The end of February is nearing. Is there any way we can just skip ahead to the end of March now and avoid March Madness? It definitely gets to be ‘madness’ at work for at least the first couple weeks of March. Talk about sports overload.
Last weekend, I finished watching the first two seasons of Downton Abbey. Strangely enough, I spent 9 hours sitting on my bed watching it…with my MOTHER. I swear that had to be the weirdest day of my life. Anyway, by the end of season 2, I think I finally had learned all of the characters’ names. I mean, seriously, that show has so darn many characters – and it keeps going so fast - that it’s hard to remember who’s who. I just want to give Anna a real big hug. I don't know how they're going to get Bates out of his predicament. And I was clapping for Matthew & Mary at the end.
Last night brought another lovely episode of NCIS, and last night’s appearance by Jamie Lee Curtis just strengthened my belief that this show ALWAYS gets the best guest stars. Unlike some shows, that shall remain nameless (CSI), this show has always found a way to use those characters to their fullest, and usually doesn’t waste the performances of great guest actors. It’s good to see that JLC’s character, Dr Ryan, wasn’t the baddie and she will be back later (as confirmed by Pauley P). The only recurring character that semi-annoys me is Kate’s sister, as they had her on again last night.
I also caught most of last night’s Body of Proof. I had to chuckle at the very cliché “body found in the wall” scenario. That must be a prerequisite for each & every crime show that there has to be a “corpse in the wall” episode. As always, I enjoyed the lovely (but short) Kate/Megan moments. I loved Megan’s reaction when Kate said she was demoted – a “let me go give them a piece of my mind” declaration. I also have to mention the great song they played at the end of the episode – Diane Birch’s “rewind”. One thing this show is really good at is having some great music.
I also watched NCIS:LA last night, as I heard it was going to be centered on Kensi. The only bad part is that she was a suspect and really didn’t get to do much other than look concerned. Hopefully the continuation next week will have her kicking some butt, as long as they don’t have her stuck in a hospital bed now that she took a bullet to end the ep. WHY do they do that to me? UGH.
Looking ahead to the rest of this week:
Jeff Kober is on tonight’s episode of CSI. Too bad they couldn’t get him on before Marg left. They never worked together the first time he was on the show, either. I might just get the urge to go back & rewatch China Beach episodes, and maybe even the not-so-great “Gold Coast”. Oh, that reminds me – I still haven’t watched his appearance in New Girl last week. I caught the promo for tonight’s CSI episode last night. At least Jorja’s in it, so there’ll be at least some reason to watch. I’m still not sure about Elisabeth Shue’s character – especially if they continue with the too-sugary, flirty, annoying, cliché banter with Finn & Dieberkorn. Otherwise, I liked her presence & strength of character. I enjoyed her scenes with Greg.
Speaking of CSI – Louise Lombard will be on tomorrow’s episode of The Mentalist. It’ll be great to see her again. I wonder if she’ll have her regular accent. And a toothpick would be nice too. I can’t remember if she has the dark hair or the blonde hair for this one. The always-evil, but ever-wonderful Malcolm McDowell is in this one as well.
Also tomorrow night on Fox, Peta Wilson will be on The Finder. I’ve never seen the show. I hope she has a decent part. It’ll probably give me the urge to go back & watch all five seasons of La Femme Nikita again. I really miss that Nikita. I’ve pretty much stopped watching the new incarnation of Nikita – even though Melinda Clarke’s Amanda is in charge. The whole show just turned into something totally different than what it started as. Sometimes that can be a good thing (like Sanctuary, for instance), but for this show, it just made me lost interest.
If you’re keeping track of upcoming dvd releases, here are a few:
April 17th: Eight is Enough S1
May 15th: Hell on Wheels S1
May 22nd: Rizzoli & Isles S2
I was looking through TV Guide’s listings of upcoming pilots for the Fall 2012 tv season. I noticed Aubrey Dollar was set to co-star in an untitled Hilary Winston project for NBC. It would be great if she can get on a regular show again. She was great in her recent appearance on Blue Bloods, even though I thought the episode itself was just so-so.
Another familiar name that popped up as I was browsing through the lists was Sanctuary’s Agam Darshi. She’s to be in a pilot (“County”) about an LA hospital.
Speaking of Sanctuary – are they EVER going to let us know about season 5? If it’s a “yes”, I’ll be jumping for joy. If it’s a “no”, then I’ll be sulky & moody, but for goodness sake, just LET US KNOW THE DECISION SOON.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Mid-Week This n That
body of proof,
downton abbey,
peta wilson,
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Thursday This N That
It’s time for another round of This n That – ramblings from a quirky, pessimistic, unstable mind.
That reminds me – I saw an article that said disrupted sleep can lead to Alzheimer’s disease. Oy. I’m so doomed if that’s the case.
Anyway, let’s get to what’s become a weekly tv roundup.
- Last Friday, I watched my first episode of Blue Bloods, since Aubrey Dollar was on. She didn’t have a real big part, but it was nice to see her on screen again. It makes me miss Women’s Murder Club all the more. As for the episode itself, I found it kind of a standard, boring cop show. Speaking of Blue Bloods, I just got next week’s issue of TV Guide in today’s mail, and it had a little feature on Donnie Wahlberg.

