and bone shards from
pressing against my spine.
J: Casey, that’s incredible.
C: there are no guarantees, and uh, there will be
months of rehab. But it’s the first crack of light I’ve seen in a pretty dark
J: well, let me…let me help you. I want to go
through this with you.
C: that’s exactly why I didn’t get in touch.
J: Casey, it doesn’t matter. Okay? I care about
C: no. this is no way to start a relationship,
and this is where we are, at the beginning.
J: okay, well, let’s get to the middle. I want to
do this.
C: taking care of an invalid is an ugly form of
intimacy. There’s no romance in it, Jane.
J: this injury isn’t you. (she puts her hand on
his chest) this is you. I should have asked you not to go.
C: I should have asked you to wait. Did you see someone else while I was gone.
J: yes.
C: did you care about him?
J: yes.
C: then you’ll find someone again.
J: what? No. Casey, wait a minute. Wait. It’s
over with him. It’s, it’s been over. Look I realized that when I saw you again
how much I want this to work.
C: this won’t work.
J: it will. Casey, please, just give me a chance.
C: do one thing for me.
J: anything.
C: let me kiss you…and then let me go.
They kiss. Then Casey backs away and goes to the
J: Casey, please. Please.
C: goodbye Jane.
Casey walks out the door. Jane pushes it shut,
then slides down the door in despair, holding her head in her hands.
Ugh. Did they have to remind us of Dickhead Dean
in this sweet scene with Casey? I love these two. It’s so sweet how Casey
doesn’t want Jane to be burdened with taking care of him. I’m actually hoping
that Chris will be done with his show soon, and will be able to come back in
season 4 and be a semi-regular. Wishful thinking. Plus that would leave the
Rizzles fans in a total uproar. As I said above, I love Rizzles, but I’m
seriously annoyed by the narrow-mindedness of some of the Rizzles fans when it
comes to something that takes away from their Jane/Maura fantasies.
lost partners --
In her apartment, Jane is sorting through her
laundry basket & trying to match her socks. Maura knocks on the door.
J: where do socks go?
M: all you need is a half-inch gap for them to
slip under the agitator.
J: so not sock heaven.
M: check your drawers. Static electricity causes
them to stick to other clothing.
J: I hope Enzo gets to go to football heaven.
Thank you for coming.
Jane grabs up all of the leftover socks &
throws them in the garbage.
M: don’t throw them away.
J: they don’t have partners. They’re making me
M: okay, tell me what he said.
J: he is having surgery to remove bone &
shrapnel. What? What’s with the weird look?
M: it’s nothing.
J: hives, Maura. Even white lies make you itch.
Maura grabs Jane’s laptop and brings up
information on Casey’s condition.
M: okay, Casey’s condition is called Cauda Equina
Syndrome. From what I’ve observed in him, it probably involves T-11 and -12 and
maybe L-1.
J: same question, why the weird look.
M: (turns the computer towards Jane, but she
won’t look) surgery on a partially impaired paraplegic is very risky.
J: well, you’re not a neurosurgeon.
M: you’re right. I’m not.
Jane closes the laptop without looking at it.
J: so no guessing. I just wanna pretend like it’s
all going to be fine. Can you do that with me?
M: I can try.

I had to laugh at Maura’s when she realizes Jane is throwing away the socks. Come on, Maura, admit it. You’d throw away stray socks too if you couldn’t find their partners. And I think Season 1 Maura would have even encouraged the unmatching pairs to be thrown. It’s sweet how Jane doesn’t want to hear the statistics and the risks that will be taken. I also love how Maura is willing to risk getting hives by telling her little ‘white lies’ to try and keep Jane from being sad. These Rizzles scenes are sweet, but I’m really missing the usual Rizzles cuteness in this episode. It’s way too angsty and serious for my tastes.
protecting Jane --
M: Sergeant Korsak, did Casey tell you why he
needed you to take Elsie?
K: no. he said she might need a home for a few
months. He mentioned something I didn’t want Jane to hear.
M: what was that?
K: he made me promise I would take care of Elsie
if anything happened to him.
Jane peeks around the corner.
J: hey, you guys coming?
K: yep

Aww I always love the Maura/Korsak scenes – and especially when they’re talking about Jane, because usually it’s something to do with trying to keep her from getting hurt. I think there needs to be a Maursak ship.
payback --
F: okay, we got one shot at this. If there’s any
moisture, the circuits will fry themselves.
K: turn it on.
F: do I have witnesses? Sergeant Detective Korsak
is telling me to turn this phone on…
K: turn the damn phone on, Frost.
F: I want it in writing that this one is not on
me if this phone…
K: (grabs the phone) it’s dead. So much for your
rice idea.
Haha. Great payback, Frost. It’s interesting that
Jane was patient enough to wait the two of them out with their little banter. I
would have expected that it be Jane who would grab the phone because of her
usual impatience. I also would have expected Maura to interject some ‘fun
facts’ about cell phones here. Maybe the two of them are remembering their last
encounter with a dead/wet phone and they don’t want to even bring up that painful
I also find it interesting that both Jane and
Maura are only there at the moment for ‘reactionary’ shots – to either smirk or
roll their eyes at the kid’s play between the two guys.
Maura’s football lesson --
F: this is a full list of video files that Enzo
was watching
J: can you play that one?
Frost plays the video of Enzo tearing his ACL.
J: ugh. Why was Enzo watching that?
F: you see the right guard?
J: yeah.
K: yeah.
M: (looks confused) I didn’t. what are you
talking about?
J: Frost, play that clip from Saturday’s game.
(they play the clip) I think we just figured out what got Enzo killed.
M: what? What did you see? I’d like to know what
got Enzo killed.
K: both BCU right guards, who played five years
apart, faked the same trip on the same play.
