So, let’s cover the main points:
1. Gotta love the return of Rondo. Last week, it was Mo. This week, we get Rondo. I love this guy. Loved his little cardboard sign as well – “"Will work for Vanilla" LOL The interesting part is that Mama R knows Rondo as a musician from back in the day. Oh my. And then there’s the cute interaction he always has with Jane. "You understand that C.I. doesn't stand for Crazy Individual?" That’s my Janie.

BTW - I think I even ship Jane/Rondo...and I'm not afraid to say it. So there.
2. Did they really have to go overboard in bringing love interests for both of our ladies in the same episode? If they’re going to go down the “love interest” route, how long before they hook up Mama R & Korsak? That’s actually one hook-up that I’d really like to see.
If they do have to bring in a boyfriend for Jane, I really hope they stay with Casey. He’s SO much better than Dickhead Dean. I know they had Casey as being kind of a jerk in his return here, but we see that it’s because his legs have been injured in combat and he thinks Jane deserves better than what he can give her the way he is now. That makes me love him even more.
I was bummed at their frosty reunion -
C:hello Jane
J:hello Colonel

However, Maura knows her LLBFF like no one else can. With just a single look from Jane, she knows.
M: Oh my God. did you like him more than Dean? You did, didn’t you?
Maura, honey, we all liked Casey more than Dean. Dean was an ass. Casey is…sweet, even if he’s trying to push Jane out of his life because he doesn’t think he’s good enough now. Oh, and did I mention Jane hitting Maura with the pillow?

Maura knows the remedy for Jane
J: I can’t focus.
M: go interrogate. Studies show that the best antidote for heartbreak is distraction.
(Hmmm…so that’s what the first two episodes of this season were all about. Now I get it. LOL)
J: Okay, but the only reason that I’m going is because if I don’t I’m afraid I’m going to spend the rest of my life curled up in the fetal position on your couch… and your couch blows.

M: you’re fixated on Casey. Why don’t you just talk to him?
J: I’d rather juggle your scalpels.
M: don’t you want to know?
J: oh, I know…it’s over.
M: The University of Missouri researchers do say that men avoid intimate conversations, anyway.
J: really? What a surprising outcome.
M: he doesn’t deserve you, Jane.
J: can you please distract me with some sort of scientific mumbo jumbo?
Awwww that scene just makes my heart melt. “he doesn’t deserve you”. I’m so glad these two have hugged & made up last week, cuz this is the wonderful LLBFF stuff that I’ve missed. And for the record, Dickhead Dean doesn’t deserve Jane. Casey does, but he’s trying to be all ‘sensitive guy’ about the situation he’s in now, and not telling her about it.
3. On the other hand…Maura, what the hell were you thinking? “Peanuts Man” is no better than Giovanni. Yes, I’m calling the guy “peanuts man”. In Sasha’s interview on The Talk, she mentioned how her daughter calls her little brother’s ‘boy parts’ his ‘peanuts’. I thought that was hysterical. Thus, Maura’s new guy shall be referred to as ‘Peanuts Man’.
"His penis has a pulse" Oy. I actually think the not-so-dead guy came "to life" because he heard Jane's sexy voice. I mean, let’s face it - Angie’s voice is the definition of pure sex.
4. speaking of “peanuts man”, it takes a guy like him to get Maura to break the law? Really? And to be caught tagging by Frankie? Maura, you’re only supposed to do 'outrageous' things with your LLBFF, because she’s a cop and she wouldn’t let you do anything that would break the law. "I wish that I could help you solve these murders, but...I'll be in jail." Maura, I hate to tell you this, but I think your Irish mob DNA is slowly starting to make its presence known.

5. It’s great to see that our ladies are back to their semi-normal selves.
I like how Jane is always the one to remind Maura that she's a doctor. In the morgue scene where they realize the ‘dead’ guy isn’t quite so dead, Jane gives the reminder again.
J: Maura, do something
M: someone needs to perform a cricothyrotomy.
J: oh, what about you? You’re here, you could do it.

We know that Jane does the emergency surgery stuff only if it's a life & death situation for Maura. Now that Maura is quite coherent and not on the verge of losing her leg, Jane leaves the doctoring to the doctor. But she will hunt through drawers & workbenches to find the proper tools for her doc.
Then when the EMT’s arrive and take the guy away, Maura seems to still be on her adrenaline rush.
J: well, that was exciting.
M: you think we should bump fists?

A Jane/Maura fist bump? Yep. The girls are definitely back. And it seems that Maura has become more comfortable in Jane’s world, coming up with the idea of the fist bump. Now, if she just would have had some clue about Ted Williams to begin the episode…. Oh well, small baby steps, I guess.
6. It just occurred to me that we didn’t get to see either Jo Friday or Bass in this episode. I guess the two love-interests took over the screen time for our favorite pets in this one. I’m not amused.
7. we know things are really getting bad for Jane when we hear "I'm thinking of becoming a nun" followed by a hug from Mama R. Oh my. This coming from the woman who doesn't do hugs with anyone, except for her LLBFF (okay, and sometimes her mama, it seems)