As much as I’m glad to see Donnie having success with Blue Bloods, I really wish he’d return to Rizzoli & Isles as Jane’s boss/love interest Joey Grant. Then they could get rid of Dickhead Dean. And that would reunite him with Aubrey Dollar’s WMC co-star, Angie Harmon. See, it’s all about that one degree of separation.
- It’s strange to say, but after last week’s wonderful 200th episode of NCIS, I was kind of disappointed with this week’s show. Maybe it has to do with the obvious eye-rolling ‘superheroes’, or maybe it has to do with Tony’s ex-fiancee acting more like she should have been Gibbs’ ex instead. Either way, I was kind of disappointed. That doesn’t happen very often with this show. TV Guide had a little bit with Pauley Perrette doing the voice of Lois Lane.

- Tuesday also brought us a new episode of Body of Proof. This one was fun because it had Robert Picardo as a main guest star. It was great to see Bob & Dana back together again. All that was missing was KC from KC. (you know who I mean) Yes, it was also a Star Trek reunion with Jeri Ryan & Bob P, but I was never a Trekkie, so that didn’t mean anything to me. Now we just need Bob P on Sanctuary (are they EVER going to give us news of a renewal?) and Rizzoli & Isles and then the Picardo quadrangle reunion would be complete. (Dana = China Beach & BoP; Jeri = Star Trek & BoP; Amanda Tapping = SG1/Atlantis & Sanctuary; Angie Harmon = WMC & R&I)
- Speaking of KC from KC, last night’s CSI brought the introduction of Elisabeth Shue as blood expert Julie Finlay, and the first episode without sight nor mention of Catherine Willows. That was quite depressing. While I do like the spunk & energy of the new character, I really hope they don’t continue the flirty backstory with her and DB – or do we make that Dieberkorn now? I much rather prefer Moonbeam Russell.

There was also some nice Sara moments on last night’s show, including some lovely Sara/Greg screen time. I always love seeing those two together. And I can't forget to mention the appearance of Mary Page Keller. My mom used to watch Another World back in the day, and I remember her from that.

As for the episode itself, too much of my least-favorite character made it just a so-so episode. It was really nice to see Lou Vartann getting some decent screen time, however, that also made me miss Jim Brass even more. Where’s the happy medium? Or just bring me back Sofia and I won’t be complaining about any of that.
- I missed SVU last night. From the previews, it was to be a good Kelli Giddish episode. I really need to get caught up with that episode this weekend. TV Guide had a mini interview with HCJ about his guest appearances on the show.

- There were also a few previews & posters for some new shows, including Awake (the preview I saw a while ago has me only so-so on this show) and GCB. As much as I love Annie Potts, I’m hesitant with this show.

- speaking of promos/previews, this ad for House Hunters had me chuckling. By looking at this promo, you’d never know the show wasn’t a full-blown comedy

- I got the new issue of Ladies Home Journal today and was pleased to see a photoshoot with Beth Behrs from 2 Broke Girls

- on a final note, I see that Morena Baccarin is to be on The Mentalist again tonight. At least that means there’s something to watch
That reminds me – I saw an article that said disrupted sleep can lead to Alzheimer’s disease. Oy. I’m so doomed if that’s the case.
Anyway, let’s get to what’s become a weekly tv roundup.
- Last Friday, I watched my first episode of Blue Bloods, since Aubrey Dollar was on. She didn’t have a real big part, but it was nice to see her on screen again. It makes me miss Women’s Murder Club all the more. As for the episode itself, I found it kind of a standard, boring cop show. Speaking of Blue Bloods, I just got next week’s issue of TV Guide in today’s mail, and it had a little feature on Donnie Wahlberg.