F: to make sure their running back got tackled
and didn’t score.
M: this is like the day I took that A.P. calculus
exam. I couldn’t have solved that inversion derivative problem if my life had
depended on it.
J: calm down. Calm down, okay? For once, I get to
explain something to you. Frost can you freeze both bad plays? That right guard
and at least one other player, probably the quarterback, fixed that game in
2007. Okay, and that right guard fixed the same play five years later.
M: are you saying BCU players from two separate
seasons threw games?
J: altered games. It’s too easy to get caught if
you throw them. But if you just shave points… Frost, can we see both
K: yeah, right there. Both quarterbacks made
identical signals. That says to me ‘we’re throwing the play.’
F: Watch their eyes right before they tap their
J: yeah, you’re right. We have a shot caller…who
are they looking at? Frost, do you have
any other angles? So Enzo must have realized that the trip that ended his
career wasn’t accidental.
M: but why would the right guard fake a trip.
Enzo was his teammate.
F: the players who were cheating were just trying
to keep him from scoring.
J: to change the over/under. That’s what this is
K: of course.
M: what? Over/under what?
K: over/under is a type of bet. Oddsmakers
announce a number before a game. It’s their best guess of what the final
combined score will be.
M: and I can bet over or under that number.
K: yes.
M: okay, I think I understand. So if the teams’
scores, when added together, are lower than predicted, I win.
K: yes.
J: and if you know that there are dirty players
that are fixing the game to keep the score down, you bet on the under and then
you win big.
M: yeah, but why would a college player cheat,
especially at a prestigious academic university?
J: well, BCU is a Division III football program.
There’s no money, no scholarships. They’re having a car wash fundraiser to buy
F: got another angle – sideline camera.
K: Coach Phillips is the shot caller.
J: I don’t think so. Play it again. … yeah, yeah,
yeah. Okay, play both the 2007 game & Saturday’s game. Watch MacKenzie. …
you see that? He dropped the towel both times.
M: (her phone beeps) the results are back on the
substance found in Enzo’s wounds. Its’ analgesic heat rub, and the fibers I
found were from cotton sports tape.
J: Maura, you said the murder weapon had a hilt?
Could it be a multipurpose tool like this one?
M: yes.
A phone rings.
J: Is that Enzo’s phone?
Korsak picks it up
F: okay, you don’t get credit for fixing it. Give
it to me.
K: no. I can look at cell phones too.
F: give it to me and let me plug it in.
Korsak rolls his eyes & gives it to Frost.
F: thank you. Here’s his last text message. To
Dan MacKenzie 7:54am.
K: right before he went to the car wash.
J: “need to talk. Hope I’m crazy. I think Coach
has BCU players shaving points.”
K: he thought his coach was dirty.
F: “I hope I’m crazy.” He didn’t want to accuse
the program unless he was sure he was right.
J: so he went to the person he trusted the most,
his former teammate, Dan MacKenzie.
Okay, seriously. Is it just me, or did
Frost/Korsak turn into Jane/Maura for this scene? That’s scary. I love how
Maura compared her not understanding the scenario to taking a hard calculus
exam. Oh, and since the title of this episode is “Over/Under” you saw the
shaving points thing coming, didn’t you? It also reminds me that they never did
interview any of the people that were at the car wash – only Enzo’s ex-girlfriends/employees.
It makes me think that the greatest Rizzoli &
Isles episode would be the one that doesn’t include any case, but just the
‘extended’ Rizzoli family during an actual day off work. That would be the
their new meeting place --
Jane is walking towards her apartment building.
Maura is there sitting on the steps.
J: hey. What are you doing here?
M: I know you wanted me to pretend that
everything will be fine.
J: (she sees what Maura has on her lap) what’s
M: some research I did on decompressive lumbar
spine surgery.
J: I don’t want to know.
M: Jane, you need to know.
J: why? I mean, he said goodbye, Maura, so…
M: Jane, if you care about him, you’ll look.
J: (glances down at it) how bad is it.
M: bad.
J: (nods her head) what am I gonna do?
M: I wish I knew.
Maura pulls Jane into a sideways hug. Jane rests
her head on Maura’s shoulder.
Aww these are the sweet moments I miss. Although,
I hate it when one of them is sad. I like how Maura is trying to get Jane to
acknowledge the reality of what might happen. As I mentioned near the
beginning, these scenes on the front steps remind me of the scenes Angie had on
Women’s Murder Club – one where Jill is sitting there, and another when Tom is
there waiting for her to arrive. Here, I love how they panned back on the two
of them just sitting there with Maura giving Jane comfort. So sweet. That
somehow reminded me of an Amanda Tapping “crane shot”. I think AT should direct
(and act in) an episode of R&I.
Other notes:
I would have actually liked to see more of Coach
Phillips. Maybe we can have another episode with the BCU football program
involved and the Coach will get more screen time.
I’m bummed that Camille & Robin had seemed to
disappear after having the beers at the bar. I would have liked a ‘closure’
scene with them – or at least something more.
Did the ex-girlfriend/employee, Laura, remind
anyone of the crazy ass ex-girlfriend from that episode with the Croatian
brides and the wedding cake? I had
flashbacks of that.
And I don’t think I mentioned the cute Jane hijinks
while frantically cleaning up her apartment, changing shirts and throwing the
laundry basket aside. That’s the Jane Rizzoli I’ve missed.
More caps:
Guest Stars:
Ryan Carnes (Dan MacKenzie)
Barbara Eve Harris (Camille Frost)
Mercedes Colon (Robin Jackson)
Anthony Alabi (Enzo ’End Zone’ Womack)
Annie Burgstede (Laura Stephens)
Amanda Clayton (Valentina Smith)
Felix Avitia (Cameron Jackson)
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