1. Marg is even featured in the Horoscope section of next week’s issue of TV Guide.

And how lovely was it to have a CSI episode airing on Marg’s birthday yesterday? Well, it would have been even more lovely if the writers wouldn’t have pissed me off by killing off Detective Vega.
Don’t get me started again. You can just read the review from last night instead.
2.I see that Marg’s former CSI co-star, Laurence Fishburne, is in an upcoming tv movie on ABC on Sunday, Nov 27th.

It’s interesting how he goes from playing serial killer prey-turned killer to a man of the cloth who used to be a druggie. Guess there’s something to be said for continuity.
3. Rizzoli & Isles is back. Let me repeat that – Rizzoli & Isles IS BACK. Yes, I know. It’s still 11 days away, but – who doesn’t love seeing these three wonderful ladies together?

I love how Lorraine has somehow become part of the spotlight again. They made a great decision to split up Angela & Frank and allow Lorraine to have a more diverse role than just as Jane’s nosy mama. Now, if they can just hook up Angela with Korsak…
4. To no one’s surprise - NCIS is still on top. The two-part story these past two weeks were absolutely wonderful. I love how this show seems to have the same reverence for the Marines & our servicemen & women as Stargate SG1 did portraying the Air Force. I'm also pleased to hear that Robert Wagner is back next week as Tony's dad.

Also – take a look at who’s been out & about. Yep, not only Pauley, but Mark & Pam as well.

The ugly step-sister show, NCIS:LA has a couple of cuties, including Eric Olsen

5. Hell On Wheels had a fabulous episode this past weekend. I loved seeing both Ian Tracey and Christopher Heyerdahl with fairly large parts. Chris was so wonderful as The Swede (who’s “actually Norwegian – but we’re all Americans now, right?”) My mind kept going back to Amanda Tapping asking Chris’ dad for assistance when she had to speak Norwegian. Chris didn’t need to for this role, I’m guessing. I know I’ve really missed Chris as John Druitt on Sanctuary this season – even though he’s still been on as Bigfoot. I’d really love to see John come back soon.

6. 2 Broke Girls are really starting to gain momentum – and I’m really starting to get into the show more each week. I still keep thinking of them as a new version of Jo & Blair from the Facts of Life.

7. It was announced earlier this week that production on Maria Bello’s Prime Suspect has been halted. That TOTALLY sucks. I think the show was really starting to find its stride after the first few episodes of the whole woman-in-a-man’s-world issues resolved itself. I guess the bright spot is that Maria would now be available to fill Marg’s very large & very unique shoes on CSI. Just sayin’.

8. CMT brings back another round of Crossroads. This time we get Vince Gill & Sting together. That just might actually be one I’ll watch. The show started out so promising in the first season or two – then went hopelessly down the drain with some really, really weird pairings.

9. I saw this ad for a new Lea Thompson movie. Not sure if it sounds very intriguing, but maybe I’ll take a look.

10. Yes, the barrage of Christmas programming is all set & ready to go. The first thing I had to smile about when I saw the upcoming schedules is that The Sound Of Music is, once again, playing on Christmas Day. Yes, TSoM is my ALL-TIME favorite movie. I know it forwards, backwards, inside-out and every-which-way. No matter how many million times I’ve seen it, I just can’t pass up watching it yet again. Sometimes I just take out my dvds and watch that version, since it includes extra commentaries with Julie Andrews.
And then there’s the SyFy trio

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