As much as I’m glad to see Donnie having success with Blue Bloods, I really wish he’d return to Rizzoli & Isles as Jane’s boss/love interest Joey Grant. Then they could get rid of Dickhead Dean. And that would reunite him with Aubrey Dollar’s WMC co-star, Angie Harmon. See, it’s all about that one degree of separation.
- It’s strange to say, but after last week’s wonderful 200th episode of NCIS, I was kind of disappointed with this week’s show. Maybe it has to do with the obvious eye-rolling ‘superheroes’, or maybe it has to do with Tony’s ex-fiancee acting more like she should have been Gibbs’ ex instead. Either way, I was kind of disappointed. That doesn’t happen very often with this show. TV Guide had a little bit with Pauley Perrette doing the voice of Lois Lane.

- Tuesday also brought us a new episode of Body of Proof. This one was fun because it had Robert Picardo as a main guest star. It was great to see Bob & Dana back together again. All that was missing was KC from KC. (you know who I mean) Yes, it was also a Star Trek reunion with Jeri Ryan & Bob P, but I was never a Trekkie, so that didn’t mean anything to me. Now we just need Bob P on Sanctuary (are they EVER going to give us news of a renewal?) and Rizzoli & Isles and then the Picardo quadrangle reunion would be complete. (Dana = China Beach & BoP; Jeri = Star Trek & BoP; Amanda Tapping = SG1/Atlantis & Sanctuary; Angie Harmon = WMC & R&I)
- Speaking of KC from KC, last night’s CSI brought the introduction of Elisabeth Shue as blood expert Julie Finlay, and the first episode without sight nor mention of Catherine Willows. That was quite depressing. While I do like the spunk & energy of the new character, I really hope they don’t continue the flirty backstory with her and DB – or do we make that Dieberkorn now? I much rather prefer Moonbeam Russell.

There was also some nice Sara moments on last night’s show, including some lovely Sara/Greg screen time. I always love seeing those two together. And I can't forget to mention the appearance of Mary Page Keller. My mom used to watch Another World back in the day, and I remember her from that.

As for the episode itself, too much of my least-favorite character made it just a so-so episode. It was really nice to see Lou Vartann getting some decent screen time, however, that also made me miss Jim Brass even more. Where’s the happy medium? Or just bring me back Sofia and I won’t be complaining about any of that.
- I missed SVU last night. From the previews, it was to be a good Kelli Giddish episode. I really need to get caught up with that episode this weekend. TV Guide had a mini interview with HCJ about his guest appearances on the show.

- There were also a few previews & posters for some new shows, including Awake (the preview I saw a while ago has me only so-so on this show) and GCB. As much as I love Annie Potts, I’m hesitant with this show.

- speaking of promos/previews, this ad for House Hunters had me chuckling. By looking at this promo, you’d never know the show wasn’t a full-blown comedy

- I got the new issue of Ladies Home Journal today and was pleased to see a photoshoot with Beth Behrs from 2 Broke Girls

- on a final note, I see that Morena Baccarin is to be on The Mentalist again tonight. At least that means there’s something to watch
2 broke girls,
amanda tapping,
body of proof,
rizzoli n isles,
tv show,
Friday, February 10, 2012
Finally Friday TnT
With the exception of Tuesdays, and a little bit on Wednesdays, my current tv viewing schedule is pretty much empty. I'm eager for the returns of Fairly Legal, In Plain Sight, and can the summer return of Rizzoli & Isles get here any sooner?
2 Broke Girls is still keeping me amused on Mondays. I still believe that Max & Caroline are Facts of Life's Jo & Blair reincarnated. It's what the duo would have been without Natalie, Tootie or Mrs G.
I'm still trying to figure out why all of the good shows are scrunched in on Tuesday nights.
Did you catch this week's 200th episode of NCIS, "Life Before His Eyes"? I think it's one of the best that they've ever done. I wasn't much of a fan of the CGI images of Kate that they incorporated, but it was nice to have a brief return of the Kate snark. The most pleasant surprise was seeing Clare Carey as Gibbs' mother. I always love when my various fandoms collide. Clare played CIA agent Kerry Johnson on Stargate SG1, and a quick fling of Jack O'Neill. I might have even liked a Kerry/Jack romance if I wasn't such a big Sam/Jack shipper. Anyway, back to NCIS... it was great to see all of the familiar faces, Papa Gibbs, Jenny Shepherd, Mike Franks, Fornell, Riley, Ari, and even Mark Harmon's son returns as a young Gibbs, and of course Shannon & Kelly. Then there was Mackenzie Astin as part of the new case. And how about McGee & Abby being married? Those two are so cute together.
Yes, I'll reiterate that NCIS always gets the great guest stars. That's including Jamie Lee Curtis & Sean Astin - whom you can see in a recent tweet by Michael Weatherly. (photo) (MW's Twitter) Too bad they didn't have Mack & Sean in the same episode.
This past Tuesday also brought the premiere of The River.