8. Maura's new nickname
J: Why would you tell my mother about Casey?
M: sorry. Jane look.
J: oh, okay. No problem. Not mad. Why don’t you tell her I got a vibrator too? (Maura shows her a piece of paper) Frankie wrote you up for vandalism. Maura, you were tagging?
M: I was with Dennis
J: never date a zombie. They have no respect for the law.
M: Jane, I have a confession. I liked it. I liked it. I liked breaking the law. It made me feel like who I used to be…someone who took chances.
J: someone who commits felonies and can’t keep her mouth shut. That’s great.
M: I just said I was sorry.
Susie enters.
S: sorry to interrupt
J: oh that’s okay we were just discussing the case of the lovesick, blabbermouth tagger.
Awww We get a bit more of Susie. I’m glad they’re bringing her more into the picture. I want even more, please.
9. They're really bringing us a lot of Frostie (Frost/Frankie) lately. They're kinda cute together. I wonder when they’re going to promote Frankie to detective and have Frost/Frankie and Jane/Korsak paired up. Then maybe we’ll get two different non-connected cases in an episode. On second thought, that would make the show too much like CSI. Better not go down that road.
10. Where was Jane to interrupt that very strange date. Maura was really looking uncomfortable. Watching her try to unzip her dress gives me the sudden urge to go back & watch the "unzip me" episode with Jane & Maura to get this icky vision out of my mind.

remember? "unzip me"

A much better image for my brain, thank you.
At least they skip past any more icky parts and come right back with our two ladies in the morgue.
J: could it be from…oh, I don’t know…a tomahawk? Just a wild guess.
M: well, perhaps I could confirm the weapon if you told me what my future wardrobe is…forest green umpsuit for my prison stay or the fluorescent orange for my court-mandated trash collecting?
J: does the zombie want to know, too?
M: oh, I forgot to tell you, he sculpts in the nude.
J: I want to hear everything…a-after we catch the tomahawk killer. Focus.
M: I can’t concentrate. The thought of my impending incarceration…
J: stop
M: okay, you’re right. You’re right. Martha Stewart flourished in jail. But she was in a minimum security prison. Where do taggers go?
J: oh, can you please just tell me if the wounds on Steve Bogart are from the same weapon that killed Justin & Bernard.
M: (smells the body)
J: let me guess…he smells.
M: Yes. You know, I really am preoccupied. Don’t you smell it? It’s acetic acid.
J: huh. Cool?
M: well, it is, because it tells me that he was killed more than 72 hours ago.
J: what? Three days ago? Wait. So Steve here was killed before Justin & Bernard. (she goes to leave) Ooop. I forgot something. The summons that Frankie wrote you was a fake. You can wear your McQueen on your next date with the zombie.
M: oh, my god. I’m so relieved. I can feel my cortisol level dropping. Wait. Why did you let me suffer?
J: Trying to scare you straight.
M: I will never tag again.
J: just don’t gossip with my mother.
M: that too.
Jane... Do you realize what you just said? You don’t want Maura to be straight. Uh, wait a minute. That means Maura really isn’t straight to begin with. We knew that, didn’t we? Yes, yes. I know you non-rizzles shippers will say that all Jane meant by the “straight” comment is Maura being ‘unlawful’ and defacing public property. Rizzles shippers will have another idea. Oh, and I think Jane didn’t tell her right away because she was paying her back for not telling Jane about her TP tail last week.
11. It’s Jane’s turn for a broken heart
J: I’ve been having this conversation in my head for a ong time
C: Jane, it’s not a good time to talk.
J: no, I-I understand that it’s not a good time to talk when you’re 6,000 miles away and people are shooting at you, but you came home and you didn’t tell me and I don’t understand why.
C: I don’t want to have this conversation.
J: Casey, you & I have been friends since high school. And then when we saw each other again, I wasn’t some goofy freshman & you weren’t Mr Big Man on Campus anymore. We-we were just people. Two people that had-had been through some bad things. I-I fell in love with you.
C: Jane, please.
J: and I know you did. I know it, because they sent you to some godforsaken, war-torn desert, and you kept calling me to hear my voice.
C: and then I stopped, didn’t I? I have your phone number. If I’d wanted to see you, I…if I had anything to offer you, I would have reached out. But I didn’t, and I don’t. the only people in my life I have room for are these wounded vets. I’m sorry, Jane.
J: I’m sorry too.
Jane walks away. Casey brings up the picture on his desktop of he & Jane. His co-worker in the wheelchair comes through the door to tell him “you’re a fool”. Casey closes his laptop and slowly gets to his feet, braces on both legs and he shakily stands on his crutches.
Yep. No doubt. Maura is the top choice, but if it has to be a choice between Casey and Dickhead Dean, Casey wins that without a fight.
12. of course Maura’s there to pick up the pieces of Jane’s broken heart.
J: well that was a great idea. He said I was the girl of his dreams.
M: maybe it’s just too hard for him to be in a relationship right now.
J: yeah, with me. Ever.
M: (hands Jane a tissue) Jane, I’m so sorry.
J: let’s go do something crazy.
M: you feel like tagging?
J: no. god no. not that crazy.
M: oh. Oh, so you mean like “graham crackers & canned frosting” crazy?
J: and a box of Shiraz.
M: it’s a little too peppery and full-bodied...
J: work with me.
M: okay.

Hmmm does anyone else see this as a reversal of the Maura/Ian ending back in season 2? Here it was Maura handing Jane the tissue and trying to cheer her up. And it's sweet to see that no matter how many male love interests they throw at these ladies, we always seem to end with Jane & Maura together. Awwwww
13. was there a plot to this episode? Nope? Didn’t think so. ‘Cause no one really cares about plots in this show, right? It’s all about the character interactions.
overall - we get erection, vibrator and zombie references. That's one reason that I love this show. It's not afraid to speak its mind.
a few more random caps:

I just started watching. Why soes the Casey character have a British accent when online and then it disappears for the rest of the show??
ReplyDeleteJane mentions (I think it was ep 2x01) that Casey came to Boston from England when he was young, and they went to school together for a number of years. I'm guessing, like many people who have moved to different regions throughout their lifetime, accents come and go, depending on the people they're around.
ReplyDeleteOnly a few more weeks and hopefully we'll see Jane turn down Casey's ultimatum and eventually end up with someone good for her. If she agrees to marry someone who has treated her like crap, I'm going to have to stop watching.