It still begs the question - why do the CSI writers ALWAYS have to end the season with a "bang" (or in this case, more of a slight whimper)? Do they STILL not realize after all this time that the greatest ending for any of the 12 seasons of this show is still season 1 - with the entire team sitting at a diner & eating breakfast together. The case was solved, the FBI got the credit, but our favorite team just shrugged it off and continued on with their normal routine.
Did we really come to the point of actually caring about DB's granddaughter yet? We just met her. She might as well have been listed as a "red shirt". Back when Lindsey was in peril during Lady Heather's Box, and again in season 7's BTK, we had already known/heard about Lindsey for years. That's why we cared. Maybe they should have had Charlie (DB's son) kidnapped in this instead. We've seen him before a couple times. Maybe we'd care more.
I still can't figure out - were they really trying to rip off the Cath/Sam shooting scenario in BTK2 with Morgan & Ecklie in this one? Could they seriously not come up with anything more original that recycling the biggest moment in the Cath/Sam relationship?
Another reason I've almost lost total interest in the show is that there's no "team" anymore. It's DB and his family (his continually increasing family), a transfered CSI whom Russell used to supervise, another transfered CSI who is the daughter of the Undersheriff, and the remaining three from the "original" cast, who really don't seem to do a lot these days. Add a glimpse of Doc Robbins, a touch of Brass (when he's even there) and a wimpy excuse for a plot, and that's all there is lately. Oh, wait. I forgot the dead body. There's ALWAYS got to be a dead body in each case now, right? No simple kidnappings, no trick rolls, no burglaries - unless there's a dead body. Maybe they're turning over a new leaf for the beginning of next seasons, because you know they won't let DB's grandkid die. We know George is coming back so Nick won't be leaving, and I've gotta figure they're not going to be cliche enough to kill off Ecklie like they did Sam (with hardly even a mention of Sam's passing in the next season), so what's really the point of all this drama. Why not come up with an interesting case that doesn't include corrupt law enforcement? (That has become such a cliche)
Okay, okay. Rant enough for ya?
Let's move on to brighter things --
such as this week's episode of NCIS:Los Angeles. Strangely enough, I've been watching this show a bit more. This last episode has been the best so far. I love the Kensi/Deeks episodes. This one had the two posing undercover as a married couple. You can only guess the fun & hijinks that scenario caused. It was awesome - especially when Kensi kicked that lady's ass during their fight. You don't mess with Kensi Blye.
Since today is Friday, that means a new Fairly Legal episode as well. Looking back to last week's episode, I was actually surprised that I'm kind of starting to like Ben - sort of, anyway. I guess he's acceptable in very small doses. They just need to get rid of his overly abundant annoying snark and save that for the one that really does it best - Kate. I also really like the way they've toned down Lauren a bit. Thankfully they've taken away much of the Kate/Lauren "evil stepmother" synopsis...a little bit anyway.
Also last friday brought the series finale of In Plain Sight. While I knew Mary & Marshall wouldn't get together, it was nice to see a happy ending for all. Through the five seasons, I even grew to like Stan really well. He kind of reminded me of CSI's Conrad Ecklie. Their characters really started to grow on me as they were finally given some character development.
Taking a quick look at new shows - I saw some of the first pics for the new show, Chicago Fire.

It made me nostalgic and wanting to dig out my old vhs tapes of LA Firefighters, with Jarrod Emick, Christine Elise, and Alexandra Hedison.

I also saw yesterday that Parenthood has been renewed for another season. It'll be great to have some more Bonnie Bedelia sightings again. I just wish the sightings occurred more often.
on a final note - I saw this pic of this sculpture made of tin cans.

Maybe they should put it next to Constance Isles "hanging water bottle" exhibit that Jane "adored" so much on Rizzoli and Isles.

and related to Rizzoli & Isles - I just saw the cute little interview with Sasha Alexander & her daughter, Lucia, from the new issue of Redbook. Lucia interviews her mom. So cute. ( you can check it out here at the Ausxip website )
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