I wasn't really blown away by the premiere, but may give it another viewing.
Wednesday brought the first episode of CSI without Marg. It was heartwarming to see the various mentions that they had about Catherine throughout the episode - first with Greg staring, as if heartbroken, into Catherine's empty office. Then Nick comes up to him.
G: have you talked to Catherine?
N: yeah. yeah, have you?
G: yeah.She, uh, sounded good.
N: yeah. She'll show those FBI boys how to fly straight, huh?
G: she did it for me.
N: she did it for all of us.
G: well, Quantico isn't that far, right?
N: no, not really.
Awwwww. I think they all need a big, big hug.
Later in the episode, Sara tries to give DB a pep talk in the morgue as he's having problems distancing himself from the case.
DB: Can I tell you something crazy? You know how kids are always bumping into something or falling out of something, and they get those cuts & scrapes? I've been saving my kids' bandaids for years. Keep them in the refrigerator.
S: DNA reference
DB: yeah.
S: it's not so crazy. I know somebody who used to work here. She used to do the same thing.
I love the recall back to "I like to watch", where Catherine talks to the camera guy in the locker room:
Camera: Is that your daughter?
Cath: Oh, yeah, these are old pictures. She's a teenager now.
Camera: With all the things you see on this job, do you ever worry about her?
Cath: Are you kidding? I keep a vial of her blood in my freezer.
Camera: Like as a DNA sample in case you need to identify her?
Cath: Well ... one thing you learn doing this job is that bad things happen to people who never expect it ... every day
It's great to hear that recalled back from Sara.
The ending scene of the ep has DB standing in Catherine's empty office. He seems to be still affected by the case he just solved, so he calls Catherine.
DB: hey Catherine. I didn't wake you up, did I? ... no, I know, I know, I'm gonna go home in a minute. I'm just not quite ready yet. ... One of those days. ... No, we're fine. We're fine. Uh, my wife & I have a little contract between us, there's certain things I don't bring home from work. And, um, well today, um, ... I lost one today, Catherine. And, uh, I can't stop seeing her face & can't stop feeling like, you know, there's something I should've done. You know, something more. ... No, I know. I know. I will. I will. It's, uh, I just wanted to talk to you. Knew you'd understand.
Awwwwwwww. I think we need another group hug. As far as the episode goes, it was a pretty good episode for Sara, but the story itself was extremely boring. The downside in this one is that even with the extra female presence of Sara, Morgan, and all of the female victims, Catherine's strong feminine presence was still sorely missed. I can only hope that Elisabeth Shue's new character can fill much of that void. Now is when I wish we'd get the return of early-season snarky, sarcastic, and tough Sara Sidle instead of the den-mother Sara that we've seen since her return to the show.
With Marg gone from CSI, that seems to give me more ambition to watch SVU with Mariska & Kelli. I loved the episode this week, where Liv puts herself in the line of fire and becomes the negotiator for a young guy who's got a couple hostages. Not only was Liv great in diffusing his anger, but she looks darn hot in a Kevlar vest.
A heads-up for any fans of the old series, Women's Murder Club: Aubrey Dollar (Cindy) is to be on tonight's episode of Blue Bloods. And for the China Beach fans, did you catch Jeff Kober on this week's episode of New Girl? I have yet to watch it, but it's on my "to-do list" for this weekend.
Also on my "to-do list" is geting caught up on Downton Abbey. Here's a small article that US Weekly had recently about the show.

And yes, Shirley MacLaine has signed on to be Cora's mother.
On a final note, since Valentine's Day is next week, it makes me think of romance. Therefore, it makes me think of Random Acts of Romance, a movie which is currently being filmed. It includes sci-fi queen, Amanda Tapping. They bring us some nice daily extras at their website:
2 Broke Girls is still keeping me amused on Mondays. I still believe that Max & Caroline are Facts of Life's Jo & Blair reincarnated. It's what the duo would have been without Natalie, Tootie or Mrs G.
I'm still trying to figure out why all of the good shows are scrunched in on Tuesday nights.
Did you catch this week's 200th episode of NCIS, "Life Before His Eyes"? I think it's one of the best that they've ever done. I wasn't much of a fan of the CGI images of Kate that they incorporated, but it was nice to have a brief return of the Kate snark. The most pleasant surprise was seeing Clare Carey as Gibbs' mother. I always love when my various fandoms collide. Clare played CIA agent Kerry Johnson on Stargate SG1, and a quick fling of Jack O'Neill. I might have even liked a Kerry/Jack romance if I wasn't such a big Sam/Jack shipper. Anyway, back to NCIS... it was great to see all of the familiar faces, Papa Gibbs, Jenny Shepherd, Mike Franks, Fornell, Riley, Ari, and even Mark Harmon's son returns as a young Gibbs, and of course Shannon & Kelly. Then there was Mackenzie Astin as part of the new case. And how about McGee & Abby being married? Those two are so cute together.
Yes, I'll reiterate that NCIS always gets the great guest stars. That's including Jamie Lee Curtis & Sean Astin - whom you can see in a recent tweet by Michael Weatherly. (photo) (MW's Twitter) Too bad they didn't have Mack & Sean in the same episode.
This past Tuesday also brought the premiere of The River.

I wasn't really blown away by the premiere, but may give it another viewing.
Wednesday brought the first episode of CSI without Marg. It was heartwarming to see the various mentions that they had about Catherine throughout the episode - first with Greg staring, as if heartbroken, into Catherine's empty office. Then Nick comes up to him.
G: have you talked to Catherine?
N: yeah. yeah, have you?
G: yeah.She, uh, sounded good.
N: yeah. She'll show those FBI boys how to fly straight, huh?
G: she did it for me.
N: she did it for all of us.
G: well, Quantico isn't that far, right?
N: no, not really.
Awwwww. I think they all need a big, big hug.
Later in the episode, Sara tries to give DB a pep talk in the morgue as he's having problems distancing himself from the case.
DB: Can I tell you something crazy? You know how kids are always bumping into something or falling out of something, and they get those cuts & scrapes? I've been saving my kids' bandaids for years. Keep them in the refrigerator.
S: DNA reference
DB: yeah.
S: it's not so crazy. I know somebody who used to work here. She used to do the same thing.
I love the recall back to "I like to watch", where Catherine talks to the camera guy in the locker room:
Camera: Is that your daughter?
Cath: Oh, yeah, these are old pictures. She's a teenager now.
Camera: With all the things you see on this job, do you ever worry about her?
Cath: Are you kidding? I keep a vial of her blood in my freezer.
Camera: Like as a DNA sample in case you need to identify her?
Cath: Well ... one thing you learn doing this job is that bad things happen to people who never expect it ... every day
It's great to hear that recalled back from Sara.
The ending scene of the ep has DB standing in Catherine's empty office. He seems to be still affected by the case he just solved, so he calls Catherine.
DB: hey Catherine. I didn't wake you up, did I? ... no, I know, I know, I'm gonna go home in a minute. I'm just not quite ready yet. ... One of those days. ... No, we're fine. We're fine. Uh, my wife & I have a little contract between us, there's certain things I don't bring home from work. And, um, well today, um, ... I lost one today, Catherine. And, uh, I can't stop seeing her face & can't stop feeling like, you know, there's something I should've done. You know, something more. ... No, I know. I know. I will. I will. It's, uh, I just wanted to talk to you. Knew you'd understand.
Awwwwwwww. I think we need another group hug. As far as the episode goes, it was a pretty good episode for Sara, but the story itself was extremely boring. The downside in this one is that even with the extra female presence of Sara, Morgan, and all of the female victims, Catherine's strong feminine presence was still sorely missed. I can only hope that Elisabeth Shue's new character can fill much of that void. Now is when I wish we'd get the return of early-season snarky, sarcastic, and tough Sara Sidle instead of the den-mother Sara that we've seen since her return to the show.
With Marg gone from CSI, that seems to give me more ambition to watch SVU with Mariska & Kelli. I loved the episode this week, where Liv puts herself in the line of fire and becomes the negotiator for a young guy who's got a couple hostages. Not only was Liv great in diffusing his anger, but she looks darn hot in a Kevlar vest.
A heads-up for any fans of the old series, Women's Murder Club: Aubrey Dollar (Cindy) is to be on tonight's episode of Blue Bloods. And for the China Beach fans, did you catch Jeff Kober on this week's episode of New Girl? I have yet to watch it, but it's on my "to-do list" for this weekend.
Also on my "to-do list" is geting caught up on Downton Abbey. Here's a small article that US Weekly had recently about the show.

And yes, Shirley MacLaine has signed on to be Cora's mother.
On a final note, since Valentine's Day is next week, it makes me think of romance. Therefore, it makes me think of Random Acts of Romance, a movie which is currently being filmed. It includes sci-fi queen, Amanda Tapping. They bring us some nice daily extras at their website:
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